Project Umbrella was able to secure an interview in August 2013 with Mr. Ryoji Shimogama, enemy designer and texture artist of the first two games in the BIO series. Please enjoy.
Interviewer: Welsh
Interviewer: Welsh
Interview Translation
Q: Which game did you work on before BIOHAZARD 1?
A. The team I belonged to before BIO was "Rockman 7" (Mega Man 7).
Q: Please tell us about your role in the BIOHAZARD series. Do you still design video games?
A. Monster designs and texture creation. I've left the game industry but do work on games once in a while.
Q: Which BIOHAZARD 2 creatures did you design?
A: Licker, Plant 43, Giant Moth, G1-5, T-00, etc.
Q: Which is your favorite?
A: G-5.
Q: Please describe the process of creating one of those creatures.
A. I drew them after consulting with the planners or seeing movies, books or documents.
Q: In BIOHAZARD 2, there's a sign in the street area that reads, "Amagomihs", which is "Shimogama" inverted. Are there any more hidden references to your name?
A. The names of various staff members are hidden. There's some written in "kanji." Please search for them.
Q: So, you were involved in the BIOHAZARD 2 prototype, better known as "1.5"?
A. I was responsible for the designs of the monsters and the creation of textures, but I strayed considerably. I think one of the causes of the scrapping was because the monsters were lackluster.
Q: Did you contribute to the storyline?
A. I don't remember... but I just about think I wasn't involved.
Q: Please tell us about the "1.5" transformation sequence of "G1-5."
A. The 1.5 transformations were generally poor and "a symbol you can discern at a glance" was desired, so I added the huge eyeball. Since G-5 was fought while it chased you inside the train, it was designed so the player couldn't "backtrack."
Q: Were you involved in the decision making when 1.5 became 2?
A. The decision-making was conducted by the upper guys. I think it was because the quality was low.
Q: Please tell us about "G" in the retail version. How did you come up with each unique transformation sequence?
A. I decided G while consulting with the team members, then drew rough images. While imagining, I drew them to "transform big, flashy and strong."
Q: In 'Biohazard Archives', there's an image of G with what appears to be an absorbed female body. Was it supposed to be Annette?
A. I don't remember. I do remember that I drew G-Annette. However, it isn't this and must've been discarded.
Q: Please tell us the story behind the Tyrant T-103.
A. I also proposed it running and having firearms, but these were discarded. I think the concept finally became "an unbeatable mystery man slowly approaching you on foot."
Q: Could you comment on the following illustrations?
A. (On Super Tyrant) I think it was probably one of the Super Tyrant ideas. It was a dropped design.
(On two Super Tyrant designs) I think the trenchcoat became T-103. Why there's no woman... I don't know.
Q: Please comment on the rejected enemy designs in Biohazard Archives.
A. They're designs that were dropped as they were judged to be lackluster. Parts became G and the Licker.
Q: Were you involved with Director Kamiya's original version of BIOHAZARD 3?
A. In 1998, I was in a different company.
Q: Did you continue to play BIOHAZARD after you left Capcom? If so, what is your opinion on the current direction of the series?
A. Since I moved away from BIO, I don't know the current BIO. I don't have an opinion either. That which is created by the designers at CAPCOM is the "proper BIOHAZARD" now.
Q: Did your experience with the BIOHAZARD series help you with PARASITE EVE 2? And was there a desire among staff members to create a new product that surpassed BIO?
A. Although there were feelings to desire to create something good, since the company and required elements were different, there wasn't much thought of "surpassing BIO."
Q: Please tell us a secret about BIOHAZARD 2!
A. The Zombie voices are the voices of the staff.
Q: Do you have a message for your fans?
A. Thank you for playing BIO2. I think the BIO series will continue to evolve as long as the players want it. Please enjoy it in the future.
A. The team I belonged to before BIO was "Rockman 7" (Mega Man 7).
Q: Please tell us about your role in the BIOHAZARD series. Do you still design video games?
A. Monster designs and texture creation. I've left the game industry but do work on games once in a while.
Q: Which BIOHAZARD 2 creatures did you design?
A: Licker, Plant 43, Giant Moth, G1-5, T-00, etc.
Q: Which is your favorite?
A: G-5.
Q: Please describe the process of creating one of those creatures.
A. I drew them after consulting with the planners or seeing movies, books or documents.
Q: In BIOHAZARD 2, there's a sign in the street area that reads, "Amagomihs", which is "Shimogama" inverted. Are there any more hidden references to your name?
A. The names of various staff members are hidden. There's some written in "kanji." Please search for them.
Q: So, you were involved in the BIOHAZARD 2 prototype, better known as "1.5"?
A. I was responsible for the designs of the monsters and the creation of textures, but I strayed considerably. I think one of the causes of the scrapping was because the monsters were lackluster.
Q: Did you contribute to the storyline?
A. I don't remember... but I just about think I wasn't involved.
Q: Please tell us about the "1.5" transformation sequence of "G1-5."
A. The 1.5 transformations were generally poor and "a symbol you can discern at a glance" was desired, so I added the huge eyeball. Since G-5 was fought while it chased you inside the train, it was designed so the player couldn't "backtrack."
Q: Were you involved in the decision making when 1.5 became 2?
A. The decision-making was conducted by the upper guys. I think it was because the quality was low.
Q: Please tell us about "G" in the retail version. How did you come up with each unique transformation sequence?
A. I decided G while consulting with the team members, then drew rough images. While imagining, I drew them to "transform big, flashy and strong."
Q: In 'Biohazard Archives', there's an image of G with what appears to be an absorbed female body. Was it supposed to be Annette?
A. I don't remember. I do remember that I drew G-Annette. However, it isn't this and must've been discarded.
Q: Please tell us the story behind the Tyrant T-103.
A. I also proposed it running and having firearms, but these were discarded. I think the concept finally became "an unbeatable mystery man slowly approaching you on foot."
Q: Could you comment on the following illustrations?
A. (On Super Tyrant) I think it was probably one of the Super Tyrant ideas. It was a dropped design.
(On two Super Tyrant designs) I think the trenchcoat became T-103. Why there's no woman... I don't know.
Q: Please comment on the rejected enemy designs in Biohazard Archives.
A. They're designs that were dropped as they were judged to be lackluster. Parts became G and the Licker.
Q: Were you involved with Director Kamiya's original version of BIOHAZARD 3?
A. In 1998, I was in a different company.
Q: Did you continue to play BIOHAZARD after you left Capcom? If so, what is your opinion on the current direction of the series?
A. Since I moved away from BIO, I don't know the current BIO. I don't have an opinion either. That which is created by the designers at CAPCOM is the "proper BIOHAZARD" now.
Q: Did your experience with the BIOHAZARD series help you with PARASITE EVE 2? And was there a desire among staff members to create a new product that surpassed BIO?
A. Although there were feelings to desire to create something good, since the company and required elements were different, there wasn't much thought of "surpassing BIO."
Q: Please tell us a secret about BIOHAZARD 2!
A. The Zombie voices are the voices of the staff.
Q: Do you have a message for your fans?
A. Thank you for playing BIO2. I think the BIO series will continue to evolve as long as the players want it. Please enjoy it in the future.
Interview Transcript
Q: Which game did you work on before BIOHAZARD 1?
A: もし、バイオ以前に所属していたチームのことなら、「ロックマン7」です。
Q: Please tell us about your role in the BIOHAZARD series. Do you still design video games?
A: モンスターのデザイン。テクスチャー作成。ゲーム業界は離れましたが、たまにゲームの仕事はしています。
Q: Which BIOHAZARD 2 creatures did you design?
A: Licker, Plant 43, Giant Moth, G1-5, T-00, etc.
Q: Which is your favorite?
A: G-5.
Q: Please describe the process of creating one of those creatures.
A: 企画職と相談したり、映画や本や資料を見てから、描いていきます。
Q: In BIOHAZARD 2, there's a sign in the street area that reads, "Amagomihs", which is "Shimogama" inverted. Are there any more hidden references to your name?
A: いろんなスタッフの名前が隠れています。「漢字」で書かれているものもあります。探してみてください。
Q: So, you were involved in the BIOHAZARD 2 prototype, better known as "1.5"?
A: モンスターのデザインと、テクスチャー作成を担当しましたが、かなり迷走しました。 廃棄の原因の一つは、モンスターの完成度が低かったせいだと思います。
Q: Did you contribute to the storyline?
A: 覚えていません...が、ほぼ関わっていなかったと思います。
Q: Please tell us about the "1.5" transformation sequence of "G1-5".
A: 1.5は全体的に変化が乏しかったのと、「ひと目で分かるシンボル」がほしいと言われ巨大な目玉を付けました。G-5は、電車の中を追われながら戦うので、プレイヤーが「逆戻り」できないデザインにしました。
Q: Were you involved in the decision making when 1.5 became 2?
A: 意思決定は上の方で行われました。クオリティが低かったせいだと思います。
Q: Please tell us about "G" in the retail version. How did you come up with each unique transformation sequence?
A: Gはイメージラフ画を描き、チームメンバーと相談しつつ決めました。 「強く・大きく・派手に変化」するように、イメージしつつ描きました。
Q: In 'Biohazard: Archives', there's an image of G with what appears to be an absorbed female body. Was it supposed to be Annette?
A: 覚えてないです。アネットGは描いた記憶があります。しかしこれではありませんし、廃棄されたはずです。
Q: Please tell us the story behind the Tyrant T-103.
A: 走ったり、銃火器を持たせる案も出しましたが廃棄されました。最終的に「ゆっくり歩いて迫ってくる倒せない謎の男」というコンセプトになったと思います。
Q: Could you comment on the following illustrations?
A: たぶん、スーパータイラントのアイデアの一つだったと思います。廃棄デザインです。トレンチコートたちはT-103になったと思います。 女性がいない理由は...わかりません。
Q: Please comment on the rejected enemy designs in Biohazard: Archives.
A: 完成度が低いと判断されたので廃棄されたデザインです。一部は、LickerやGになりました。
Q: Were you involved with Director Kamiya's original version of BIOHAZARD 3?
A: 1998には、私は別の会社にいました。
Q: Did you continue to play BIOHAZARD after you left Capcom? If so, what is your opinion on the current direction of the series?
A: バイオから離れたので、今のバイオを知りません。意見もありません。 現在、カプコンに在籍しているデザイナーが作ったものが「正しいバイオハザード」です。
Q: Did your experience with the BIOHAZARD series help you with PARASITE EVE 2? And was there a desire among staff members to create a new product that surpassed BIO?
A: 良い物を作りたいという意識はありましたが、会社が違い、求められるものも違うので、「バイオを超える」という考えはあまりありませんでした。
Q: Please tell us a secret about BIOHAZARD 2!
A: ゾンビの声は、スタッフの声。
Q: Do you have a message for your fans?
A: バイオ2を遊んでくれてありがとうございます。 バイオシリーズは、ユーザーが求める限り進化していくと思います。これからも楽しんでください。
A: もし、バイオ以前に所属していたチームのことなら、「ロックマン7」です。
Q: Please tell us about your role in the BIOHAZARD series. Do you still design video games?
A: モンスターのデザイン。テクスチャー作成。ゲーム業界は離れましたが、たまにゲームの仕事はしています。
Q: Which BIOHAZARD 2 creatures did you design?
A: Licker, Plant 43, Giant Moth, G1-5, T-00, etc.
Q: Which is your favorite?
A: G-5.
Q: Please describe the process of creating one of those creatures.
A: 企画職と相談したり、映画や本や資料を見てから、描いていきます。
Q: In BIOHAZARD 2, there's a sign in the street area that reads, "Amagomihs", which is "Shimogama" inverted. Are there any more hidden references to your name?
A: いろんなスタッフの名前が隠れています。「漢字」で書かれているものもあります。探してみてください。
Q: So, you were involved in the BIOHAZARD 2 prototype, better known as "1.5"?
A: モンスターのデザインと、テクスチャー作成を担当しましたが、かなり迷走しました。 廃棄の原因の一つは、モンスターの完成度が低かったせいだと思います。
Q: Did you contribute to the storyline?
A: 覚えていません...が、ほぼ関わっていなかったと思います。
Q: Please tell us about the "1.5" transformation sequence of "G1-5".
A: 1.5は全体的に変化が乏しかったのと、「ひと目で分かるシンボル」がほしいと言われ巨大な目玉を付けました。G-5は、電車の中を追われながら戦うので、プレイヤーが「逆戻り」できないデザインにしました。
Q: Were you involved in the decision making when 1.5 became 2?
A: 意思決定は上の方で行われました。クオリティが低かったせいだと思います。
Q: Please tell us about "G" in the retail version. How did you come up with each unique transformation sequence?
A: Gはイメージラフ画を描き、チームメンバーと相談しつつ決めました。 「強く・大きく・派手に変化」するように、イメージしつつ描きました。
Q: In 'Biohazard: Archives', there's an image of G with what appears to be an absorbed female body. Was it supposed to be Annette?
A: 覚えてないです。アネットGは描いた記憶があります。しかしこれではありませんし、廃棄されたはずです。
Q: Please tell us the story behind the Tyrant T-103.
A: 走ったり、銃火器を持たせる案も出しましたが廃棄されました。最終的に「ゆっくり歩いて迫ってくる倒せない謎の男」というコンセプトになったと思います。
Q: Could you comment on the following illustrations?
A: たぶん、スーパータイラントのアイデアの一つだったと思います。廃棄デザインです。トレンチコートたちはT-103になったと思います。 女性がいない理由は...わかりません。
Q: Please comment on the rejected enemy designs in Biohazard: Archives.
A: 完成度が低いと判断されたので廃棄されたデザインです。一部は、LickerやGになりました。
Q: Were you involved with Director Kamiya's original version of BIOHAZARD 3?
A: 1998には、私は別の会社にいました。
Q: Did you continue to play BIOHAZARD after you left Capcom? If so, what is your opinion on the current direction of the series?
A: バイオから離れたので、今のバイオを知りません。意見もありません。 現在、カプコンに在籍しているデザイナーが作ったものが「正しいバイオハザード」です。
Q: Did your experience with the BIOHAZARD series help you with PARASITE EVE 2? And was there a desire among staff members to create a new product that surpassed BIO?
A: 良い物を作りたいという意識はありましたが、会社が違い、求められるものも違うので、「バイオを超える」という考えはあまりありませんでした。
Q: Please tell us a secret about BIOHAZARD 2!
A: ゾンビの声は、スタッフの声。
Q: Do you have a message for your fans?
A: バイオ2を遊んでくれてありがとうございます。 バイオシリーズは、ユーザーが求める限り進化していくと思います。これからも楽しんでください。