During the Tokyo Game Show in mid-September, Masachika Kawata, the producer of the game, gave an interview to Famitsu. Below, I compiled tidbits from the interview I found to be the most interesting:
『プロジェクト レジスタンス』はチャレンジャブルなタイトルです。オフラインのキャンペーンモードは、これまでの『バイオハザード』作品と同じく、単体で存分に楽しめるものに仕上げていきます。それとともに、オンラインモードにも力を入れて、これまでにない体験ができるものに仕上げていくつもりです。
“Project Resistance” is a challenging title. The offline campaign will be just the same as any Resident Evil game’s so far, and it will be finished as something that can be properly enjoyed on its own. Along with that, we put a lot of effort into the online mode as well, and we are aiming to have it wrapped up as something that could be experienced unlike anything that came before.
Although it wasn’t necessarily inspired by Outbreak, I believe there are definitely common features in terms “Resident Evil-ness.” Still, I think there is room for improvement as it seemed the majority of people among the ones who tried the game during TGS found the survivors’ part to be difficult.
TGSでは、共同開発を行っているNeoBards Entertainmentの方に、試遊ブースまで来ていただいています。クローズドβテストではどのようにアレンジするのかなどを、つい先ほども話し合っていました。
At TGS, people from NeoBards Entertainment, who are developing the title in collaboration with us, are at the test play booth. We are already having discussions about how things could be arranged in the closed beta and such.
First or all, I believe the bare minimum is to have something that could be considered “interesting” by everyone. While it’s unfortunate to have inadvertently disappointed those who expected an Outbreak remake or remaster, at the same time, attendees who took it as an entirely new game also raised their voice saying things like “the mastermind looks fun” and so on. Our primary goal is to release a quality product that can meet such expectations.
[…] ちなみにこのタイトル内の“レジスタンス”には、マスターマインドに対する抵抗というテーマを込めています。また、『バイオハザード』シリーズの、現在の枠組み以外でも何かおもしろいことをできないか? という、これまでのセオリーに対しての抵抗という意味もあります。
[…] By the way, the “Resistance” part in the title conveys the theme of “resistance against the mastermind.” On top of that, going outside the current framework of the Resident Evil series could be something interesting, don’t you think? So, it also has a meaning of going against the concepts up until this point.
現時点でお伝えできることはキャンペーンモードが存在することのみですが […]
At this point, the only thing I can say is that the campaign exists, […]
For the survivors and mastermind alike, we are preparing additional characters too. We are also considering to release characters that would be familiar for the fans of the series. Please expect additional news about that. And for the creatures as well, we plan all sorts on top of zombies, lickers and a tyrant.
[…] ポイントやランクなども設けたいですが、プレイヤーどうしがスムーズにマッチングするシステムも同様です。
Not only do we want to establish a point or rank system of sorts as well, but also a system that will smoothly match similar players.