The most tailored virus in the series, the Chrysalid Virus successfully weaponized both the G and t-Veronica viruses (the former was incomplete, and the latter was not created for the purpose of bioweapons development) in one recombinant strain. It was able to compete with Las Plagas, and its applications were vast. It is recommended that the reader unfamiliar with how G and t-Veronica work visit the analyses for them first, as this analysis will reference both extensively.
Derek Simmons foresaw the rise of B.O.W.s on the global stage, and advanced virus research to ensure the US would be ready when conventional warfare was obsolete, despite it violating the Geneva Protocols. Carla Radames, who had skills in virology rivaling even William Birkin, was tasked by Simmons to create a viral strain superior to the t-Virus. It is my belief this research aimed to create intelligent, obedient super soldiers that could blend in with regular humans. In essence, Carla was to carry on the Tyrant Project under the Family. To this end, she experimented with the t-Virus, and was able to isolate its “DNA mutation factor”, a trait inherited from Progenitor and modified through recombination. This factor is what makes the creation of artificial organisms like B.O.W.s possible, and by isolating it from the t-Virus, Carla was able to more easily manipulate it and remove undesirable effects like necrosis.
In 2002, Manuela Hildago was taken into US custody. Her body contained an altered strain of t-Veronica, which after stabilizing in Alexia had passed onto Steve, then to Manuela, who partially bonded as well. Due to recombination and mutation, this strain of t-Veronica was much weaker. It was extracted from Manuela and combined with the DNA mutation factor of the t-Virus to create t-02.
Like t+G, t-02 only inherits the best qualities of the viruses used to create it. It removed the necrotic effects of both viruses, excessive brain damage, and the need for a 15-year adaption period.
Little else is officially stated regarding t-02, but taking the above into account, I have my own beliefs regarding it. Please note this is speculative, although I feel confident concerning it:
I believe t-02 was the first to create the J'avo mutation. J'avo inherit qualities from T (humanoid super soldiers) and t-Veronica (fire blood and insect mutations), without becoming new organisms like G mutants. This makes t-02 the official weaponized strain of t-Veronica, and the accomplishment of the original goal by Simmons.
Derek Simmons foresaw the rise of B.O.W.s on the global stage, and advanced virus research to ensure the US would be ready when conventional warfare was obsolete, despite it violating the Geneva Protocols. Carla Radames, who had skills in virology rivaling even William Birkin, was tasked by Simmons to create a viral strain superior to the t-Virus. It is my belief this research aimed to create intelligent, obedient super soldiers that could blend in with regular humans. In essence, Carla was to carry on the Tyrant Project under the Family. To this end, she experimented with the t-Virus, and was able to isolate its “DNA mutation factor”, a trait inherited from Progenitor and modified through recombination. This factor is what makes the creation of artificial organisms like B.O.W.s possible, and by isolating it from the t-Virus, Carla was able to more easily manipulate it and remove undesirable effects like necrosis.
In 2002, Manuela Hildago was taken into US custody. Her body contained an altered strain of t-Veronica, which after stabilizing in Alexia had passed onto Steve, then to Manuela, who partially bonded as well. Due to recombination and mutation, this strain of t-Veronica was much weaker. It was extracted from Manuela and combined with the DNA mutation factor of the t-Virus to create t-02.
Like t+G, t-02 only inherits the best qualities of the viruses used to create it. It removed the necrotic effects of both viruses, excessive brain damage, and the need for a 15-year adaption period.
Little else is officially stated regarding t-02, but taking the above into account, I have my own beliefs regarding it. Please note this is speculative, although I feel confident concerning it:
I believe t-02 was the first to create the J'avo mutation. J'avo inherit qualities from T (humanoid super soldiers) and t-Veronica (fire blood and insect mutations), without becoming new organisms like G mutants. This makes t-02 the official weaponized strain of t-Veronica, and the accomplishment of the original goal by Simmons.
After t-02 was completed, further developments under Carla were realized. Sherry Birkin, who was in the custody of Simmons, contained in her body trace amounts of the G-Virus, which was severely weakened by the DEVIL vaccine. Like t-Veronica before it, Carla saw the potential to also stabilize G by combining it with t-02 and suppressing undesirable attributes. The three viruses formed a new, complex chimera strain, called the Chrysalid Virus, or the C-Virus for short.
After t-02 was completed, further developments under Carla were realized. Sherry Birkin, who was in the custody of Simmons, contained in her body trace amounts of the G-Virus, which was severely weakened by the DEVIL vaccine. Like t-Veronica before it, Carla saw the potential to also stabilize G by combining it with t-02 and suppressing undesirable attributes. The three viruses formed a new, complex chimera strain, called the Chrysalid Virus, or the C-Virus for short.
This chart illustrating the development of the C-Virus was created by Project Umbrella staff member RPDNico
The C-Virus still created intelligent super soldiers from primary injection (called J'avo), but the G-Virus added new features that only manifested after V-ACT. V-ACT is the reactivation of the virus due to damage inflicted on the host. The activity of the G-Virus is heavily dependent on V-ACT, and once the C-Virus reactivated, G mutations occurred.
As per the effects of G, damaged J'avo were transformed into new animals, called Complete Mutation Species, or CMS. CMS mutations were completely unpredictable, but by inserting genes from different organisms into the virus, variant strains producing predictable mutations were created. In this way, C allowed for the creation of specialized new animals, and realized the true potential of the G-Virus, and to a lesser extent Progenitor itself.
As CMS developed, the outer layer of hosts would turn into a Chrysalid (which earned C its name), due to insect genes from t-Veronica. The insides of hosts would then dissolve and resolidify into entirely new forms. The resulting creatures would burst free from their Chrysalis, sometimes in seconds, and often lost most if not all human features. This is the perfect example of the power of the virus to create life and biodiversity.
CMS burst into flames upon death, like t-Veronica mutants, and due to their immediate upbringing have sensitive vision, making flash grenades especially harmful to them. The Chrysalis itself is extremely durable, but has a weakness in the form of high current electricity. Some strains of C have been modified to skip the J'avo stage entirely.
A common side effect in many C-Virus organisms is the development of a vital organ/tissue that glows yellow/orange, similar to an Uroboros Core. These organs were seen on Ustanak (and Oko), Mutant Deborah, HAOS, Brzak, Glava-Smech, and Mutant Simmons.
As per the effects of G, damaged J'avo were transformed into new animals, called Complete Mutation Species, or CMS. CMS mutations were completely unpredictable, but by inserting genes from different organisms into the virus, variant strains producing predictable mutations were created. In this way, C allowed for the creation of specialized new animals, and realized the true potential of the G-Virus, and to a lesser extent Progenitor itself.
As CMS developed, the outer layer of hosts would turn into a Chrysalid (which earned C its name), due to insect genes from t-Veronica. The insides of hosts would then dissolve and resolidify into entirely new forms. The resulting creatures would burst free from their Chrysalis, sometimes in seconds, and often lost most if not all human features. This is the perfect example of the power of the virus to create life and biodiversity.
CMS burst into flames upon death, like t-Veronica mutants, and due to their immediate upbringing have sensitive vision, making flash grenades especially harmful to them. The Chrysalis itself is extremely durable, but has a weakness in the form of high current electricity. Some strains of C have been modified to skip the J'avo stage entirely.
A common side effect in many C-Virus organisms is the development of a vital organ/tissue that glows yellow/orange, similar to an Uroboros Core. These organs were seen on Ustanak (and Oko), Mutant Deborah, HAOS, Brzak, Glava-Smech, and Mutant Simmons.
Project Ada
The completed C-Virus had the potential to literally create anything. Simmons, seeing its ability to replicate traits in existing organisms by inserting their genes into the virus, saw the potential to create a CMS copy of Ada Wong. During the ensuing project in which many lives were sacrificed, several new CMS mutations were discovered which had potential as B.O.W.s, such as the Lepotica and Gnezdo.
Eventually it was discovered that a host with a similar genetic makeup could serve as a base for a perfect CMS clone. Carla just so happened to have similar genetics to Ada, and Simmons used her to create his Ada clone. While physically identical to Ada, the CMS Carla's mind was rendered a blank slate for Simmons to mold into his idealized form.
However, Carla's original personality and memories began to resurface to a degree. She became obsessed with chaos, as it was opposed to the order Simmons strove for, and secretly manipulated him to gain the resources to create her terrorist organization Neo-Umbrella, and to accomplish her goals developed the CMS HAOS and the new viral strain, Enhanced C.
Eventually it was discovered that a host with a similar genetic makeup could serve as a base for a perfect CMS clone. Carla just so happened to have similar genetics to Ada, and Simmons used her to create his Ada clone. While physically identical to Ada, the CMS Carla's mind was rendered a blank slate for Simmons to mold into his idealized form.
However, Carla's original personality and memories began to resurface to a degree. She became obsessed with chaos, as it was opposed to the order Simmons strove for, and secretly manipulated him to gain the resources to create her terrorist organization Neo-Umbrella, and to accomplish her goals developed the CMS HAOS and the new viral strain, Enhanced C.
Primary infection with t-02 (I believe) and the standard strain of the C-Virus results in human hosts becoming J’avo. J'avo is Serbio-Croatia for "demon", possibly because they are spiritual successors to Majini (Swahili for "evil spirits"). J'avo retain as many human features as possible and, like Umbrella’s goal with the Tyrant B.O.W., were created to be human-looking super soldiers. In this regard they are able to compete with Plaga mutants. They primarily resemble t-Veronica hosts.
J'avo retain their original form for the most part, but develop pale skin and blackened, inflamed veins, common Progenitor symptoms. The face is most heavily affected, and because of this they commonly wear masks or bandages to hide their inhumanity. All across the face, new eyes sprout and rip through the skin, making J'avo appear to "cry" blood. These eyes, while possibly also related to G’s tendency to create eye growths, are actually a result of t-Veronica's insect mutations. They resemble insect eyes, although there is little consistency in how they will develop from host to host, as they vary in size, shape, number, and general appearance. J’avo teeth also seem to rot significantly, which could be due to acid reflux (the virus is known to increase the strength of stomach acid in Zombie hosts).
Thanks to the weakening of C's ingredient viruses, brain cell rejection is severely limited. J'avo retain essentially all intelligence, allowing them to speak, operate firearms and machinery, drive, etc. However, their free will is subverted, and they are left in a trance-like state where they follow the last orders given to them prior to infection. In order to control them, Carla made her army with mercenaries and the like, who were given specific orders before injection of the virus. J’avo were obsessed with whatever their sole task was, and would commonly repeat their orders over and over (like how Nemesis-T Type would chant “S.T.A.R.S.”).
An almost universal effect of any virus derived from Progenitor is a sharp increase in aggression, and J'avo are no exception. Their combination of intelligence and aggression leads to overly sadistic tendencies, with J'avo commonly taking great pleasure in torturing others. Like t-Virus mutants, J’avo lack a strong sense of fear.
J'avo possess enhanced strength, and retain all previous skills as enhanced humans. They are also able to regenerate from most wounds in seconds. Amazingly, they can even regenerate brain matter, lessening the vulnerability of the most common humanoid B.O.W. weak point - the head.
However, like other regenerating B.O.W.s such as Tyrants, taking in too much damage too quickly results in death before healing can take hold. Even further, the more J'avo are damaged, the greater the activity of the virus inside them. This results in an increase in internal body temperature due to the "fire blood" attribute gained from t-Veronica. Eventually, an excessively damaged J'avo will burst into flames. This either results in incineration and death, or in total V-ACT. If it ends up being the latter, then the extreme heat will burn and harden the outer layers of the body into a Chrysalid, and the J'avo is reformed into a CMS.
J'avo retain their original form for the most part, but develop pale skin and blackened, inflamed veins, common Progenitor symptoms. The face is most heavily affected, and because of this they commonly wear masks or bandages to hide their inhumanity. All across the face, new eyes sprout and rip through the skin, making J'avo appear to "cry" blood. These eyes, while possibly also related to G’s tendency to create eye growths, are actually a result of t-Veronica's insect mutations. They resemble insect eyes, although there is little consistency in how they will develop from host to host, as they vary in size, shape, number, and general appearance. J’avo teeth also seem to rot significantly, which could be due to acid reflux (the virus is known to increase the strength of stomach acid in Zombie hosts).
Thanks to the weakening of C's ingredient viruses, brain cell rejection is severely limited. J'avo retain essentially all intelligence, allowing them to speak, operate firearms and machinery, drive, etc. However, their free will is subverted, and they are left in a trance-like state where they follow the last orders given to them prior to infection. In order to control them, Carla made her army with mercenaries and the like, who were given specific orders before injection of the virus. J’avo were obsessed with whatever their sole task was, and would commonly repeat their orders over and over (like how Nemesis-T Type would chant “S.T.A.R.S.”).
An almost universal effect of any virus derived from Progenitor is a sharp increase in aggression, and J'avo are no exception. Their combination of intelligence and aggression leads to overly sadistic tendencies, with J'avo commonly taking great pleasure in torturing others. Like t-Virus mutants, J’avo lack a strong sense of fear.
J'avo possess enhanced strength, and retain all previous skills as enhanced humans. They are also able to regenerate from most wounds in seconds. Amazingly, they can even regenerate brain matter, lessening the vulnerability of the most common humanoid B.O.W. weak point - the head.
However, like other regenerating B.O.W.s such as Tyrants, taking in too much damage too quickly results in death before healing can take hold. Even further, the more J'avo are damaged, the greater the activity of the virus inside them. This results in an increase in internal body temperature due to the "fire blood" attribute gained from t-Veronica. Eventually, an excessively damaged J'avo will burst into flames. This either results in incineration and death, or in total V-ACT. If it ends up being the latter, then the extreme heat will burn and harden the outer layers of the body into a Chrysalid, and the J'avo is reformed into a CMS.
The first known J'avo encountered in bioterrorism was Bindi Bergara, who injected herself with a sample of C given to her by Carla. As a J'avo, Bindi retained her personality and free will, and her face didn't develop extra eyes until she was shot in the face. It could be that:
1. Her strain was modified to allow her to retain her humanity.
2. She had an older strain, which was later modified to affect the brain enough to render hosts compliant B.O.W.s.
3. J’avo actually do maintain personality, and Bindi was a normal J’avo simply operating without orders.
Bindi also mutated into a CMS. She became a giant spider-like monster. It is unknown if this was a random or engineered mutation.
1. Her strain was modified to allow her to retain her humanity.
2. She had an older strain, which was later modified to affect the brain enough to render hosts compliant B.O.W.s.
3. J’avo actually do maintain personality, and Bindi was a normal J’avo simply operating without orders.
Bindi also mutated into a CMS. She became a giant spider-like monster. It is unknown if this was a random or engineered mutation.
J'avo Mutations
As J'avo cells heal, human cells are altered with genetic material found in the C-Virus. As a result, cells healed by the virus are repaired into forms resembling insects (of course due to t-Veronica). The G-Virus causes host cells to be gradually replaced with G cells as well, but whether or not this J'avo trait only came about when G was introduced to t-02 is open to interpretation.
Each known J'avo mutation was named by the BSAA using the Serbian language, although a single J'avo can develop multiple of these attributes. Each type falls into one of four categories based on what part of the body was affected:
Glava ("Head")
Each known J'avo mutation was named by the BSAA using the Serbian language, although a single J'avo can develop multiple of these attributes. Each type falls into one of four categories based on what part of the body was affected:
Glava ("Head")
Glava-Dim ("Head-Smoke") develop the stinger and abdomen of bees or wasps in the place of the head, which emits a poison gas.
Glava-Begunates ("Head-Runner") have three heads similar to those of a cicada, and hook-like appendages. After transformation they behave frantically, attacking enemies in a blind frenzy.
Glava-Sluz ("Head-Slime") spray a webbing to ensnare prey. It is difficult to determine exactly what form their head takes.
Glava-Smech ("Head-Laughter") develop beetle pincers, strong enough to lift an adult human and tear them in half with a single bite. Inside the pincers is soft, glowing tissue, and destroying this tissue can cause Glava-Smech to explode, likely a result of pressure build-up or a volatile chemical reaction. Underneath the mouth develops vestigial insect limbs.
"You would hardly notice it in the game, but there are faces growing on each side of the clamp-like head due to the fact that the head had to be regrown." — The Art Director's Notebook, Glava-Smech
Glava-Begunates ("Head-Runner") have three heads similar to those of a cicada, and hook-like appendages. After transformation they behave frantically, attacking enemies in a blind frenzy.
Glava-Sluz ("Head-Slime") spray a webbing to ensnare prey. It is difficult to determine exactly what form their head takes.
Glava-Smech ("Head-Laughter") develop beetle pincers, strong enough to lift an adult human and tear them in half with a single bite. Inside the pincers is soft, glowing tissue, and destroying this tissue can cause Glava-Smech to explode, likely a result of pressure build-up or a volatile chemical reaction. Underneath the mouth develops vestigial insect limbs.
"You would hardly notice it in the game, but there are faces growing on each side of the clamp-like head due to the fact that the head had to be regrown." — The Art Director's Notebook, Glava-Smech
Noga ("Leg")
Noga-Oklop ("Leg-Armor") have legs comprised of bone and chitin, and are bulletproof.
Noga-Trchanje ("Leg-Work/Running") have the lower body of a crawling insect, which they use to scale ceilings and walls.
Noga-Skakanje ("Leg-Hopper/Jumper") have large grasshopper legs, and can jump enormous heights.
Noga-Let ("Leg-Flight") have the lower body replaced with moth-like insect wings, leaving the upper half to hang upside down. A BSAA operative described Noga-Let as a “Type 5 Mutation”.
Noga-Oklop ("Leg-Armor") have legs comprised of bone and chitin, and are bulletproof.
Noga-Trchanje ("Leg-Work/Running") have the lower body of a crawling insect, which they use to scale ceilings and walls.
Noga-Skakanje ("Leg-Hopper/Jumper") have large grasshopper legs, and can jump enormous heights.
Noga-Let ("Leg-Flight") have the lower body replaced with moth-like insect wings, leaving the upper half to hang upside down. A BSAA operative described Noga-Let as a “Type 5 Mutation”.
Ruka ("Arm")
Ruka-Srp ("Arm-Sickle") develop a bladed praying mantis arm. Bindi Bergara turned into a Ruka-Srp after she was shot in the arm. Ruka-Bedem ("Arm-Wall") have an arm that has split and expanded to create a chitin shield, able to repel direct shotgun blasts. Ruka-Khvatanje ("Arm-Catcher/Capture") have an elongated arm resembling a worm or even shellfish (as stated by Conan O' Brian when he played RE6 on his show), which can grab prey from great distances, or from behind cover. The “claw” of this arm is a mouth, and the inside of it is comprised of especially vulnerable tissue. |
Telo ("Torso")
Telo-Krljusht ("Torso-Scale") are the torso equivalent of Noga-Oklop, with a body completely protected by a chitin and bone shell. Its chitin was related to that of a wharf roach.
Telo-Ekplojiza ("Torso-Explosions") expand into a form resembling a curled-up insect larva with two heads, and explode in the proximity of prey. They achieve this through autothysis, a process used by some ants and termites which involves exploding its body via rupturing organs to protect the colony.
Telo-Magla ("Torso-Mist") are incapable of movement, and writhe on the ground emitting a poison gas, with what appears to be moth wings sprouting from the body. They will eventually revert back into a standard J’avo.
Telo-Krljusht ("Torso-Scale") are the torso equivalent of Noga-Oklop, with a body completely protected by a chitin and bone shell. Its chitin was related to that of a wharf roach.
Telo-Ekplojiza ("Torso-Explosions") expand into a form resembling a curled-up insect larva with two heads, and explode in the proximity of prey. They achieve this through autothysis, a process used by some ants and termites which involves exploding its body via rupturing organs to protect the colony.
Telo-Magla ("Torso-Mist") are incapable of movement, and writhe on the ground emitting a poison gas, with what appears to be moth wings sprouting from the body. They will eventually revert back into a standard J’avo.
Neo Umbrella J’avo
An elite class of J’avo were created by Carla to serve as the paramilitary of Neo Umbrella. These “Neo Umbrella J’avo” were enhanced with both biological augmentations and a special suit that regulated their bodily systems. These J’avo had extremely pale skin, and a large growth dominating the mouth and neck. They had wetsuit-like outfits and uniquely shaped masks, with a fencing mask-like cage that protected their mouth growth. Many Neo Umbrella J’avo had wrist-mounted blades with an electric charge. Like the masks of Umbrella’s USS, the eyepieces of their masks glowed red. More powerful Neo Umbrella J’avo had green eyepieces instead.
The masks of Neo Umbrella J’avo were specialized to regulate J’avo body temperature, allowing them to sustain more damage before they would be incinerated. As postulated by News Bot and judging by its appearance, the growth underneath Neo Umbrella J’avo masks appears to be an extra set of lungs, devoted to cooling the J’avo.
Neo Umbrella J’avo also had a cord protruding from the cervical vertebrae. This cord had a number of uses, such as enhancing J’avo senses, allowing communication with other, distant J’avo, and even allowing the J’avo to trigger localized mutations at will, like t-Veronica adapters could do.
The masks of Neo Umbrella J’avo were specialized to regulate J’avo body temperature, allowing them to sustain more damage before they would be incinerated. As postulated by News Bot and judging by its appearance, the growth underneath Neo Umbrella J’avo masks appears to be an extra set of lungs, devoted to cooling the J’avo.
Neo Umbrella J’avo also had a cord protruding from the cervical vertebrae. This cord had a number of uses, such as enhancing J’avo senses, allowing communication with other, distant J’avo, and even allowing the J’avo to trigger localized mutations at will, like t-Veronica adapters could do.
Carla was able to create the ideal C-Virus B.O.W. using a host with a high compatibility with C, like how Sergei's genes were compatible with T and were used to make Tyrants. This monster, called Ustanak ("revolution") was essentially a J'avo 2.0. Ustanak's relationship with J'avo is comparable to the relationship between Tyrants and Zombies. Since over a hundred other test subjects died while attempting to create Ustanak, it seems a specialized strain with high lethality was used.
Ustanak was even more intelligent than J'avo. It not only retained all of its intelligence as a human, but actually experienced heightened intellect (an effect inherited by Progenitor). Being so intelligent, a reliable means of control was an issue. However, Carla controlled it by forming a bond with the creature based on that of a mother and child. While Ustanak's former sense of self was mostly gone, his affection for Carla was preexisting. Furthermore, when Carla died, Ustanak somehow knew.
Unlike J'avo, random mutation was eliminated in Ustanak, and it did not change form at any point. However, a side effect of this was it could not redevelop lost appendages. It could not regrow its right arm, which was lost in a lab accident. Despite this, Ustanak was almost immortal, and survived countless gunshot wounds, direct exposure to explosions, falling from a helicopter, taking a giant drill to the torso, being crushed by a falling tower, and even being submerged in lava, before it was killed by a magnum revolver shot to its then-exposed, glowing heart.
Ustanak was even more intelligent than J'avo. It not only retained all of its intelligence as a human, but actually experienced heightened intellect (an effect inherited by Progenitor). Being so intelligent, a reliable means of control was an issue. However, Carla controlled it by forming a bond with the creature based on that of a mother and child. While Ustanak's former sense of self was mostly gone, his affection for Carla was preexisting. Furthermore, when Carla died, Ustanak somehow knew.
Unlike J'avo, random mutation was eliminated in Ustanak, and it did not change form at any point. However, a side effect of this was it could not redevelop lost appendages. It could not regrow its right arm, which was lost in a lab accident. Despite this, Ustanak was almost immortal, and survived countless gunshot wounds, direct exposure to explosions, falling from a helicopter, taking a giant drill to the torso, being crushed by a falling tower, and even being submerged in lava, before it was killed by a magnum revolver shot to its then-exposed, glowing heart.
Its form was no longer human, and it resembled an especially muscular Tyrant. Its face suffered heavy deformities, and it originally wore a mouth mask like those used to prevent biting. Tears in Ustanak’s face resembled the makeshift eye sockets created in J’avo faces, further solidifying Ustanak as an evolved J’avo. However only one eye remained, suggesting the extra eyes either failed to develop or were surgically removed. Ustanak’s skin tore in several areas, possibly due to rapid muscle development. The skin around its mouth was overdeveloped, possibly a result of its mouth being restrained during transformation. In fact, it almost looked as if Ustanak’s entire mouth was sealed shut by skin, forcing a makeshift mouth to be torn in.
Neo-Umbrella fitted it with a specialty made robotic prosthetic arm, on the end of which could be mounted weapons. The equipment on this arm could be manipulated by Ustanak with great dexterity by using tubes/cords that ran from the prosthesis into its arm. During the course of its pursuit of Jake, it used a claw fitted with syringes, a mini-gun with a rocket launcher, a drill, a shotgun, a flail and a hookshot. It also used grenades and a cage mounted on its back.
Neo-Umbrella fitted it with a specialty made robotic prosthetic arm, on the end of which could be mounted weapons. The equipment on this arm could be manipulated by Ustanak with great dexterity by using tubes/cords that ran from the prosthesis into its arm. During the course of its pursuit of Jake, it used a claw fitted with syringes, a mini-gun with a rocket launcher, a drill, a shotgun, a flail and a hookshot. It also used grenades and a cage mounted on its back.
Ustanak had poor vision due to its disfigurements, but could actually "birth" insect-like creatures to act as scouts from an organ on its back, likely due to t-Veronica and possibly even due to the reproductive capabilities of G. These creatures, called Oko ("eye") would fly like bats, and used advanced hearing and ultra-sonic waves to detect targets. While Okos were very weak and incapable of attacking targets, they would emit a high pitch noise with their wings detectable to Ustanak to guide it to its targets. The sound waves would bounce when hitting obstacles like walls, limiting the effectiveness of this ability. Okos also glowed, aiding Ustanak’s vision in dark environments.
Complete Mutation Species
All Complete Mutation Species/CMS encountered to date were created from human hosts, yet most look like entirely different species. This is because they are new animals created using the biomass of the host, and just as Progenitor created the original life forms on earth, CMS are entirely new species of animal. While this is due to the introduction of G, CMS also inherit t-Veronica characteristics, like disintegration upon death (this is not just a gameplay mechanic, as the CMS created from Bindi also burst into flames in the manga).
V-ACT only occurs once with the C-Virus, unlike G but like the t-Virus. This means CMS will no longer mutate after "birth".
Some CMS encountered are the result of random mutation, while others were created with specialized strains of C that were engineered to produce a specific result.
V-ACT only occurs once with the C-Virus, unlike G but like the t-Virus. This means CMS will no longer mutate after "birth".
Some CMS encountered are the result of random mutation, while others were created with specialized strains of C that were engineered to produce a specific result.
Mutant Deborah
A perverted Family researcher, intrigued by her beauty, injected Deborah Harper with a strain of C. It was an unmodified strain, making her a "natural" CMS.
Her mutations were the most minor of all CMS. Her skin became sleek and flawless, aside from some inflamed veins, and was gray in color. Her strength, agility, and vitality were far greater than a human.
Most notably, she developed insect appendages from her back and mouth, greatly resembling the insect limbs of Nosferatu. These limbs were sharp enough to tear through prey, but had vulnerable organs near their tips. Destroying these organs would hurt Deborah, but she could regrow them. The limbs were fully retractable.
She often laughed and caressed her body sensually, which is... strange. This is likely just an exaggeration of Deborah’s previous mental tendencies, as she was known to be fairly “wild”.
Mutant Deborah was presumably killed when her former sister, Helena, dropped her into a pit.
Her mutations were the most minor of all CMS. Her skin became sleek and flawless, aside from some inflamed veins, and was gray in color. Her strength, agility, and vitality were far greater than a human.
Most notably, she developed insect appendages from her back and mouth, greatly resembling the insect limbs of Nosferatu. These limbs were sharp enough to tear through prey, but had vulnerable organs near their tips. Destroying these organs would hurt Deborah, but she could regrow them. The limbs were fully retractable.
She often laughed and caressed her body sensually, which is... strange. This is likely just an exaggeration of Deborah’s previous mental tendencies, as she was known to be fairly “wild”.
Mutant Deborah was presumably killed when her former sister, Helena, dropped her into a pit.
A "natural" CMS, the Rasklapanje inherits various qualities from the G-Virus, in particular the ability to breed. The actual creature is a parasite-like mass of pink flesh, which hides itself in a fleshy sort of exoskeleton. This shell is humanoid in shape, but lacks eyes, ears, a nose, or genitalia. Upon sustaining substantial damage, the body/shell will shrivel up and writhe on the floor, and slowly regenerate. The only way to kill the creature is to destroy the "parasite", which is invulnerable as long as it remains in the body. While incredibly durable, extreme heat can scare the parasite out long enough to harm it.
The parasite will emerge from the mouth to implant embryos into meat, be it a living human or slabs of steak at a market. An implanted embryo will develop into a new Rakeslanje in moments, which bursts from its makeshift incubater with its own shell. This is clearly reminiscent of G creatures.
Once one Rasklapanje has been born, it will quickly take over an area by rapidly reproducing. This, combined with their amazing vitality makes them incredibly dangerous.
Each Rasklapanje is actually a collection of four different organisms that operate as one, each controlling a separate section of the shell: two for each hand, one for the upper body, and one for the legs. Each can detach and reattach together at will. Independent Rasklapanje hands can latch onto a person's face to suffocate them, while the legs use exposed digestive organs to spray acid.
This unique characteristic earned it its name, which means "dismantle".
The parasite will emerge from the mouth to implant embryos into meat, be it a living human or slabs of steak at a market. An implanted embryo will develop into a new Rakeslanje in moments, which bursts from its makeshift incubater with its own shell. This is clearly reminiscent of G creatures.
Once one Rasklapanje has been born, it will quickly take over an area by rapidly reproducing. This, combined with their amazing vitality makes them incredibly dangerous.
Each Rasklapanje is actually a collection of four different organisms that operate as one, each controlling a separate section of the shell: two for each hand, one for the upper body, and one for the legs. Each can detach and reattach together at will. Independent Rasklapanje hands can latch onto a person's face to suffocate them, while the legs use exposed digestive organs to spray acid.
This unique characteristic earned it its name, which means "dismantle".
Ubistvo was a CMS genetically engineered to be a raw tornado of death, hence its name, which means "murder". However, its extreme aggression limited its usefulness to an indiscriminate killing machine. Despite Ubistvo’s frail appearance, it was incredibly durable, and could possibly regenerate. Its appearance was very human-like, but half its body was covered in a bullet-resistant chitin-like shell (from t-Veronica), and many of its internal organs moved to right arm, including the heart and ribcage.
Most noticeably, its arm developed many sharp points capable of rapid movement along a sort of belt due to a complex system of bone and muscle, creating an organic chainsaw for slicing targets to pieces. A similar right arm mutation was seen in the Scagdead irregular mutant. This chainsaw was “powered” by Ubistvo’s heart, in the center of the arm. The chainsaw could operate underwater, and was strong enough to tear steel.
Ubvisto was a proficient swimmer, and for some reason would glow underwater (perhaps to aid its vision).
The only known Ubisvo mutant was electrocuted, impaled, set on fire, thrown from a train, and repeatedly shot at before getting sliced to pieces by a helicopter blade.
Most noticeably, its arm developed many sharp points capable of rapid movement along a sort of belt due to a complex system of bone and muscle, creating an organic chainsaw for slicing targets to pieces. A similar right arm mutation was seen in the Scagdead irregular mutant. This chainsaw was “powered” by Ubistvo’s heart, in the center of the arm. The chainsaw could operate underwater, and was strong enough to tear steel.
Ubvisto was a proficient swimmer, and for some reason would glow underwater (perhaps to aid its vision).
The only known Ubisvo mutant was electrocuted, impaled, set on fire, thrown from a train, and repeatedly shot at before getting sliced to pieces by a helicopter blade.
The Ogroman ("giant body") B.O.W. was a spiritual successor to El Gigante and Ndesu, with a body towering several stories tall. Despite their size, the Ogroman species was indeed a CMS born from a Chrysalid. Multiple Chrysalids have been shown to fuse together when placed near each other - it's possible many bodies simultaneously injected with C and conjoined together during development into a Chrysalid could have been used to create an Ogroman Chrysalid. Or perhaps an Ogroman Chrysalid grows on its own, likely with the aid of feeding tubes placed by Neo-Umbrella.
Ogroman skin was almost completely impervious to damage, although they could be stunned by harming their soft facial tissue. They could withstand most damage and heal, but had a weak point in the form of a large “life support organ” in the back. This organ was sealed into the body, but could be pulled out using a metal rod inserted into its back by Neo-Umbrella for the purpose of carrying it via helicopter. This organ pulsed heavily, suggesting a large amount of blood flow. The back surrounding the organ was had several out-growing shards of bone, and the hip bone was extremely pronounced.
An Ogroman’s face was extremely grotesque. They lacked nose cartilage, and their eyes were not visible, leaving seemingly empty eye sockets. If Ogromans were blind, this was clearly offset by their other senses. Instead of a jaw, an Ogroman had insect-like mandibles, and the back of the mouth was a vertical slit.
Ogromans had limited intelligence, but were just smart enough to understand extremely simple commands.
Upon dying, Ogroman bodies melted, probably due to increased body temperature. As their heated tissue liquified, it created noxious fumes that could inflict minor damage to humans if it was inhaled.
Many CMS B.O.W.s were created by using genes from various animals to guide how C-Cells develop. The resulting CMS would inherit the animal qualities desired in a B.O.W., like Umbrella did with the Hunter B.O.W. While related to said animals, these CMS are still new creatures with their own unique quirks, and are even further removed from human than the above CMS:
Ogroman skin was almost completely impervious to damage, although they could be stunned by harming their soft facial tissue. They could withstand most damage and heal, but had a weak point in the form of a large “life support organ” in the back. This organ was sealed into the body, but could be pulled out using a metal rod inserted into its back by Neo-Umbrella for the purpose of carrying it via helicopter. This organ pulsed heavily, suggesting a large amount of blood flow. The back surrounding the organ was had several out-growing shards of bone, and the hip bone was extremely pronounced.
An Ogroman’s face was extremely grotesque. They lacked nose cartilage, and their eyes were not visible, leaving seemingly empty eye sockets. If Ogromans were blind, this was clearly offset by their other senses. Instead of a jaw, an Ogroman had insect-like mandibles, and the back of the mouth was a vertical slit.
Ogromans had limited intelligence, but were just smart enough to understand extremely simple commands.
Upon dying, Ogroman bodies melted, probably due to increased body temperature. As their heated tissue liquified, it created noxious fumes that could inflict minor damage to humans if it was inhaled.
Many CMS B.O.W.s were created by using genes from various animals to guide how C-Cells develop. The resulting CMS would inherit the animal qualities desired in a B.O.W., like Umbrella did with the Hunter B.O.W. While related to said animals, these CMS are still new creatures with their own unique quirks, and are even further removed from human than the above CMS:
Created using gorilla genes, Napads inherit some of their shape and mannerisms. Napads develop a second layer of Chrysalis used as a protective shell, although it is relatively brittle and can break when exposed to gunfire, revealing red muscle tissue underneath. A particularly vulnerable organ rests on the back. Napads appear to have the remains of the hosts original arms form a part of their shell. Napads lack a neck, with the head being a part of their torso.
Napad means "assault", and as such they fight with direct brute force, charging into combatants with reckless abandon in an effort to crush them. They are strong enough to pulverize bone or concrete, and one managed to inflict severe head trauma to Chris Redfield.
Due to t-Veronica, they have a dangerously high internal body temperature, resulting in them continually expelling steam. How they remain hydrated is unknown.
Despite their faults and relative weakness, they were efficient weapons, and were still in use after the fall of Neo-Umbrella.
Napad means "assault", and as such they fight with direct brute force, charging into combatants with reckless abandon in an effort to crush them. They are strong enough to pulverize bone or concrete, and one managed to inflict severe head trauma to Chris Redfield.
Due to t-Veronica, they have a dangerously high internal body temperature, resulting in them continually expelling steam. How they remain hydrated is unknown.
Despite their faults and relative weakness, they were efficient weapons, and were still in use after the fall of Neo-Umbrella.
Their name meaning "archer/shooter", the Strelac's ranged abilities complemented the Napad. Based on frilled lizard genes (possibly from Chlamydosaurus kingii), Strelacs had impressive running and climbing abilities. Like frilled lizards, they could move by crawling or standing upright, but they only possessed two legs. A long, possibly vestigial arm hung underneath the head. Their most distinguishing feature was the giant frills surrounding the head. Their jaw could split in half. Strelacs sought to distance themselves from prey, and snipe at them using needle projectiles similar to the ones used by Hilda. These needles came from their frills, and they would launch them in a wide spray, similar to a shotgun blast. They let out a gas as a defensive mechanism, which could disorient close threats. They use this gas as they first emerge from a Chrysalid, to protect them as they are born. Strelacs could also vomit digestive fluids on nearby prey. |
Mesecs were created using crow genes. These jet black, flying B.O.W.s would only feed on corpses, like vultures, but were not strictly scavengers, not being adverse to creating said corpses. They used hooked, insect-like appendages to grab prey, lift them into the air, then drop them from severe heights. They were extremely intelligent thanks to crow genes (the intelligence of some crows is said to be on par with a four-year-old human), and were the only CMS B.O.W.s capable of using tools, dropping dangerous items directly onto prey. Their heads developed upside-down, and they had glowing eyes.
Mesec means "moon".
Mesec means "moon".
Despite appearing to be a giant snake, the B.O.W. called Illuzija was indeed human-based, like all known CMS. Its fangs resembled those of a viper (although made of repurposed bone), while it constricted prey like an anaconda. Its bone structure was uneven, and its scales jet black.
Illuzija’s name (meaning "Illusion") was in reference to its ability to camouflage itself by secreting a liquid that bends light around it, making it far more dangerous than its spiritual predecessor, Yawn, although the inside of its mouth could not be cloaked. Intelligent and stealthy, it picked off the BSAA in an apartment complex.
After being damaged by Chris and Piers, its scales hardened to resist further damage as a defense mechanism, although at the cost of its cloaking ability. The hardened scales probably lacked the openings to secrete enough fluid to continue to camouflage itself. These scales could not be penetrated by gunfire, but Illuzija was still vulnerable to electricity, which was used to kill it.
This creature was said to be discovered by accident, meaning that either the researchers under Carla were just playing around with snake genes and C in order to examine the results, or that it is a natural, unaltered CMS. If the latter is the case, it's obvious snake characteristics may be due to recombination with genes from prior snake hosts, or actually be due to Progenitor, a possibility covered further under Dinosaur Simmons.
Despite appearing to be a giant snake, the B.O.W. called Illuzija was indeed human-based, like all known CMS. Its fangs resembled those of a viper (although made of repurposed bone), while it constricted prey like an anaconda. Its bone structure was uneven, and its scales jet black.
Illuzija’s name (meaning "Illusion") was in reference to its ability to camouflage itself by secreting a liquid that bends light around it, making it far more dangerous than its spiritual predecessor, Yawn, although the inside of its mouth could not be cloaked. Intelligent and stealthy, it picked off the BSAA in an apartment complex.
After being damaged by Chris and Piers, its scales hardened to resist further damage as a defense mechanism, although at the cost of its cloaking ability. The hardened scales probably lacked the openings to secrete enough fluid to continue to camouflage itself. These scales could not be penetrated by gunfire, but Illuzija was still vulnerable to electricity, which was used to kill it.
This creature was said to be discovered by accident, meaning that either the researchers under Carla were just playing around with snake genes and C in order to examine the results, or that it is a natural, unaltered CMS. If the latter is the case, it's obvious snake characteristics may be due to recombination with genes from prior snake hosts, or actually be due to Progenitor, a possibility covered further under Dinosaur Simmons.
A CMS created using bull shark genes, Brzak's name means "rapids". It devoured waste dumped by Family researchers in the flooded section of the Simmons Family Catacombs. Even with its eyes gouged out by Leon and Helena, it could detect prey via movements in the water. Its fins resembled human arms, which it could use to crawl on land, and its eyes were located on the front of its face like a human’s. It had an orange tongue with three sharp prongs, which was especially vulnerable to damage. Brzak was killed by explosive containers that were detonated by Leon and Helena's gunfire, similar to the death of the giant Alligator from Raccoon City.
Two CMS BOWS were discovered by accident during Project Ada, and despite being random mutations, inherited feminine qualities from her genes:
Two CMS BOWS were discovered by accident during Project Ada, and despite being random mutations, inherited feminine qualities from her genes:
With Gnezdo's name meaning "nest", hosts who suffered this mutation broke down into countless separate organisms resembling bees that functioned in total harmony due to having “shared sensory nerves”. Their swarm took on the shape of a woman, and they attacked in unison, stinging prey to death. They were controlled by a massive Queen hidden in the heart of the swarm, and would disperse if she were killed. This Queen may have functioned as the “brain”, with the swarm essentially functioning as a single organism.
It's resemblance to bees is not due to bee genes being inserted, as it was a random mutation. This characteristic is instead due to t-Veronica's insect properties.
It's resemblance to bees is not due to bee genes being inserted, as it was a random mutation. This characteristic is instead due to t-Veronica's insect properties.
Another strain discovered during Project Ada created the Lepotica, a CMS covered from head to torso in large pores. These pores expelled a gas containing a new strain of the C-Virus which turned hosts into Zombies (which are covered in the next section).
This mutation had promise - such B.O.W.s could be deployed to singlehandedly wipe out a population using their gas. However, it needed a field test. Carla provided this experimental CMS strain to Bindi Bergara, who used it to revive Nanan Yoshihara from her coma. Nanan entered into a Chrysalis and turned into the Lepotica prototype: C-16.
C-16 retained a partially human face, but her original mind, like Carla’s, was mostly wiped. She only retained her friendship with Bindi, who used C-16 to destroy the Marhawa School.
C-16 could expel gas from her many pores, but she could also infect select individuals by breathing it into their mouths with a "kiss". In the place of arms, C-16 had strong, bladed tentacles.
Carla recovered a tissue sample of C-16 and used it to perfect this CMS strain. Thus was the finished Lepotica B.O.W. created ("beautiful woman", an ironic title, but also a reference to its female-like shape, inherited from Ada). The Lepotica had arms instead of C-16’s tentacles, and it had a more consistent shape. The facial muscles were pulled back, creating a permanent smile. The face could split apart into three sections, to make room for the emergence of its elongated tongue. It would "kiss" prey, like C-16 did, and jam its long tongue down the throat of victims.
Lepoticas avoided direct confrontation (although like C-16 were very strong and durable), opting instead to contaminate all life in the vicinity with their blue gas, which could spread for as far as three miles. The city of Tall Oaks was destroyed this way, and the gas was also collected and stored in several missiles by Neo-Umbrella, one of which carpeted Laingshang in gas.
Lepotica are said to "self-destruct" once an area is fully contaminated.
This mutation had promise - such B.O.W.s could be deployed to singlehandedly wipe out a population using their gas. However, it needed a field test. Carla provided this experimental CMS strain to Bindi Bergara, who used it to revive Nanan Yoshihara from her coma. Nanan entered into a Chrysalis and turned into the Lepotica prototype: C-16.
C-16 retained a partially human face, but her original mind, like Carla’s, was mostly wiped. She only retained her friendship with Bindi, who used C-16 to destroy the Marhawa School.
C-16 could expel gas from her many pores, but she could also infect select individuals by breathing it into their mouths with a "kiss". In the place of arms, C-16 had strong, bladed tentacles.
Carla recovered a tissue sample of C-16 and used it to perfect this CMS strain. Thus was the finished Lepotica B.O.W. created ("beautiful woman", an ironic title, but also a reference to its female-like shape, inherited from Ada). The Lepotica had arms instead of C-16’s tentacles, and it had a more consistent shape. The facial muscles were pulled back, creating a permanent smile. The face could split apart into three sections, to make room for the emergence of its elongated tongue. It would "kiss" prey, like C-16 did, and jam its long tongue down the throat of victims.
Lepoticas avoided direct confrontation (although like C-16 were very strong and durable), opting instead to contaminate all life in the vicinity with their blue gas, which could spread for as far as three miles. The city of Tall Oaks was destroyed this way, and the gas was also collected and stored in several missiles by Neo-Umbrella, one of which carpeted Laingshang in gas.
Lepotica are said to "self-destruct" once an area is fully contaminated.
HAOS was a B.O.W. whose name meant "chaos", although it is unknown if it was also an acronym. Carla created HAOS in her seabed laboratory using microbes extracted from magma. The vitality of these microbes was transferred to HAOS using C, making it near invulnerable. It was created for the sole purpose of killing every human on the planet, making it a doomsday B.O.W.
HAOS, once born, would swim to the surface instinctually. Once there, it would release the gas strain of C from organs in its body, like the Lepotica but far wider in radius and much more potent. It would also practice infinite division, self-reproducing (possibly due to G) until an army of HAOS' would overrun the world, each spreading gas and each almost impossible to kill. This way, if HAOS reached the surface, the world would be destroyed in mere days.
HAOS' development was cut short: when Carla died, an emergency program forced it to awaken from its Chrysalis when only 70.3% complete. As a result, its lower half was incomplete and its skin not fully developed, making it translucent. It appears that a fully formed HAOS would look somewhat humanoid, judging by its bone structure.
Despite its premature birth, it was more than capable of fulfilling its task.
HAOS was able to change its size or recreate lost body parts by entering a new Chrysalis and emerging again at will. This may be how it would practice division. It could spit fleshy pods that acted as land mines, exploding when disturbed and spraying targets with acid. These pods could also be for reproduction, like spores. HAOS also had the ability to cause thin tentacles to erupt from the ground by slamming down its fists. It had excellent swimming abilities, to aid it in crossing oceans.
When its lower half was removed, it could slither around independently of HAOS, behaving in a kamikaze-like manner. This, combined with its ability to reproduce, sleek skin, humanoid body, resilience, and nature as a CMS could imply HAOS was related to the Rasklapanjes, or a hybrid between them and Lepoticas. Rasklapanjes were also encountered in the seabed facility, supporting this theory.
HAOS had numerous orange organs that were destroyed by Piers Nivans and Chris Redfield, and infected Piers stunned HAOS long enough for it to be engulfed in the destruction of the seabed facility, saving the planet.
HAOS, once born, would swim to the surface instinctually. Once there, it would release the gas strain of C from organs in its body, like the Lepotica but far wider in radius and much more potent. It would also practice infinite division, self-reproducing (possibly due to G) until an army of HAOS' would overrun the world, each spreading gas and each almost impossible to kill. This way, if HAOS reached the surface, the world would be destroyed in mere days.
HAOS' development was cut short: when Carla died, an emergency program forced it to awaken from its Chrysalis when only 70.3% complete. As a result, its lower half was incomplete and its skin not fully developed, making it translucent. It appears that a fully formed HAOS would look somewhat humanoid, judging by its bone structure.
Despite its premature birth, it was more than capable of fulfilling its task.
HAOS was able to change its size or recreate lost body parts by entering a new Chrysalis and emerging again at will. This may be how it would practice division. It could spit fleshy pods that acted as land mines, exploding when disturbed and spraying targets with acid. These pods could also be for reproduction, like spores. HAOS also had the ability to cause thin tentacles to erupt from the ground by slamming down its fists. It had excellent swimming abilities, to aid it in crossing oceans.
When its lower half was removed, it could slither around independently of HAOS, behaving in a kamikaze-like manner. This, combined with its ability to reproduce, sleek skin, humanoid body, resilience, and nature as a CMS could imply HAOS was related to the Rasklapanjes, or a hybrid between them and Lepoticas. Rasklapanjes were also encountered in the seabed facility, supporting this theory.
HAOS had numerous orange organs that were destroyed by Piers Nivans and Chris Redfield, and infected Piers stunned HAOS long enough for it to be engulfed in the destruction of the seabed facility, saving the planet.
Zombies in the Resident Evil/Biohazard series are mammalian hosts who were infected by a Progenitor-based virus and were simultaneously weakened and strengthened, putting them in a state of apparent living death. The resulting Zombies are then driven by heightened aggression and a constant state of starvation brought about by an extremely high metabolism to attack and consume other organisms, particularly the more nutritious uninfected ones.
In short, Zombies come about either when a host fails to bond properly with the virus, or when a corpse is infected with certain enhanced strains capable of repairing dead cells.
As stated above, the CMS B.O.W.s Lepotica and HAOS produced a blue gas cloud containing the C-Virus from their bodies. This was a new mutant strain of the virus, however, and for clarification will henceforth be referred to as the Gas Strain. Unlike regular C, which eliminated most toxicity and necrosis from the viruses used to create it (T, G and t-Veronica), the Gas Strain decayed the host. Rather than becoming J'avo, hosts became C-Zombies.
It is also possible the “Gas Strain” is in fact no different than regular C, and the gas it is dispersed in is simply lethal on its own. After poisoning the host or burning the lungs, the C-Virus would only be capable of reanimating the resulting corpse. This would mean standard C could create Zombies if injected into corpses as well, similar to the G, Uroboros, Kodoku, and Animality viruses.
C-Zombies differ from typical T-Zombies in that some of Carla's improvements to lessen C's severity extend even to the Gas Strain. Not only do C-Zombies show less symptoms of outward decay (mainly bruising rather than rotting in the skin, and much more intact eyeballs), but their brains are less damaged. This gives them both greater intelligence than typical Zombies and finer motor control. They retain enough intelligence and coordination to use weapons, including firearms to a small extent, and some engage in human behavior like turning cranks. They also practice self-preservation in combat, avoiding gunfire and on some rare occasions even retreating.
While they still typically shuffle, C-Zombies commonly but irregularly have sudden bursts of speed, as noted by Ricky. They retain climbing skills and often leap and lunge at prey with impressive agility. They often have both the intelligence and dexterity to navigate small spaces such as air vents, and can swim underwater well enough. Rather than moan, their aggressive nature is manifested more clearly through shrieks and growls, and their behavior is more animalistic than brain damaged.
Like T-Zombies, C-Zombies could expel stomach acid to harm prey. While T-Zombies are attracted to loud noises, C-Zombies are even more-so. In fact, during a confrontation with humans, the introduction of loud noises can in a sense enhance C-Zombie speed and ferocity, similar to how T-Zombies may be sent into an irregular frenzy by the scent of blood. This behavior may be a hunting adaptation, or the result of some new neurological development. This process is essentially the reverse of the principles behind the Zombie Jammer, which uses electromagnetic radiation to make Zombies passive (C-Zombies also happen to be just as susceptible to the Zombie Jammer as T-Zombies are).
In the case of the C-Zombies created by C-16, infection was limited to inhalation of the gas, with bites not spreading the virus. The Gas Strain is therefore less virulent by itself than T, although this could benefit the user, as outbreaks would be easier to control, with Lepoticas being the sole means of dispersion. However, Carla used the data recovered at Marhawa School to improve the Lepotica, so whether or not the C-Zombies in Resident Evil 6 had this limitation is unknown. J’avo are never seen infecting humans, and so it is possible all strains of C are simply incapable of spreading from host to host (with Lepotica and HAOS being the obvious exceptions).
The time between infection, dying/suspended animation, and Zombification can differ wildly in individual hosts. Hosts in direct proximity to a Lepotica when it expels its gas will transform into Zombies instantly, while others immediately lose consciousness but take some time to reanimate (as seen with many bodies at Ivy University). Some still will remain human and awake for a while before transformation. This disparity in the time it takes from individual to individual to Zombify is likely dependent on how much gas is inhaled.
In short, Zombies come about either when a host fails to bond properly with the virus, or when a corpse is infected with certain enhanced strains capable of repairing dead cells.
As stated above, the CMS B.O.W.s Lepotica and HAOS produced a blue gas cloud containing the C-Virus from their bodies. This was a new mutant strain of the virus, however, and for clarification will henceforth be referred to as the Gas Strain. Unlike regular C, which eliminated most toxicity and necrosis from the viruses used to create it (T, G and t-Veronica), the Gas Strain decayed the host. Rather than becoming J'avo, hosts became C-Zombies.
It is also possible the “Gas Strain” is in fact no different than regular C, and the gas it is dispersed in is simply lethal on its own. After poisoning the host or burning the lungs, the C-Virus would only be capable of reanimating the resulting corpse. This would mean standard C could create Zombies if injected into corpses as well, similar to the G, Uroboros, Kodoku, and Animality viruses.
C-Zombies differ from typical T-Zombies in that some of Carla's improvements to lessen C's severity extend even to the Gas Strain. Not only do C-Zombies show less symptoms of outward decay (mainly bruising rather than rotting in the skin, and much more intact eyeballs), but their brains are less damaged. This gives them both greater intelligence than typical Zombies and finer motor control. They retain enough intelligence and coordination to use weapons, including firearms to a small extent, and some engage in human behavior like turning cranks. They also practice self-preservation in combat, avoiding gunfire and on some rare occasions even retreating.
While they still typically shuffle, C-Zombies commonly but irregularly have sudden bursts of speed, as noted by Ricky. They retain climbing skills and often leap and lunge at prey with impressive agility. They often have both the intelligence and dexterity to navigate small spaces such as air vents, and can swim underwater well enough. Rather than moan, their aggressive nature is manifested more clearly through shrieks and growls, and their behavior is more animalistic than brain damaged.
Like T-Zombies, C-Zombies could expel stomach acid to harm prey. While T-Zombies are attracted to loud noises, C-Zombies are even more-so. In fact, during a confrontation with humans, the introduction of loud noises can in a sense enhance C-Zombie speed and ferocity, similar to how T-Zombies may be sent into an irregular frenzy by the scent of blood. This behavior may be a hunting adaptation, or the result of some new neurological development. This process is essentially the reverse of the principles behind the Zombie Jammer, which uses electromagnetic radiation to make Zombies passive (C-Zombies also happen to be just as susceptible to the Zombie Jammer as T-Zombies are).
In the case of the C-Zombies created by C-16, infection was limited to inhalation of the gas, with bites not spreading the virus. The Gas Strain is therefore less virulent by itself than T, although this could benefit the user, as outbreaks would be easier to control, with Lepoticas being the sole means of dispersion. However, Carla used the data recovered at Marhawa School to improve the Lepotica, so whether or not the C-Zombies in Resident Evil 6 had this limitation is unknown. J’avo are never seen infecting humans, and so it is possible all strains of C are simply incapable of spreading from host to host (with Lepotica and HAOS being the obvious exceptions).
The time between infection, dying/suspended animation, and Zombification can differ wildly in individual hosts. Hosts in direct proximity to a Lepotica when it expels its gas will transform into Zombies instantly, while others immediately lose consciousness but take some time to reanimate (as seen with many bodies at Ivy University). Some still will remain human and awake for a while before transformation. This disparity in the time it takes from individual to individual to Zombify is likely dependent on how much gas is inhaled.
Animal infection is also seen with the Zombie Dog C, which appears to be biologically identical to the Zombie Dog and Cerberus B.O.W.
C could create Zombies from corpses by repairing dead cells. This allowed even mummified corpses hundreds of years old to revive. These cellular repairs allow C-Zombies to develop new mutations, previously impossible with T-Zombies due to the lack of ATP in dead cells (except in the case of V-ACT when the virus revives Zombie cells making the transformations into Lickers and Crimson Heads possible).
As a result, C-Zombies have mutant variants among them which have adapted to hunt in different ways. These variants are listed below:
C could create Zombies from corpses by repairing dead cells. This allowed even mummified corpses hundreds of years old to revive. These cellular repairs allow C-Zombies to develop new mutations, previously impossible with T-Zombies due to the lack of ATP in dead cells (except in the case of V-ACT when the virus revives Zombie cells making the transformations into Lickers and Crimson Heads possible).
As a result, C-Zombies have mutant variants among them which have adapted to hunt in different ways. These variants are listed below:
Some Zombies who breathed in the Gas Strain develop a mutation in the lungs and vocal cords, becoming Shriekers. The lungs enlarge and dominate the neck and torso, and are able to expose themselves to make room to expand. The neck also grows in length.
Shriekers attempt to distance themselves from prey, and use their lungs to create a powerful scream that stuns them and attracts other Zombies, showing how infected organisms can adapt to hunt most efficiently in a virus ecosystem.
Altering this frequency can also damage Zombies, and the death shriek of a Shrieker can literally destroy Zombie brains.
Shriekers attempt to distance themselves from prey, and use their lungs to create a powerful scream that stuns them and attracts other Zombies, showing how infected organisms can adapt to hunt most efficiently in a virus ecosystem.
Altering this frequency can also damage Zombies, and the death shriek of a Shrieker can literally destroy Zombie brains.
Some C-Zombies become large and swollen, and are several times larger in height and width. These Whoppers either suffered a unique mutation, merely consumed a large amount of flesh, or most likely both. Perhaps the mutation is achieved in Zombies who eat enough, in order to support the extra weight. They are strong enough to lift an adult human to their mouths. A larger variant exists called the Whopper Supreme.
Some C-Zombies become large and swollen, and are several times larger in height and width. These Whoppers either suffered a unique mutation, merely consumed a large amount of flesh, or most likely both. Perhaps the mutation is achieved in Zombies who eat enough, in order to support the extra weight. They are strong enough to lift an adult human to their mouths. A larger variant exists called the Whopper Supreme.
Bloodshots, as noted by Leon, are essentially C-Lickers, and are a result of V-ACT in some C-Zombies. These potential Bloodshots are distinguishable by glowing red eyes, a common virus symptom. Since none are encountered outside Tall Oaks, it could be a new, local mutation, with hosts of the new strain gaining red eyes. If a potential Bloodshot suffers brain damage, it rapidly sheds its skin and transforms. Bloodshots have a hard exoskeleton made from muscle and bone that provides protection, although it's enlarged heart periodically exposes itself, creating a weak point. The damaged skull develops a large deformed mouth. They remain bipedal, and have incredible speed and leaping abilities. |
Enhanced C
Carla's ultimate goal was to plunge the world into chaos in order to make Simmons suffer. To accomplish this, she would use HAOS to start a global outbreak. She also created a Simmons CMS clone herself (I think) to keep her company in the desolate new world. But she needed a way to survive herself, and wanted the real Simmons to live long enough to witness his world order crumble. This was the purpose behind Enhanced C, the last strain of the C-Virus Carla created, and the most unstable, volatile, and powerful strain of C of them all.
Jake Muller inherited his father's high compatibility with Progenitor-Family Viruses, and he could produce antibodies capable of suppressing C. He showed no symptoms after injecting himself with C, perhaps suggesting
C's highly specialized nature has rendered it unable to produce super human adapters.
Since Jake's blood could be used to create a vaccine to the C-Virus, Simmons ordered Carla to retrieve him.
However, seeing the potential to create new viruses, Carla kept him herself and told Simmons he died. Over the course of six months, she used Jake to create Enhanced C, and kept three samples.
Using Jake's antibodies, C's genetic makeup was altered. Certain attributes were weakened or eliminated, while others were strengthened. The virus was in a sense forced to evolve and adapt in response to the antibodies, and the end result harnessed the full capabilities of both G and t-Veronica, and outright eliminated brain cell rejection. Regular C, once reactivated, produced CMS unable to mutate further. Mutants created by Enhanced C changed perpetually, exactly like the G-Virus. The strengthened infection speed of Enhanced C caused instantaneous transformations which skipped the chrysalid stage entirely. The bodies of these mutants would become chaos incarnate, a fitting revenge on Simmons.
Like t-Veronica, hosts of Enhanced C could revert to human form at times, with the original genetic makeup preserved even as the body was turned inside out. Also due to t-Veronica, hosts had some degree of control over how they changed.
The brain was kept intact, but would lose intelligence during transformations into different creatures. These mutants were also near immortal, meaning they could survive while the world crumbled.
In short, imagine a G-Creature that transforms from human to monster to human to monster to human, etc. Then throw in controllable mutations from t-Veronica and extremely drastic regenerative powers. That's Enhanced C in a nutshell.
Three hosts to Enhanced C existed, with each taking one of Carla's three strains. They all showed unique mutations, either due to host mindset, environmental factors, random mutations, or differences in each sample themselves.
Derek Simmons
Simmons was injected with a sample of Enhanced C by a J'avo under orders from Carla. He mutated back and forth between multiple different forms, with his body ripped apart and torn inside out each time. One can only imagine the pain of this, and he was eventually killed by Leon and Helena. The Family recovered his corpse, meaning Enhanced C still exists in the world.
These are each form Simmons took:
Simmons was injected with a sample of Enhanced C by a J'avo under orders from Carla. He mutated back and forth between multiple different forms, with his body ripped apart and torn inside out each time. One can only imagine the pain of this, and he was eventually killed by Leon and Helena. The Family recovered his corpse, meaning Enhanced C still exists in the world.
These are each form Simmons took:
In Simmons’ most common form (which he would revert to periodically), his mutations were relatively minimalistic. Due to t-Veronica's effects of heightened body temperature, his clothes were incinerated and his lower body covered in scar tissue, forming makeshift “pants”. Most noticeably, deep cracks covered his body, which would split open and expose his insides. These cracks would expand and fold as he transformed into his other forms, turning him inside out like a human Transformers robot. All the while Simmons remained aware, and the subsequent pain would be enough to drive him insane. Otherwise though, his mind remained intact as well as his speaking capabilities, although his voice became distorted over time. While he was most vulnerable in this form, he was still far stronger and resilient than a normal human.
In this form, Simmons resembled a canine or feline, but much larger. His “skin” was comprised of bone and muscle tissue, formed after his Human Form turned inside out. His powerful legs could outrun a train, and climb the side of a skyscraper. His head resembled that of a Saber Tooth Tiger, with many insect-like eyes and a second, human face on the back of the head. The tiger head could split open to reveal a large appendage. This appendage was comprised of Simmons’ spine, and his original head was rebuilt at the top of it, with the entire spine and appendage functioning as its elongated neck. The lungs could still be seen along the spine as well. |
Surrounding Simmons’ human head were tentacles tipped with sharp bones. These tentacles could conjoin together, covering the face and forming a large claw for slashing or grabbing prey. The tentacles could also launch their bones as projectiles like the Strelac, but with the speed of a machine gun. Any bone matter lost was instantly regenerated.
In this form Simmons retained his intelligence, but due to the effects of the virus his aggression increased greatly (a universal effect of almost every Progenitor-based virus). When his inner, human head was exposed he could still speak. |
In the Quad Tower, Simmons transformed into a form with the shape of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. While it is technically possible Carla inserted dinosaur genes into C, I think three other scenarios are far more plausible:
1. It was a random mutation, with t-Rex similarities being entirely coincidental.
2. Simmons willed himself to take that form.
3. It's because of Progenitor. The virus created all life in the first place, and created the original dinosaurs. It recreating those results in Simmons is entirely possible.
These three could also explain his first form resembling a Saber Tooth Tiger.
In the Quad Tower, Simmons transformed into a form with the shape of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. While it is technically possible Carla inserted dinosaur genes into C, I think three other scenarios are far more plausible:
1. It was a random mutation, with t-Rex similarities being entirely coincidental.
2. Simmons willed himself to take that form.
3. It's because of Progenitor. The virus created all life in the first place, and created the original dinosaurs. It recreating those results in Simmons is entirely possible.
These three could also explain his first form resembling a Saber Tooth Tiger.
Like his Centaur Form, Dinosaur Simmons was covered in bone and muscle tissue. His head was dominated by a circular mouth with many teeth and surrounded by gigantic fingers. Pieces of his human face were still present. Inside of his mouth was a giant, orange eyeball, from the G-Virus qualities of C (similar in appearance to the mouth-eye of G-5 in RE2R). Openings in his body revealed more gigantic eye growths and brain matter. His impressive jumping skills allowed him to fling himself at Ada's helicopter.
Simmons could instantly revert back to his Human Form without shedding any biomass. The only way to explain this is his body was packed in, creating absurdly dense tissue.
He lacked human intelligence in this form, and could no longer speak. Instead he was driven by hunger due to his incredible size.
Simmons could instantly revert back to his Human Form without shedding any biomass. The only way to explain this is his body was packed in, creating absurdly dense tissue.
He lacked human intelligence in this form, and could no longer speak. Instead he was driven by hunger due to his incredible size.
After being defeated as a Centaur twice and as a Dinosaur once, Simmons began to form into an entirely new creature. Unlike his previous forms, created by turning his body inside out, Simmons began to develop an outward growth from his human form. The reason for this is that, in order to regenerate from previous damage, Simmons began absorbing C-Zombies, similar to the later forms of G-Birkin. The excess biomass absorbed from the Zombies caused outward developments in his body.
The growth came from his back and ended in a sort of tail, with a spine running along it. The sides of the growth possessed vestigial human parts, or the remains of absorbed Zombies. At the top of its “spine” was a giant tentacle tipped in sharp bone, which Simmons could manipulate by stretching his arm muscles. He absorbed more and more Zombies using tentacles that would impale his food, burn off their clothes with Veronica fire blood, then deconstruct them into raw biomatter.
This form served as an intermediary stage for his Fly Form. After attracting a swarm of C-Zombies to devour his flesh, he began his next stage of transformation. At this time he actually began producing swarms of fly offspring from his body.
This form resembled a gigantic fly, with other insect qualities. His appearance is due to t-Veronica's insect properties. His tissue was now covered in a black, bulletproof exoskeleton, with his eyes being the only area soft enough to be damaged. His wings were capable of flight, despite his size being greater than that of his Dinosaur Form. Being a fly, he could shoot acidic projectiles.
Over time he developed other insect properties like legs and mandibles. The mandibles were capable of shielding his sensitive eyes, but his legs had soft tissue at the joints which could be damaged enough to sever his limbs. This tissue was sensitive so long as it glowed, perhaps from increased blood flow making it soft. He continued to use retractable tentacles to absorb Zombies, allowing him to regenerate from any damage. As long as he had a steady food supply, he could continue to heal and survive indefinitely. This was Carla’s intention – to force immortality upon Simmons so he would see the world plunged into chaos by HAOS.
He now lacked any intelligence beyond survival instincts.
After being defeated as a Centaur twice and as a Dinosaur once, Simmons began to form into an entirely new creature. Unlike his previous forms, created by turning his body inside out, Simmons began to develop an outward growth from his human form. The reason for this is that, in order to regenerate from previous damage, Simmons began absorbing C-Zombies, similar to the later forms of G-Birkin. The excess biomass absorbed from the Zombies caused outward developments in his body.
The growth came from his back and ended in a sort of tail, with a spine running along it. The sides of the growth possessed vestigial human parts, or the remains of absorbed Zombies. At the top of its “spine” was a giant tentacle tipped in sharp bone, which Simmons could manipulate by stretching his arm muscles. He absorbed more and more Zombies using tentacles that would impale his food, burn off their clothes with Veronica fire blood, then deconstruct them into raw biomatter.
This form served as an intermediary stage for his Fly Form. After attracting a swarm of C-Zombies to devour his flesh, he began his next stage of transformation. At this time he actually began producing swarms of fly offspring from his body.
This form resembled a gigantic fly, with other insect qualities. His appearance is due to t-Veronica's insect properties. His tissue was now covered in a black, bulletproof exoskeleton, with his eyes being the only area soft enough to be damaged. His wings were capable of flight, despite his size being greater than that of his Dinosaur Form. Being a fly, he could shoot acidic projectiles.
Over time he developed other insect properties like legs and mandibles. The mandibles were capable of shielding his sensitive eyes, but his legs had soft tissue at the joints which could be damaged enough to sever his limbs. This tissue was sensitive so long as it glowed, perhaps from increased blood flow making it soft. He continued to use retractable tentacles to absorb Zombies, allowing him to regenerate from any damage. As long as he had a steady food supply, he could continue to heal and survive indefinitely. This was Carla’s intention – to force immortality upon Simmons so he would see the world plunged into chaos by HAOS.
He now lacked any intelligence beyond survival instincts.
Carla Radames
After being shot by a Family sniper and falling several stories at her aircraft carrier, Carla died. However, immediately beforehand, she injected herself with her sample of Enhanced C, causing her to revive then transform. Mutant Carla was then destroyed by the real Ada Wong with the help of liquid nitrogen.
Carla's transformation was entirely different from Simmons'. Her body dissolved into a white paste, which fused with the aircraft carrier. She lacked any discernable shape initially, but through her will to be Ada would partially solidify to develop faces and arms resembling her. She could consume other organisms like J'avo and humans using bone and teeth generated from her many faces, similar to how Simmons was driven to absorb Zombies.
Carla had growths (boils and eyeballs) which sprayed an acidic liquid at prey. She also generated separate organisms from her biomass which were shaped like Ada called Carla Spores S (Small). Her main body was called Carla Spore L (Large).
Carla's transformation was entirely different from Simmons'. Her body dissolved into a white paste, which fused with the aircraft carrier. She lacked any discernable shape initially, but through her will to be Ada would partially solidify to develop faces and arms resembling her. She could consume other organisms like J'avo and humans using bone and teeth generated from her many faces, similar to how Simmons was driven to absorb Zombies.
Carla had growths (boils and eyeballs) which sprayed an acidic liquid at prey. She also generated separate organisms from her biomass which were shaped like Ada called Carla Spores S (Small). Her main body was called Carla Spore L (Large).
Here are several theories as to why Carla turned out this way, besides just "it's a random mutation":
1. During the Chrysalid stage of CMS, hosts are internally dissolved then reformed. It could be Carla's strain keeps her in this stage of development, allowing her to stay as a dissolved paste that can reform itself at will. If this is the case, then each strain of enhanced C represents a different stage of development: Piers = J'avo, Carla = Chrysalid, and Simmons = CMS.
2. Her strain was modified with a fungus or bacterium, like the microbes used with HAOS or something. She greatly resembles an E-Series Mold B.O.W. like Eveline, and Carla Spores are similar to Molded.
3. Carla, as a CMS, already contained the C-Virus. Perhaps she had a unique reaction due to double infection that caused her cells to break down and liquify in a manner similar to Oozes. Her dose of Enhanced C may have been larger than that of Simmons or Piers too, suggested in the Biohazard 6 Official Complete Guide (“A large amount of C was administered.”
4. Her injury and death immediately prior to transformation could have affected her mutation.
1. During the Chrysalid stage of CMS, hosts are internally dissolved then reformed. It could be Carla's strain keeps her in this stage of development, allowing her to stay as a dissolved paste that can reform itself at will. If this is the case, then each strain of enhanced C represents a different stage of development: Piers = J'avo, Carla = Chrysalid, and Simmons = CMS.
2. Her strain was modified with a fungus or bacterium, like the microbes used with HAOS or something. She greatly resembles an E-Series Mold B.O.W. like Eveline, and Carla Spores are similar to Molded.
3. Carla, as a CMS, already contained the C-Virus. Perhaps she had a unique reaction due to double infection that caused her cells to break down and liquify in a manner similar to Oozes. Her dose of Enhanced C may have been larger than that of Simmons or Piers too, suggested in the Biohazard 6 Official Complete Guide (“A large amount of C was administered.”
4. Her injury and death immediately prior to transformation could have affected her mutation.
Piers Nivans
During the fight with HAOS, Piers lost his right arm. In desperation, he injected himself with the last strain of Enhanced C. With his newfound powers, he saved Chris Redfield and defeated HAOS while sacrificing his life in the exploding seabed laboratory.
Piers' mutations were less drastic than the other two. He resembled an intelligent J'avo like Bindi rather than a CMS, perhaps due to a difference in his strain (see Carla's section above). In response to his injury he developed a new arm capable of bioelectrogenesis. He may have been able to keep further mutation away through willpower.
Piers’ static electricity was stored in a “jellyfish part” on his arm made of swollen skin and muscle. The jellyfish part may have possibly acted like an electrolytic capacitor, and would swell up when a sufficient amount of electricity had been stored. When the electricity was released, his arm made a “breathing” motion. His protruding fingers and bones acted like dielectrics, and the released electricity had a current strong enough to rupture the air’s insulation. The damage inflicted by the blast didn’t primarily come from electric shock, but rather from the immense heat.
While the idea that jellyfish create electricity is mostly fiction, some glowing jellyfish do contain a substance called GFP (green fluorescent protein). GFP is able to absorb photons from UV light, then expels electrons. This process can theoretically be used to create “solar cells”, a biological equivalent to solar panels. Although the fact Piers was in an underwater facility at the time, away from sunlight or any other source of UV light, interferes with this being a factor.
During the fight with HAOS, Piers lost his right arm. In desperation, he injected himself with the last strain of Enhanced C. With his newfound powers, he saved Chris Redfield and defeated HAOS while sacrificing his life in the exploding seabed laboratory.
Piers' mutations were less drastic than the other two. He resembled an intelligent J'avo like Bindi rather than a CMS, perhaps due to a difference in his strain (see Carla's section above). In response to his injury he developed a new arm capable of bioelectrogenesis. He may have been able to keep further mutation away through willpower.
Piers’ static electricity was stored in a “jellyfish part” on his arm made of swollen skin and muscle. The jellyfish part may have possibly acted like an electrolytic capacitor, and would swell up when a sufficient amount of electricity had been stored. When the electricity was released, his arm made a “breathing” motion. His protruding fingers and bones acted like dielectrics, and the released electricity had a current strong enough to rupture the air’s insulation. The damage inflicted by the blast didn’t primarily come from electric shock, but rather from the immense heat.
While the idea that jellyfish create electricity is mostly fiction, some glowing jellyfish do contain a substance called GFP (green fluorescent protein). GFP is able to absorb photons from UV light, then expels electrons. This process can theoretically be used to create “solar cells”, a biological equivalent to solar panels. Although the fact Piers was in an underwater facility at the time, away from sunlight or any other source of UV light, interferes with this being a factor.