The Umbrella Magnum Revolver Development Story (アンブレラ・マグナムリボルバー開発ストーリー) is a text provided with the release of the "Umbrella Magnum Revolver" airsoft gun inspired by the magnum in biohazard 0. The settings of the text were provided by CAPCOM Japan while the gun itself was manufactured by Tanaka Works.
Source: Archive
Project Umbrella Translation
The pharmaceutical company "Umbrella" is known as a multinational enterprise boasting global-scale shares. The company handles a great variety of products, but aside from daily necessities like supplements and sophisticated medical equipment, there existed "black products" unknown to the public. These were biological weapons that were expected to raise vast profits, represented by the "T-Virus" and its advanced forms, "B.O.W. = Bio Organic Weapons."
However this development was accompanied by many sacrifices. This was because a developmental B.O.W. can become uncontrollable during field tests, killing and wounding R&D team researchers, and frequent accidents damaged precious experiment equipment. In response, a professional special ops unit was formed within Umbrella, a biohazard countermeasure unit (U.B.C.S. = Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service) that suppressed out of control B.O.W.'s. Before long, the damage caused by rampaging B.O.W. accidents decreased in frequency, but there were serious sacrifices of U.B.C.S. members. In a certain case, there was also an instance in which the B.O.W. "Tyrant" went out of control during an experiment and annihilated the U.B.C.S. squad that lucked out on having to suppress it. The main cause of this was their weapons being conventional models used in military and law-enforcement organizations. After all, even though military assault rifles are anti-personnel, it's difficult to kill a B.O.W. possessing much greater vitality and athletic capabilities than a human. There was thus an eager desire for the development of weapons exclusively for anti-B.O.W. applications.
The Umbrella Corporation has its own weapons development section for the sake of the company's security departments (including the U.B.C.S.), so it's no overstatement to even call it a paramilitary organization. Though its main function was customizing conventional firearms and weapons, it also undertook the research and development of anti-B.O.W. weapons. Then they looked at "magnum revolvers." According to past combat data, magnum revolvers were amid the most effective against B.O.W.'s.
As for why that is, what should be mentioned first is the huge stopping power of magnum cartridges. With its phenomenal athletic ability and durability so high it can't be easily killed with normal handguns and assault rifles, even the B.O.W. "Hunter" has had reported cases of being killed in a single shot when using magnum handguns. Despite the superior penetration of the 5.56mm×45 cartridge used in the U.S. Armed Forces' M16/M4 series assault rifles, also adopted by the U.B.C.S., it doesn't deal much damage to a B.O.W. No matter how many small holes made with it, it can't take down a B.O.W.
Magnum handguns are also better in terms of reliability and mobility. High-caliber rifles and shotguns (using slug rounds) have superior stopping power, but they're detrimental to mobility in small spaces, like laboratories, due to the larger size of the gun's main frame. What's more, a quick-moving B.O.W.'s more of a foe than a human. It's also said that favorable magnum handguns could even be called "handcannons."
Additionally, there are two types of magnum handguns, revolver types and automatic types. Even though autos are excellent in regards to bullet capacity and rapid-fire ability, revolvers excel in operability and reliability. That's why a magnum revolver was chosen.
Firearm manufacturers have released many varieties of revolvers that utilize .357 or .44 caliber magnum bullets. Most magnum revolvers were developed for the purpose of competitions and hunting large beasts rather than military or police use, ideal for the base of an anti-B.O.W. weapon. Umbrella Corp.'s weapons development section therefore developed a gun exclusively for anti-B.O.W. use based on a commercial revolver that uses .44 caliber magnum bullets. The "Umbrella Magnum Revolver." This gun incorporated the opinions of some employees with actual combat experience against B.O.W.'s, including U.B.C.S. members, deciding each part's specs. We'll first look at its features.
・Barrel (6in. / 8in.)
In order to improve its reliability as a weapon, a uniquely designed reinforced bull barrel was adopted. It has a ventilated rib to prevent the barrel overheating from continuous shooting and the top of the barrel is made of a useful anti-reflective satin process for when using the sights. In addition, the bull barrel serves a role as a weight to improve the balance of the gun itself, coupled with a magnaport on the tip that softens the barrel's intense reaction and recoil caused by .44 Magnum bullets. A 6inch barrel was initially adopted and a longer 8inch model was developed with a higher muzzle velocity, at some soldiers' request.
・Frame / Cylinder
A reinforced frame was developed in reference to the S&W N-Frame that can fire the .44 Magnum. It's a design that anticipates the usage of more powerful cartridges planned for development in the future. The cylinder was also enhanced and supports various special application ammunition.
An orthodox slim and easy to grasp wooden grip was adopted with an emphasis on operability. The design calculated a favorable balance between the frame and barrel, becoming a shape that achieved the most balance. Anti-slip checkering was performed and a medallion of Umbrella Corp.'s trademark was inserted.
Although more powerful magnum cartridges exist such as the .500 S&W and .454 Casull, the more common .44 Magnum was most favorable considering its affordability (procurement-related = easy to acquire). The .44 Magnum cartridge's moderate penetration and exceptional stopping power were sufficiently powerful for anti-B.O.W. use. Additionally, a variety of special application .44 caliber ammunition are also under development. That includes something that acts instantly on the genes of a B.O.W. itself, breaking it down.
Moreover, since they envisioned it being used by not just sufficiently trained soldiers, but also emergency-use by insufficiently trained researchers, operability was one of the items considered most important. After all a .44 Magnum's recoil is intense and most magnum revolvers can't even be given to inexperienced people. Therefore the above-mentioned barrel and grip were adopted to make the design as ergonomic as possible, improve accuracy, and tone down the recoil. Operability became higher as a result and even beginners would manage to be able to shoot it, also making it easier to deal with a swift-moving B.O.W.
The Umbrella Magnum Revolver was adopted through a number of evaluation trials and deployment started with high-priority posts such as the U.B.C.S. and B.O.W. research facilities, receiving high praise from cases of its use in the field. Even more powerful B.O.W.'s are however under development within the company, and the possibility that even this gun can't deal with them may crop up in the future. Due to this, further improvements (including development of the 8inch model and special-use ammo mentioned above) and development of new weapons will also be necessary. Consequently, the "spear and shield" relationship that could be called the perpetual fate of weapons development continues.
The pharmaceutical company "Umbrella" is known as a multinational enterprise boasting global-scale shares. The company handles a great variety of products, but aside from daily necessities like supplements and sophisticated medical equipment, there existed "black products" unknown to the public. These were biological weapons that were expected to raise vast profits, represented by the "T-Virus" and its advanced forms, "B.O.W. = Bio Organic Weapons."
However this development was accompanied by many sacrifices. This was because a developmental B.O.W. can become uncontrollable during field tests, killing and wounding R&D team researchers, and frequent accidents damaged precious experiment equipment. In response, a professional special ops unit was formed within Umbrella, a biohazard countermeasure unit (U.B.C.S. = Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service) that suppressed out of control B.O.W.'s. Before long, the damage caused by rampaging B.O.W. accidents decreased in frequency, but there were serious sacrifices of U.B.C.S. members. In a certain case, there was also an instance in which the B.O.W. "Tyrant" went out of control during an experiment and annihilated the U.B.C.S. squad that lucked out on having to suppress it. The main cause of this was their weapons being conventional models used in military and law-enforcement organizations. After all, even though military assault rifles are anti-personnel, it's difficult to kill a B.O.W. possessing much greater vitality and athletic capabilities than a human. There was thus an eager desire for the development of weapons exclusively for anti-B.O.W. applications.
The Umbrella Corporation has its own weapons development section for the sake of the company's security departments (including the U.B.C.S.), so it's no overstatement to even call it a paramilitary organization. Though its main function was customizing conventional firearms and weapons, it also undertook the research and development of anti-B.O.W. weapons. Then they looked at "magnum revolvers." According to past combat data, magnum revolvers were amid the most effective against B.O.W.'s.
As for why that is, what should be mentioned first is the huge stopping power of magnum cartridges. With its phenomenal athletic ability and durability so high it can't be easily killed with normal handguns and assault rifles, even the B.O.W. "Hunter" has had reported cases of being killed in a single shot when using magnum handguns. Despite the superior penetration of the 5.56mm×45 cartridge used in the U.S. Armed Forces' M16/M4 series assault rifles, also adopted by the U.B.C.S., it doesn't deal much damage to a B.O.W. No matter how many small holes made with it, it can't take down a B.O.W.
Magnum handguns are also better in terms of reliability and mobility. High-caliber rifles and shotguns (using slug rounds) have superior stopping power, but they're detrimental to mobility in small spaces, like laboratories, due to the larger size of the gun's main frame. What's more, a quick-moving B.O.W.'s more of a foe than a human. It's also said that favorable magnum handguns could even be called "handcannons."
Additionally, there are two types of magnum handguns, revolver types and automatic types. Even though autos are excellent in regards to bullet capacity and rapid-fire ability, revolvers excel in operability and reliability. That's why a magnum revolver was chosen.
Firearm manufacturers have released many varieties of revolvers that utilize .357 or .44 caliber magnum bullets. Most magnum revolvers were developed for the purpose of competitions and hunting large beasts rather than military or police use, ideal for the base of an anti-B.O.W. weapon. Umbrella Corp.'s weapons development section therefore developed a gun exclusively for anti-B.O.W. use based on a commercial revolver that uses .44 caliber magnum bullets. The "Umbrella Magnum Revolver." This gun incorporated the opinions of some employees with actual combat experience against B.O.W.'s, including U.B.C.S. members, deciding each part's specs. We'll first look at its features.
・Barrel (6in. / 8in.)
In order to improve its reliability as a weapon, a uniquely designed reinforced bull barrel was adopted. It has a ventilated rib to prevent the barrel overheating from continuous shooting and the top of the barrel is made of a useful anti-reflective satin process for when using the sights. In addition, the bull barrel serves a role as a weight to improve the balance of the gun itself, coupled with a magnaport on the tip that softens the barrel's intense reaction and recoil caused by .44 Magnum bullets. A 6inch barrel was initially adopted and a longer 8inch model was developed with a higher muzzle velocity, at some soldiers' request.
・Frame / Cylinder
A reinforced frame was developed in reference to the S&W N-Frame that can fire the .44 Magnum. It's a design that anticipates the usage of more powerful cartridges planned for development in the future. The cylinder was also enhanced and supports various special application ammunition.
An orthodox slim and easy to grasp wooden grip was adopted with an emphasis on operability. The design calculated a favorable balance between the frame and barrel, becoming a shape that achieved the most balance. Anti-slip checkering was performed and a medallion of Umbrella Corp.'s trademark was inserted.
Although more powerful magnum cartridges exist such as the .500 S&W and .454 Casull, the more common .44 Magnum was most favorable considering its affordability (procurement-related = easy to acquire). The .44 Magnum cartridge's moderate penetration and exceptional stopping power were sufficiently powerful for anti-B.O.W. use. Additionally, a variety of special application .44 caliber ammunition are also under development. That includes something that acts instantly on the genes of a B.O.W. itself, breaking it down.
Moreover, since they envisioned it being used by not just sufficiently trained soldiers, but also emergency-use by insufficiently trained researchers, operability was one of the items considered most important. After all a .44 Magnum's recoil is intense and most magnum revolvers can't even be given to inexperienced people. Therefore the above-mentioned barrel and grip were adopted to make the design as ergonomic as possible, improve accuracy, and tone down the recoil. Operability became higher as a result and even beginners would manage to be able to shoot it, also making it easier to deal with a swift-moving B.O.W.
The Umbrella Magnum Revolver was adopted through a number of evaluation trials and deployment started with high-priority posts such as the U.B.C.S. and B.O.W. research facilities, receiving high praise from cases of its use in the field. Even more powerful B.O.W.'s are however under development within the company, and the possibility that even this gun can't deal with them may crop up in the future. Due to this, further improvements (including development of the 8inch model and special-use ammo mentioned above) and development of new weapons will also be necessary. Consequently, the "spear and shield" relationship that could be called the perpetual fate of weapons development continues.
official japanese transcript
世界的な規模のシェアを誇る多国籍企業として知られる製薬会社「アンブレラ」。サプリメントのような日用品から高度な医療機器に至るまで、多種多様な製品を扱う同社だが、一般には知られていない「闇の製品」も存在した。それが、「T-ウィルス」に代表されるように、莫大な利益を上げると目されていた生物兵器(biological weapon)であり、その発展形である「B.O.W.=Bio Organic Weapon(生体兵器)」だ。
だが、その開発には多くの犠牲を伴っていた。開発中のB.O.W.が、フィールドテストの際に制御不能になり、研究開発チームの研究者を殺傷したり、貴重な実験機材に損害を与える事故が頻発したためだ。そのため、アンブレラでは、バイオハザード対策部隊(U.B.C.S.=Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service)、すなわち暴走したB.O.W.を鎮圧する、専門の特殊部隊を創設した。やがて、彼らの活躍でB.O.W.暴走事故による被害は減少していくが、U.B.C.S.隊員の犠牲も深刻なものだった。あるケースでは、B.O.W.「タイラント」が実験中に暴走、鎮圧に当たったU.B.C.S.の 1個分隊が全滅するという事件もあった。そのおもな原因は、彼らの武器が軍や警察で使用されている在来型であったためだ。たとえ軍用のアサルトライフルといえども所詮は対人用であり、人間に比べはるかに高い生命力と運動能力を持つB.O.W.を倒すのは困難だった。そのために、対B.O.W.専用の兵器の開発が強く望まれたのである。
また、機動力や信頼性の点でもマグナムハンドガンは優れている。大口径の対物ライフルやショットガン(スラッグ弾使用)もストッピングパワーに優れてはいるが、銃本体のサイズが大きくなってしまうため、研究所などの狭い場所では取り回しに不利だ。ましてや、人間などよりもはるかに動きの素早い B.O.W.が相手である。「小さな大砲」とでもいうべき、マグナムハンドガンが有利なのも頷ける話だ。
.357や.44口径のマグナム弾を使用するリボルバーは、銃器メーカー各社によって、さまざまな種類が発売されている。マグナムリボルバーの多くは軍用や警察用というよりも、大型獣のハンティングや競技を目的として開発されており、対B.O.W.用兵器のベースとしてはうってつけだった。そこで、アンブレラ社の兵器開発部門では、.44マグナム弾を使用する市販のリボルバー(S&W M29)をベースに、対B.O.W.専用銃を開発した。それが『アンブレラ・マグナムリボルバー』である。この銃は、U.B.C.S.隊員など、B.O.W.との実戦経験を持つ何名かの社員の意見を採り入れ、各部の仕様が決定されていった。まずはその特徴を見ていこう。
世界的な規模のシェアを誇る多国籍企業として知られる製薬会社「アンブレラ」。サプリメントのような日用品から高度な医療機器に至るまで、多種多様な製品を扱う同社だが、一般には知られていない「闇の製品」も存在した。それが、「T-ウィルス」に代表されるように、莫大な利益を上げると目されていた生物兵器(biological weapon)であり、その発展形である「B.O.W.=Bio Organic Weapon(生体兵器)」だ。
だが、その開発には多くの犠牲を伴っていた。開発中のB.O.W.が、フィールドテストの際に制御不能になり、研究開発チームの研究者を殺傷したり、貴重な実験機材に損害を与える事故が頻発したためだ。そのため、アンブレラでは、バイオハザード対策部隊(U.B.C.S.=Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service)、すなわち暴走したB.O.W.を鎮圧する、専門の特殊部隊を創設した。やがて、彼らの活躍でB.O.W.暴走事故による被害は減少していくが、U.B.C.S.隊員の犠牲も深刻なものだった。あるケースでは、B.O.W.「タイラント」が実験中に暴走、鎮圧に当たったU.B.C.S.の 1個分隊が全滅するという事件もあった。そのおもな原因は、彼らの武器が軍や警察で使用されている在来型であったためだ。たとえ軍用のアサルトライフルといえども所詮は対人用であり、人間に比べはるかに高い生命力と運動能力を持つB.O.W.を倒すのは困難だった。そのために、対B.O.W.専用の兵器の開発が強く望まれたのである。
また、機動力や信頼性の点でもマグナムハンドガンは優れている。大口径の対物ライフルやショットガン(スラッグ弾使用)もストッピングパワーに優れてはいるが、銃本体のサイズが大きくなってしまうため、研究所などの狭い場所では取り回しに不利だ。ましてや、人間などよりもはるかに動きの素早い B.O.W.が相手である。「小さな大砲」とでもいうべき、マグナムハンドガンが有利なのも頷ける話だ。
.357や.44口径のマグナム弾を使用するリボルバーは、銃器メーカー各社によって、さまざまな種類が発売されている。マグナムリボルバーの多くは軍用や警察用というよりも、大型獣のハンティングや競技を目的として開発されており、対B.O.W.用兵器のベースとしてはうってつけだった。そこで、アンブレラ社の兵器開発部門では、.44マグナム弾を使用する市販のリボルバー(S&W M29)をベースに、対B.O.W.専用銃を開発した。それが『アンブレラ・マグナムリボルバー』である。この銃は、U.B.C.S.隊員など、B.O.W.との実戦経験を持つ何名かの社員の意見を採り入れ、各部の仕様が決定されていった。まずはその特徴を見ていこう。