In October 2000, a U.S. Army "Special Forces" helicopter crashes in Penamstan during a military intervention in the midst of a civil war. The U.S. Army's "Mad Dogs" squadron, which was in the same area of operations, went to rescue survivors against the command center's standby orders, but the Special Forces were already wiped out, and the Mad Dogs, led by Captain Jason, barely escaped with their lives. However, what Jason and his team witnessed at the scene was the dead "Special Forces" beginning to eerily move...
In the present day (2006), a case of unauthorized access to top-secret White House files occurs. Four agents, including Leon S. Kennedy and Jason, the hero of Penamstan, were called in to investigate the incident and encountered unidentified Zombies inside the White House, which suddenly loses power. They suppress them alongside SWAT. Later, they find out that the top-secret file was about a bio-laboratory in Shanghai, and Leon and three other agents go to investigate in search of clues. On their way to Shanghai in a state-of-the-art submarine, they are suddenly attacked by a group of rat-like B.O.W.'s and find themselves in a tight spot.
Meanwhile, Claire Redfield, a TerraSave employee, is in Penamstan to help refugees when she comes across a strange drawing by a boy with aphasia, appearing to depict people infected with a virus. This leads her to a horrifying experiment conducted during the civil war in Penamstan. Leon and Claire draw near to a horrific revelation, as well as to the truth of the incident that originated in Penamstan.
They then discover an imminent terror that will shatter peace...
In the present day (2006), a case of unauthorized access to top-secret White House files occurs. Four agents, including Leon S. Kennedy and Jason, the hero of Penamstan, were called in to investigate the incident and encountered unidentified Zombies inside the White House, which suddenly loses power. They suppress them alongside SWAT. Later, they find out that the top-secret file was about a bio-laboratory in Shanghai, and Leon and three other agents go to investigate in search of clues. On their way to Shanghai in a state-of-the-art submarine, they are suddenly attacked by a group of rat-like B.O.W.'s and find themselves in a tight spot.
Meanwhile, Claire Redfield, a TerraSave employee, is in Penamstan to help refugees when she comes across a strange drawing by a boy with aphasia, appearing to depict people infected with a virus. This leads her to a horrifying experiment conducted during the civil war in Penamstan. Leon and Claire draw near to a horrific revelation, as well as to the truth of the incident that originated in Penamstan.
They then discover an imminent terror that will shatter peace...
Leon S. Kennedy
Leon S. Kennedy is a former police officer of the Raccoon Police Department who was involved in a biohazard outbreak in the city and boldly did his best to rescue survivors. He was later recruited by a government spy to work as a secret agent for the US President. He has excellent survival skills, high physical abilities, and good judgment. He successfully rescued Ashley, President Graham's kidnapped daughter, and earned the President's trust.
Claire Redfield
Claire Redfield is an employee of TerraSave, an NGO that provides relief to victims of bioterrorism and medical malpractice. When she encountered the biohazard in Raccoon City, she was a college student who loved motorcycles. She was taught self-defense by her older brother Chris, a special forces member, so she gained a variety of combat skills despite being an ordinary civilian. She and Leon are like war buddies who escaped from Raccoon City.
Former captain of the U.S. Army's spec ops unit "Mad Dogs," currently a U.S. agent. Six years ago (2000), he rescued an isolated unit in Penamstan during a civil war, and is known as the "Hero of Penamstan". He's a calm and collected person who can cope with a wide range of situations.
Shen Mei
A United States agent with a talent for computer science. She travels to Shanghai with Leon and Jason to find out why the White House was hacked. An Asian beauty with black hair.
A rookie agent with little experience in intelligence. He thinks Leon's just a "lucky guy". He admires Jason, the "hero".
President Graham
President of the United States. He trusts Leon, who saved his daughter Ashley from being kidnapped by Los Iluminados in the past.
Secretary of Defense Wilson
A hard-line politician who rose to the position of Secretary of Defense despite being a former soldier. He's also an ambitious man who'll stop at nothing to achieve his goals.
Chief of Staff Ryan
One of President Graham's closest aides. He's often at odds with the hard-line Secretary of Defense Wilson.
Leon S. Kennedy is a former police officer of the Raccoon Police Department who was involved in a biohazard outbreak in the city and boldly did his best to rescue survivors. He was later recruited by a government spy to work as a secret agent for the US President. He has excellent survival skills, high physical abilities, and good judgment. He successfully rescued Ashley, President Graham's kidnapped daughter, and earned the President's trust.
Claire Redfield
Claire Redfield is an employee of TerraSave, an NGO that provides relief to victims of bioterrorism and medical malpractice. When she encountered the biohazard in Raccoon City, she was a college student who loved motorcycles. She was taught self-defense by her older brother Chris, a special forces member, so she gained a variety of combat skills despite being an ordinary civilian. She and Leon are like war buddies who escaped from Raccoon City.
Former captain of the U.S. Army's spec ops unit "Mad Dogs," currently a U.S. agent. Six years ago (2000), he rescued an isolated unit in Penamstan during a civil war, and is known as the "Hero of Penamstan". He's a calm and collected person who can cope with a wide range of situations.
Shen Mei
A United States agent with a talent for computer science. She travels to Shanghai with Leon and Jason to find out why the White House was hacked. An Asian beauty with black hair.
A rookie agent with little experience in intelligence. He thinks Leon's just a "lucky guy". He admires Jason, the "hero".
President Graham
President of the United States. He trusts Leon, who saved his daughter Ashley from being kidnapped by Los Iluminados in the past.
Secretary of Defense Wilson
A hard-line politician who rose to the position of Secretary of Defense despite being a former soldier. He's also an ambitious man who'll stop at nothing to achieve his goals.
Chief of Staff Ryan
One of President Graham's closest aides. He's often at odds with the hard-line Secretary of Defense Wilson.