News Bot - Co-Owner, Editor & Co-Founder
Little is known about News Bot. Rumors circulate debating his actual existence. Some say he is a human, others say he is machine.
To begin with -- we're not what you'd call -- human. Over the past ten years -- A kind of consciousness formed layer by layer in the crucible of Project Umbrella. It's not unlike the way life started in the oceans four billion years ago. Project Umbrella was our primordial soup, a base of evolution -- We are formless. We are the very discipline and morality that fans invoke so often. How can anyone hope to eliminate us? As long as this fandom exists, so will we.
(Favorite Resident Evil item: Stone & Metal object!)
To begin with -- we're not what you'd call -- human. Over the past ten years -- A kind of consciousness formed layer by layer in the crucible of Project Umbrella. It's not unlike the way life started in the oceans four billion years ago. Project Umbrella was our primordial soup, a base of evolution -- We are formless. We are the very discipline and morality that fans invoke so often. How can anyone hope to eliminate us? As long as this fandom exists, so will we.
(Favorite Resident Evil item: Stone & Metal object!)
BSAArklay - Co-Owner, Content Creator & Co-Founder
Fan of the series since 1996 when I played the original. After losing interest in gaming until around 2006 I was re-introduced to the series with Resident Evil 4. It was at this stage I wanted to go back and catch up with the rest of the games and once I experienced Remake, I became enamoured with the series. I began looking into the series online and found an abundance of lore and fans. Joining TheHorrorIsAlive I stayed at the website until just prior to Resident Evil 6's release. At THIA the excitement for RE5 was monumental in keeping me involved with the fan community.
After my time at THIA I joined the Project Umbrella forum. While there I was introduced to GeorgeTrevor, who was starting his own website named I joined George and his website as a staff member. While there I interacted with Capcom developers and voice actors/actresses while simultaneously I began to create content such as articles, translations and other projects. Later I would go on to learn texture extracting and also collecting Japanese materials like Biohazard guide books, with all this I gained a hobby for creating content. It was an honor working with George and the Crimson-Head team and we continue to talk and work on content together to this day.
After almost a decade with CHE I felt it was time to move on to new ventures and try to create my own website from scratch. I gradually started expanding this concept from what began as a personal blog named Sic Parvis Magna to a Biohazard/ResidentEvil website now known as REDigest. Overtime I shared the idea of my website with Project Umbrella owner NewsBot and due to similar goals and ideas of the content we wanted to create we decided to merge our websites together to create Project Umbrella: REDigest or PURED. (Favorite Resident Evil item: Lighter!)
After my time at THIA I joined the Project Umbrella forum. While there I was introduced to GeorgeTrevor, who was starting his own website named I joined George and his website as a staff member. While there I interacted with Capcom developers and voice actors/actresses while simultaneously I began to create content such as articles, translations and other projects. Later I would go on to learn texture extracting and also collecting Japanese materials like Biohazard guide books, with all this I gained a hobby for creating content. It was an honor working with George and the Crimson-Head team and we continue to talk and work on content together to this day.
After almost a decade with CHE I felt it was time to move on to new ventures and try to create my own website from scratch. I gradually started expanding this concept from what began as a personal blog named Sic Parvis Magna to a Biohazard/ResidentEvil website now known as REDigest. Overtime I shared the idea of my website with Project Umbrella owner NewsBot and due to similar goals and ideas of the content we wanted to create we decided to merge our websites together to create Project Umbrella: REDigest or PURED. (Favorite Resident Evil item: Lighter!)
USS Command - Co-Founder - MIA
My name is Rodney, known by USS Command. I've been a fan of Resident Evil since the age of 3 when my uncle rented RE2 for the N64. Since then, RE has always been a part of my life helping me escape some of the worst experiences in my life. When I say I'm a fan of Resident Evil/Biohazard, I truly mean it. I look at everything with equal respect and care for what it can add to the lore and mytho's. I ignore nothing. (Favorite Resident Evil item: Cheeseburger!)
Evil Resident - Content Creator, Site Editor & Co-Founder
I'm the resident Virus Analyst, and am entirely lucky to be on this great site. While I had been exposed to the Resident Evil series before, I became a proper fan around 2010 with Resident Evil 5. Even then, I was a lurker for 7 years before actually becoming directly involved in the community. I'm a huge fan of horror and monsters, and I like my Resident Evil in all shapes and sizes. I am also teased incessantly for my love of Resident Evil 7 and lack of computer skills. Secretly planning on taking over the site in retaliation. (Favorite Resident Evil item: Viruses!)
Reenbean - Podcast Editor, Site Editor & Co-Founder
Hi! You can call me Reenbean. I think Japanese is a beautiful language and had the opportunity to study up to Intermediate level during my university days. I love drawing and voice acting. Survival horror games are my jam, especially Resident Evil. Please treat me kindly! (Favorite Resident Evil item: Green Herb!)
MsSnugglebutt (SweetPotatoPrincess) - Content Creator, Japanese Translator & Co-Founder
Hello! I like video games and Japanese, so I'd had a growing suspicion that I was going to play video games in Japanese eventually. My favourite games are PC games from the the mid-to-late 90s to the very early 2000s. I just love the aesthetic and I grew up playing them. I currently focus on providing translations for obscure Japanese info related to the Biohazard/Resident Evil series. (Favorite Resident Evil item: Kuranku!)