Nemesis was a parasitic brain developed by the Umbrella Corporation, responsible for the creation of the (arguably) most iconic monster in all of the Resident Evil series. This Analysis also covers the unique Nemesis subspecies encountered in Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. Due to the contentious views on ORC’s relevancy, it is included for the sake of completeness, yet always labeled as ORC related when brought up. Thanks to Rodney Holbrook/USS Command for the ORC pictures, information, and theories, and to the director of ORC himself, Andy Santos, for some exclusive information.

In the 1980-mid 90s, the bottleneck of B.O.W. development was intelligence – the necrotic effects of the t-Virus degraded the intelligence of higher lifeforms such as humans, making them unable to be trained and controlled, let alone fulfill Umbrella’s ultimate ambition of creating B.O.W.s able to blend into human society.
While the primary t-Virus facility at Arklay attempted to create a strain of the virus able to limit intelligence decline, and find a host whose genes would meet this goal halfway, other facilities experimented with alternative means of control.
While the primary t-Virus facility at Arklay attempted to create a strain of the virus able to limit intelligence decline, and find a host whose genes would meet this goal halfway, other facilities experimented with alternative means of control.
In 1988, the No. 6 Laboratory of the European Branch began development of the Nemesis Parasite. Nemesis was an artificial organism, not found in nature but entirely manufactured presumably using the power of the Virus to form life. As of Resident Evil 3 Reimagined (2020), the Nemesis parasite is said to be directly or indirectly based on Las Plagas, a parasite capable of manipulating human behavior.
Nemesis was designed as an attempt to control otherwise unstable B.O.W.s.; a sort of mind control parasite. By developing Nemesis intelligence separately, it was hoped base B.O.W.s could be made with no regard to intelligence, focusing purely on combat abilities.
However, the method by which Nemesis derived nutrition, its invasive growth, and the drastic way it assumed control made it lethal in all hosts, who all died within five minutes of injection.
However, the method by which Nemesis derived nutrition, its invasive growth, and the drastic way it assumed control made it lethal in all hosts, who all died within five minutes of injection.
The Arklay lab requested a sample of Nemesis to aid in their research, a request granted thanks to the influence of Umbrella CEO Oswell Spencer. After its arrival, Nemesis was injected into the facility’s primary test subject, Lisa Trevor. Thanks to Lisa’s immortality granted by the Progenitor Virus, she was able to not only survive Nemesis injection, but her body managed to absorb it. This development led to the discovery of the G-Virus (covered in Virus Analysis: Golgotha).
Credit to JCWesker for archiving the assets from the Biohazard Remake website
Without a host besides Lisa able to survive injection, Nemesis development reached a standstill, until 1998, when the Tyrant B.O.W. was successfully developed and cloned. The Tyrant had the vitality required to survive parasite injection, and the Nemesis Project began to show great promise. At this time Nemesis was identified as the NE-Alpha (α) Type, and it is unknown if this was the same prototype from 1988, or a new type with refined features and lessened lethality.
Around the same time (in Operation Raccoon City lore), the research team under William Birkin used NE-α to develop a sub species called the NE-Beta (β) Type, which was discontinued after only 36 days of development, then mysteriously revived by William Birkin without the knowledge of Umbrella higher-ups.
Credit to 3D Character Artist David Kuo

The No. 6 lab, after extensive experiments, managed to successfully bond NE-α with several T-103 Tyrant clones, creating the prototype B.O.W. Nemesis-T Type, nicknamed “Pursuer”. These creatures were placed in incubation using a chemical called “VT-J98”.
One Pursuer was deployed to Raccoon City for a field test. It was tasked with tracking and eliminating former S.T.A.R.S (Special Tactics And Rescue Service) members, two of which were trapped in the city due to the ongoing t-Virus outbreak there. S.T.A.R.S. were not only worthy combatants who were causing problems for Umbrella, but Umbrella wanted revenge after S.T.A.R.S. destroyed the T-002 Tyrant, and in so doing prove the European Branch’s superiority over the American Branch. The development team called this Pursuer “Nemesis”, naming it not only after the parasite but after the original namesake as well – Nemesis was the Greek goddess of vengeance.
After many battles and close calls in Raccoon, S.T.A.R.S.’s Jill Valentine managed to obliterate her Pursuer.
Umbrella America afterwards used the Pursuer combat data acquired from the Raccoon field test to create their own Nemesis-T Type. This Pursuer was stored at Rockfort Island for emergency security reasons.
One Pursuer was deployed to Raccoon City for a field test. It was tasked with tracking and eliminating former S.T.A.R.S (Special Tactics And Rescue Service) members, two of which were trapped in the city due to the ongoing t-Virus outbreak there. S.T.A.R.S. were not only worthy combatants who were causing problems for Umbrella, but Umbrella wanted revenge after S.T.A.R.S. destroyed the T-002 Tyrant, and in so doing prove the European Branch’s superiority over the American Branch. The development team called this Pursuer “Nemesis”, naming it not only after the parasite but after the original namesake as well – Nemesis was the Greek goddess of vengeance.
After many battles and close calls in Raccoon, S.T.A.R.S.’s Jill Valentine managed to obliterate her Pursuer.
Umbrella America afterwards used the Pursuer combat data acquired from the Raccoon field test to create their own Nemesis-T Type. This Pursuer was stored at Rockfort Island for emergency security reasons.

While Nemesis-T Type had unparalleled intelligence and combat and recovery abilities, it was also hideously deformed. This conflicted with Umbrella’s goal of creating B.O.W.s capable of being disguised as ordinary humans. The extensive surgery required for Nemesis-T Type creation also made mass production impractical, and some within Umbrella, like Dr. Nathaniel Bard, felt parasites were too unpredictable. These combined factors led to the Nemesis Project being discontinued, especially due to the financial problems Umbrella incurred after 1998.
However outside parties such as Albert Wesker and rogue UBCS Monitor Nikolai Zinoviev were interested in recovering Nemesis samples and combat data for rival organizations.
However outside parties such as Albert Wesker and rogue UBCS Monitor Nikolai Zinoviev were interested in recovering Nemesis samples and combat data for rival organizations.
NE-α Type
The NE- α Type begins its life as a small clump of cells. These cells are specifically engineered to consume cells infected with the t-Virus. NE-α is implanted into its host by injecting it with a syringe directly into the host’s spinal column. NE-α will move towards and attach itself to the area of the spine near the medulla oblongata, which is located within the brain stem. NE-α will then begin to consume T-infected cells, if the host was previously infected with the virus. It is unknown exactly what would happen if NE-α was injected into a host not infected with the virus, although it would likely die without infected cells to feed on.
As it feeds on the host, NE-α will grow exponentially. The adult form of the parasite resembles an enlarged human brain. This suggests Nemesis was created using brain matter, explaining both its intelligence and its appearance. Its parasitic nature could imply parasite DNA was fused with the base cells using the t-Virus' ability to make splicing easier. With the revelation that NE-α is related to Las Plagas, this parasite DNA could be derived from Plaga. NE-α could also be a cancer or include cancerous elements, suggested by its continuous growth (credit: Biology of Evil). In Resident Evil 3 Reimagined, NE-α appears to be bioluminescent, meaning it glows.
While the main body of the parasite resembles a brain, it also develops multiple tentacles, many of which grow to incredible lengths. These tentacles are extremely dexterous, strong, and capable of piercing through bone with ease. These tentacles serve multiple purposes:
Once NE-α has connected itself to the brain, it will completely hijack control of the body. In essence, NE-α becomes the brain of the host. According to Kawamura:
As it feeds on the host, NE-α will grow exponentially. The adult form of the parasite resembles an enlarged human brain. This suggests Nemesis was created using brain matter, explaining both its intelligence and its appearance. Its parasitic nature could imply parasite DNA was fused with the base cells using the t-Virus' ability to make splicing easier. With the revelation that NE-α is related to Las Plagas, this parasite DNA could be derived from Plaga. NE-α could also be a cancer or include cancerous elements, suggested by its continuous growth (credit: Biology of Evil). In Resident Evil 3 Reimagined, NE-α appears to be bioluminescent, meaning it glows.
While the main body of the parasite resembles a brain, it also develops multiple tentacles, many of which grow to incredible lengths. These tentacles are extremely dexterous, strong, and capable of piercing through bone with ease. These tentacles serve multiple purposes:
- Control – a tentacle will work its way upward, cross the face (often destroying or disfiguring the nose in the process), and pierce through the front of the skull, destroying the forebrain, and possibly allowing NE-α to “hack” into the brain directly.
- Host augmentation – NE-α tentacles secrete a liquid continuously as they grow throughout the body of the host. This liquid contains a chemical that increases t-Virus potency. This causes T-Mutant cells to experience “cell activation”, leading to greatly enhanced regenerative properties.
- Breeding – In the Resident Evil 3 2020 Reimagining, the parasite is capable of implanting offspring into other hosts using its tentacles. This creates another link to the G-Virus, which contains Nemesis genes.
- Fighting – The tentacles of NE-α are so long they barely fit in the body, and can extend to be used as a powerful whip and piercing weapon by the host. It is an especially deadly weapon due to its capacity to infect others with its supercharged strain of the t-Virus. The tentacles can also be used to facilitate quick movement, like a grappling hook.
Once NE-α has connected itself to the brain, it will completely hijack control of the body. In essence, NE-α becomes the brain of the host. According to Kawamura:
“While Nemesis itself isn't overly intelligent, it has the capability to boost its intellect by simultaneously using its own brain as well as the host's brain - sort of like a dual-core CPU.”
Thanks to its utilization of the host brain’s intelligence in conjunction with its own, NE-α is extremely intelligent, able to understand complex orders, use complicated tools, and think tactically. Yet it is also easy to program/train. In supplementary material for ORC, Nemesis intelligence must actually be lessened in order to make it compliant. This is achieved by frying the brain of the Nemesis host.
In the creation of Nemesis, Umbrella essentially created a new form of intelligent life. This development posed a danger to humanity itself, demonstrated in an instance with several prototypes:
In the creation of Nemesis, Umbrella essentially created a new form of intelligent life. This development posed a danger to humanity itself, demonstrated in an instance with several prototypes:
"In addition, an interesting report was made about a "Nemesis-T Type" test subject in which this was transplanted into the latest Tyrant. In the case of the Nemesis culture process, it gained a sense of self and attempted to escape from the facility with others. That shows that the intelligence of the test subject drastically improved, and suggests a risk that a B.O.W. could become a new intelligent organism and rebel against humanity.
At that time, can mankind survive---?"
It is unknown if the parasite can infect hosts other than those based on humans.
The NE-α secretions affecting the virus also cause unavoidable side effects. Skin exposed to the chemicals will become deformed and turn a unique color, with an irregular texture. The excessive virus activity also causes abnormal developments in the host physiology. These effects lead to an extremely ugly appearance.
The parasite itself also tends to continue to grow uncontrollably, tearing the skin and posing a danger to the stability of the parasite. The invasive and violent nature of the parasite kills most hosts within minutes, with Tyrants being an exception.
The NE-α secretions affecting the virus also cause unavoidable side effects. Skin exposed to the chemicals will become deformed and turn a unique color, with an irregular texture. The excessive virus activity also causes abnormal developments in the host physiology. These effects lead to an extremely ugly appearance.
The parasite itself also tends to continue to grow uncontrollably, tearing the skin and posing a danger to the stability of the parasite. The invasive and violent nature of the parasite kills most hosts within minutes, with Tyrants being an exception.
Nemesis-T Type, First Form
The Nemesis-T Type/Pursuer B.O.W. was created in 1998 by the NO. 6 lab. A T-103 mass production Tyrant was used as the base (see Virus Analysis: Tyrant for information on the T-103), which is what “T Type” signifies. The Tyrant was injected in the spine with NE-α, which hijacked the brain. The tentacles of NE-α ripped the face, right arm, right breast, and belly of the Tyrant open, requiring the development staff to staple the flesh back together. In the process the Tyrant lost its nose, lips, and right eye. The full extent of the damage that needed to be rectified by surgery is unknown, but the process made development more complicated than mere cloning (and a Tyrant already parasitized couldn't be cloned, as it is comprised of two separate organisms). A tentacle was partially exposed along the shoulder, and its skin was mutated by the parasite secretions.
In Resident Evil 3 Reimagined, the extreme regenerative boost granted by the parasite lead to further deformities, in particular excess growth in the teeth and bones. The Tyrant’s skull expanded, giving it an abnormal shape, and the lengthened teeth ripped the flesh around the jaw. In this depiction the Tyrant retained its nose, but the skull growth twisted it to an angle.
In Resident Evil 3 Reimagined, the extreme regenerative boost granted by the parasite lead to further deformities, in particular excess growth in the teeth and bones. The Tyrant’s skull expanded, giving it an abnormal shape, and the lengthened teeth ripped the flesh around the jaw. In this depiction the Tyrant retained its nose, but the skull growth twisted it to an angle.

In order to restrain excess parasite growth, Nemesis-T Type was equipped with a special power limiter built into its coat that not only kept NE-α growth in check, but also restrained mutation in the host like a normal Tyrant limiter. In RE3R, it had an engine-like device placed over the heart, which is a part of its custom power limiter. An additional purpose of this engine may have been to support the Tyrant’s expanded cardiovascular system, enabling it to run for long periods of time. Also in RE3R, the limiter coat is covered in radioactivity warning labels, perhaps implying the engine emits harmful radiation. It’s possible the power limiter kills excess parasite cells using this radiation, similar to how cancer is battled.
The Pursuer was extremely intelligent (or rather, the parasite driving it was). It was capable of not only following specific orders, but could even improvise in the field - the first B.O.W. capable of such. The Pursuer was even able to learn to speak.
The Pursuer was extremely intelligent (or rather, the parasite driving it was). It was capable of not only following specific orders, but could even improvise in the field - the first B.O.W. capable of such. The Pursuer was even able to learn to speak.

The Pursuer sent into Raccoon City (formally called "Nemesis-T02", which could indicate it was the second Pursuer ever created) to hunt S.T.A.R.S. was trained to identify its targets by having it memorize pictures and tapes shown to it, and scents. Despite its intelligence, all it knew was its objective and the means by which it could accomplish it, creating an obsession driving its very existence. The only word it spoke was the name of its target: S.T.A.R.S.
After deployment, the Pursuer was given weapons by Umbrella, who dropped them into the city afterwards. These weapons included a modified Stinger Rocket Launcher and a flamethrower (and in ORC, a minigun). These weapons were specifically designed for the Pursuer, and were too large for human use. Thanks to its extensive training and intelligence, the Pursuer used these weapons with extreme skill and pinpoint accuracy, even capable of hitting a moving helicopter with a single, non-guided rocket.

The Pursuer also used a tentacle that emerged from its hand as a lethal weapon, killing S.T.A.R.S. officer Brad Vickers with it by impaling his skull. Despite destroying his brain, the excessively active strain of the t-Virus it transferred into his body caused just enough neurological repairs for Brad to reanimate as a Zombie.
The extreme regenerative potential of the Pursuer made it almost completely indestructible, and it survived countless gun fights, explosions, and falls, in addition to being hit by a car, set on fire, and electrocuted. Other host enhancements included an incredibly fast running speed and excellent reflexes, in addition to the already amazing abilities of the T-103 host.
The extreme regenerative potential of the Pursuer made it almost completely indestructible, and it survived countless gun fights, explosions, and falls, in addition to being hit by a car, set on fire, and electrocuted. Other host enhancements included an incredibly fast running speed and excellent reflexes, in addition to the already amazing abilities of the T-103 host.
Nemesis-T Type, Form 2
Credit to Newsbot for editing the Nemesis scans
After the Raccoon Nemesis-T Type was severely injured in battle with Jill Valentine, it disengaged its power limiter to allow the parasite to work at the full extent of its abilities, and preserve the Tyrant’s life.
The parasite's tentacles expanded further as it mutated into its second form. The heavy tentacles growing from its arms rendered the use of firearms impossible, but they were very formidable weapons themselves. The parasite, attempting to adapt in response to excessive damage, grew in size and eroded both the central nervous system and the medulla oblongata, likely due to its proximity to the latter. The parasite’s expanded mass would put pressure on the brain stem, damaging it. The Tyrant’s aggressiveness also increased.
The host itself did not change much in this form in the original RE3, but in The Umbrella Chronicles it experienced an increase in muscle mass.
In RE3R, the second form of the Pursuer is radically different. While the original interpretation did not depict the host change in appearance, the reimagining had it develop a totally new form. The Pursuer’s bone structure was heavily altered, causing it to adopt exclusively quadrupedal movement, like a canine. Its single eye and twisted nose completely atrophied and disappeared, yet its senses did not appear to be altered. These features are very Licker-like, which probably isn't a coincidence: The Licker mutation is caused by V-ACT, which leads to excessive virus activity causing extreme mutations in the host’s entire body structure. The increased production of NE-α secretions in the Pursuer’s second form would likewise cause more excessive viral activity, resulting in mutations similar to the Licker in the bones and eyes. The RE3R Pursuer’s abnormal bone development is present in the first form as well, creating some consistency.
Like most mutated Tyrants, the RE3R Pursuer developed claws in its new form, and it grew in size considerably. Its ribcage opened up, revealing a glowing organ. This organ could be a heart, considering Super Tyrants tend to have exposed hearts. Or it is the NE-α itself. This development would be due to the parasite’s main body growing in size, forcing the chest to split open.
While it did not have enlarged, exposed tentacles in this depiction initially, it did sprout a single, gigantic tentacle to replace its left arm, when said arm was severed by a falling gate. This tentacle was tipped with a small stinger-like barb or needle, capable of spreading the t-Virus.
Its movement speed, climbing ability, and overall ferocity was even greater in this form. It would often circle prey like a wolf attempting to confuse and frighten its prey.
The parasite's tentacles expanded further as it mutated into its second form. The heavy tentacles growing from its arms rendered the use of firearms impossible, but they were very formidable weapons themselves. The parasite, attempting to adapt in response to excessive damage, grew in size and eroded both the central nervous system and the medulla oblongata, likely due to its proximity to the latter. The parasite’s expanded mass would put pressure on the brain stem, damaging it. The Tyrant’s aggressiveness also increased.
The host itself did not change much in this form in the original RE3, but in The Umbrella Chronicles it experienced an increase in muscle mass.
In RE3R, the second form of the Pursuer is radically different. While the original interpretation did not depict the host change in appearance, the reimagining had it develop a totally new form. The Pursuer’s bone structure was heavily altered, causing it to adopt exclusively quadrupedal movement, like a canine. Its single eye and twisted nose completely atrophied and disappeared, yet its senses did not appear to be altered. These features are very Licker-like, which probably isn't a coincidence: The Licker mutation is caused by V-ACT, which leads to excessive virus activity causing extreme mutations in the host’s entire body structure. The increased production of NE-α secretions in the Pursuer’s second form would likewise cause more excessive viral activity, resulting in mutations similar to the Licker in the bones and eyes. The RE3R Pursuer’s abnormal bone development is present in the first form as well, creating some consistency.
Like most mutated Tyrants, the RE3R Pursuer developed claws in its new form, and it grew in size considerably. Its ribcage opened up, revealing a glowing organ. This organ could be a heart, considering Super Tyrants tend to have exposed hearts. Or it is the NE-α itself. This development would be due to the parasite’s main body growing in size, forcing the chest to split open.
While it did not have enlarged, exposed tentacles in this depiction initially, it did sprout a single, gigantic tentacle to replace its left arm, when said arm was severed by a falling gate. This tentacle was tipped with a small stinger-like barb or needle, capable of spreading the t-Virus.
Its movement speed, climbing ability, and overall ferocity was even greater in this form. It would often circle prey like a wolf attempting to confuse and frighten its prey.
Nemesis-T Type, Form 3
After the second form of the Raccoon Pursuer was decapitated and submerged in acid used to dissolve entire B.O.W.s, the Tyrant host died. Yet the parasite itself clung to life. Being endangered, the parasite's survival instincts took priority (although it didn't forget its orders). The parasite, driving the remains of the Tyrant carcass, grew exponentially, and replenished biomass by consuming another slain T-103. The dead host and living parasite merged into a gigantic form which functioned as a giant digestive organ, with the parasite and Tyrant cells competing for dominance.
In the original RE3, it became a quadruped to support its bulk, with the host’s belly pointed upwards and its ribs pointed outwards. It sprayed digestive fluids at its prey from a bleb on its swollen shoulder, which was actually an acidic pus containing toxins that it created in response to absorbing waste fluid.
In RE3R, it swelled to an even larger size and lost its original shape after absorbing the acid, like a bloated corpse or a sponge filled with liquid. It crawled after Jill, and once she was cornered its body erupted, revealing the original head. Whether or not the head was simply enveloped by the new mass, or it was entirely recreated inside of the body, is open to interpretation. After emergence the Pursuer became immobile, although it had gigantic claws with excellent reach and could still hit targets with its acidic pus. Its entire surface glowed periodically, likely a result of NE-α cells intermingling with the body. Vestigial human parts could be seen growing from its body, much like G-5, suggesting it absorbed other corpses or Zombies.
After being blown to pieces by an experimental railway cannon, it still clung to life as a small shapeless blob before being gunned down by Jill and utterly destroyed with the city.
In the original RE3, it became a quadruped to support its bulk, with the host’s belly pointed upwards and its ribs pointed outwards. It sprayed digestive fluids at its prey from a bleb on its swollen shoulder, which was actually an acidic pus containing toxins that it created in response to absorbing waste fluid.
In RE3R, it swelled to an even larger size and lost its original shape after absorbing the acid, like a bloated corpse or a sponge filled with liquid. It crawled after Jill, and once she was cornered its body erupted, revealing the original head. Whether or not the head was simply enveloped by the new mass, or it was entirely recreated inside of the body, is open to interpretation. After emergence the Pursuer became immobile, although it had gigantic claws with excellent reach and could still hit targets with its acidic pus. Its entire surface glowed periodically, likely a result of NE-α cells intermingling with the body. Vestigial human parts could be seen growing from its body, much like G-5, suggesting it absorbed other corpses or Zombies.
After being blown to pieces by an experimental railway cannon, it still clung to life as a small shapeless blob before being gunned down by Jill and utterly destroyed with the city.
Alternative Depictions of Nemesis-T Type alternate interpretations with contentious or nonexistent canonicity, Nemesis-T Type is often depicted as being based on a human host, instead of on a T-103 Tyrant:
- - The Sales office FAX file from RE3 states that the chemical VT-J98 is used to incubate “NE-T Type” (Nemesis-T Type). But the English localization changed the file to say VT-J98 was used to cultivate the “NE-Virus”. Despite being an error, American supplementary lore was written material on this “NE-Virus”, and it grew to have its own backstory, albeit separate from what CAPCOM Japan envisioned. The NE-Virus would presumably be a t-Virus variant, cultivated while introducing unique chemicals. It would be created for the sole purpose of creating the NE-α parasite. The canon version of Nemesis was likely created with the t-Virus, so the only major difference would be that the t-Virus used was a strain specialized for the project. In this scenario, the hyper-active virus transmitted and carried in the Pursuer’s tentacles would just be the NE-Virus. The word “virus” can also, in a non-technical sense, mean any infectious agent that causes disease, and so “NE-Virus” could just mean the parasite itself.
- - 1In a file from Inserted Evil, which supplements ORC, the Pursuer is depicted as being based on a human prisoner, just like the T-001 and T-002 were. However, it is also said to be based on the American T-002 research. If this means Nemesis-T Type is still based on the T-103 cloned from the T-002, then that could mean the writer of the file merely mistook a T-103 for a prisoner due to his limited knowledge on Umbrella’s research (as theorized by Rodney in his Inserting the Evil article). If the Pursuer is indeed supposed to be a prisoner, then it could mean the human was turned into a Tyrant while simultaneously infected with NE-α (also theorized by Rodney). A third possibility is that injecting a human with Nemesis also transforms them into a Tyrant.
- - In the live action film Resident Evil: Apocalypse, Matt Addison is infected with the t-Virus from a Licker scratch. As he mutated, he was placed in the Nemesis Program, and after he was experimented on became the Nemesis B.O.W. This alternate universe Nemesis is radically different in origin, with no reference made to parasitic infection.
- In the Chinese comics, the Pursuer is based on a boxer (likely to utilize his strength, similar to how the T-002 was based on a healthy young male to improve chances of survival. This version of Nemesis-T Type apparently drinks blood, similar to Oozes, implying it requires significant sustenance.
Parasite Zombie (α)
In RE3R, the Pursuer was capable of generating new parasites and using them to infect Zombies using the tentacle that emerged from its hand. The new parasites would envelop a Zombie’s head, while also penetrating the brain and taking full control of the Zombie.
While they were offspring of the Tyrant’s NE-α, and even called by the same name, these parasites were much less effective, remained on the outside of the host, and looked significantly different. There are two possibilities as to why this could be:
The fact these Zombies do not require surgery to survive implantation could be due to their unique state (for any of the reasons listed above).
Zombies controlled by these parasites are less intelligent than the Pursuer due to hooking into Zombie brains. They are also just as clumsy.
The parasite, in this form, has a large mouth-like opening covering the area around the Zombie’s face. The flesh within this opening glows. The “mouth” is surrounded by appendages that appear to be mandibles or legs. On top of the parasite is a tentacle with a sharp end, similar to the ones used by the Pursuer, capable of stretching great lengths. This tentacle serves as a deadly long-range weapon.
The body of the parasite is extremely durable, and protects the Zombie’s weak point: the head. The softer flesh inside the “mouth” is more vulnerable, but it can use its appendages to protect the opening.
The parasite, when close enough to human prey, will swallow the human’s head with the “mouth”, simultaneously detaching itself from the Zombie host. In so doing, the parasite effectively switches hosts. The original Zombie host does not survive losing the parasite. As NE-α requires infected cells to feed on, it probably infects the human itself, so that it can survive off of them.
The reason for the parasite switching hosts can only be guessed. Perhaps it is because the original Zombie host has already been “harvested” of whatever the parasite needs, and it will move on to another to continue feeding. Another possibility is that humans infected by the parasite itself will become better monsters than regular Zombies.
The appearance and overall state of Zombies controlled by NE-α are meant resemble Ganados with their Plaga exposed, to imply the connection between Nemesis and Plaga.
While they were offspring of the Tyrant’s NE-α, and even called by the same name, these parasites were much less effective, remained on the outside of the host, and looked significantly different. There are two possibilities as to why this could be:
- Second generation NE-α adopt different characteristics due to defective reproduction or genetic anomalies. This would be similar to G Adult Bodies or U-8 Drones.
- The method by which the parasite infects the host influences it development. After all, the Pursuer was specifically infected with NE-α by injecting it into the spinal cord.
- The stage of NE-α maturation limits its abilities if it isn't injected in a cellular state.
- NE-α will develop into a less effective form when infesting a Zombie host instead of a Tyrant.
The fact these Zombies do not require surgery to survive implantation could be due to their unique state (for any of the reasons listed above).
Zombies controlled by these parasites are less intelligent than the Pursuer due to hooking into Zombie brains. They are also just as clumsy.
The parasite, in this form, has a large mouth-like opening covering the area around the Zombie’s face. The flesh within this opening glows. The “mouth” is surrounded by appendages that appear to be mandibles or legs. On top of the parasite is a tentacle with a sharp end, similar to the ones used by the Pursuer, capable of stretching great lengths. This tentacle serves as a deadly long-range weapon.
The body of the parasite is extremely durable, and protects the Zombie’s weak point: the head. The softer flesh inside the “mouth” is more vulnerable, but it can use its appendages to protect the opening.
The parasite, when close enough to human prey, will swallow the human’s head with the “mouth”, simultaneously detaching itself from the Zombie host. In so doing, the parasite effectively switches hosts. The original Zombie host does not survive losing the parasite. As NE-α requires infected cells to feed on, it probably infects the human itself, so that it can survive off of them.
The reason for the parasite switching hosts can only be guessed. Perhaps it is because the original Zombie host has already been “harvested” of whatever the parasite needs, and it will move on to another to continue feeding. Another possibility is that humans infected by the parasite itself will become better monsters than regular Zombies.
The appearance and overall state of Zombies controlled by NE-α are meant resemble Ganados with their Plaga exposed, to imply the connection between Nemesis and Plaga.
NE-β Type
The following information comes from Operation Raccoon City.
The NE-β Type parasite was an American-made variant of the European-made NE-α. After initial development, it was tested by a research team led by one Dr. Turner, who after 36 days was replaced by Professor Dalwin, due to his predecessor's death by the parasite. The project was eventually canceled, but for unknown reasons development started up again in Raccoon City under William Birkin. During the outbreak incident there, many NE-β specimens escaped laboratory confinement.
The NE-β, like the NE-α, requires a t-Virus-infected host to parasitize, so that it can feed on infected tissue. It is also capable of controlling its host’s behavior, and boosts the physical combat abilities of the host, like NE-α.
The similarities between the two parasites mostly end here, however, due to extensive biological remodeling in NE-β. The largest difference between the two types is that the NE-β can survive and move around outside of a host for a considerable amount of time.
The appearance of an NE-β is similar to that of a crustation or an arachnid. This may imply the researchers spliced DNA from crabs or spiders into the NE-α during β development, most likely to give the parasite the ability to move with the subsequent legs it developed. It is also possible NE-β simply harness these traits from their Plaga ancestors (particularly from Plaga C). NE-βs have four legs, and the frontal limbs have enlarged blades capable of decapitating or splitting in half a human instantly. They possess only a single tentacle, which emerges from the mouth like a tongue or a proboscis.
The similarities between the two parasites mostly end here, however, due to extensive biological remodeling in NE-β. The largest difference between the two types is that the NE-β can survive and move around outside of a host for a considerable amount of time.
The appearance of an NE-β is similar to that of a crustation or an arachnid. This may imply the researchers spliced DNA from crabs or spiders into the NE-α during β development, most likely to give the parasite the ability to move with the subsequent legs it developed. It is also possible NE-β simply harness these traits from their Plaga ancestors (particularly from Plaga C). NE-βs have four legs, and the frontal limbs have enlarged blades capable of decapitating or splitting in half a human instantly. They possess only a single tentacle, which emerges from the mouth like a tongue or a proboscis.
NE-β is extremely hostile towards humans, either for self-defense purposes or predation, or due to the researchers developing its highly aggressive state artificially. Like the NE-α, it requires t-Virus-infected cells for nourishment, and so it will not even attempt to parasitize uninfected animals. They may lack the ability to spread the virus themselves (according to Rodney, the “Anti-Viral Spray” used in ORC does not harm NE-βs, despite being designed to harm viral mutants. It could be the parasite does not contain an active virus).
While their blades are deadly, the NE-βs are also very weak, making them unsuitable as weapons by themselves. They also possess the unique ability to spew out a special bile containing pheromones, which attract Zombies and send them into a frenzy. Zombies use their sense of smell to hunt, and are specifically attracted to certain scents, like fresh blood. The pheromones perhaps mimic the smell of blood, or simply contain something that Zombies cannot resist. While the pheromones can be used as a weapon, their primary purpose is probably to attract potential hosts.
The researchers in charge of studying NE-β were shocked to discover they would intently seek out Zombies to parasitize. As NE-α was designed to control hosts, and NE-β is based on NE-α, it seems strange the researchers wouldn't expect NE-β to do the same. For this reason, it may be the research team deviated from the original purpose of Nemesis when developing NE-β, and so did not expect NE-β to retain the ability to control hosts. If this is the case, NE-β was probably intended to function as an independent B.O.W. Since the Nemesis parasite is somewhat intelligent with extreme regenerative potential, it may be the team wanted these traits to carry over to NE-β. As NE-β was neither endurant or controllable, this may be why they were originally scrapped. Their sharp blades may be a design choice for this reason as well.
NE-β also appear to be capable of reproduction (like the Pursuer’s NE-α in RE3R is) through eggs (like Plaga). Their hostility towards humans could be due to a potential parasitoid lifestyle, meaning their eggs incubate inside warm human flesh. The large gatherings of gore in NE-β-occupied areas could be used as nests for this reason (or they are a secondary food supply). Other t-Virus mutants often become parasitoid, like Drain Deimos (RE3R version) or the Antarctic Moths.
While their blades are deadly, the NE-βs are also very weak, making them unsuitable as weapons by themselves. They also possess the unique ability to spew out a special bile containing pheromones, which attract Zombies and send them into a frenzy. Zombies use their sense of smell to hunt, and are specifically attracted to certain scents, like fresh blood. The pheromones perhaps mimic the smell of blood, or simply contain something that Zombies cannot resist. While the pheromones can be used as a weapon, their primary purpose is probably to attract potential hosts.
The researchers in charge of studying NE-β were shocked to discover they would intently seek out Zombies to parasitize. As NE-α was designed to control hosts, and NE-β is based on NE-α, it seems strange the researchers wouldn't expect NE-β to do the same. For this reason, it may be the research team deviated from the original purpose of Nemesis when developing NE-β, and so did not expect NE-β to retain the ability to control hosts. If this is the case, NE-β was probably intended to function as an independent B.O.W. Since the Nemesis parasite is somewhat intelligent with extreme regenerative potential, it may be the team wanted these traits to carry over to NE-β. As NE-β was neither endurant or controllable, this may be why they were originally scrapped. Their sharp blades may be a design choice for this reason as well.
NE-β also appear to be capable of reproduction (like the Pursuer’s NE-α in RE3R is) through eggs (like Plaga). Their hostility towards humans could be due to a potential parasitoid lifestyle, meaning their eggs incubate inside warm human flesh. The large gatherings of gore in NE-β-occupied areas could be used as nests for this reason (or they are a secondary food supply). Other t-Virus mutants often become parasitoid, like Drain Deimos (RE3R version) or the Antarctic Moths.
Parasite Zombie (β)
When in proximity to a potential Zombie host, a NE-β will leap onto the Zombies back. From there it uses its blades to decapitate the Zombie, and then slides its single tentacle down the open neck. The tentacle then manages to hack into the central nervous system, and the NE-β successfully becomes the Zombie’s new brain. The tentacle may also feed on the host.
Zombies controlled by NE-β are simply called “Parasite Zombies”. It is likely humans could not operate as hosts, due to their lesser vitality, as well as lacking the infected cells the parasite needs to feed on.
Zombies move slowly and clumsily due to extensive brain damage. Parasite Zombies, having a fully functioning replacement “brain” are capable of running and maintaining a steady balance. Since NE-β doesn't utilize the original brain as well like NE-α does, Parasite Zombies are no smarter than the NE-β is.
In addition to being faster, Parasite Zombies also take advantage of NE-β’s blades and pheromones when attacking prey. It is possible NE-β uses the Zombie host to infect human prey with the virus, in order to make them a suitable source of food.
Like NE-α, NE-β’s tentacle secretes chemicals that enhance the Zombie host. The hosts bones become stronger, making their limbs almost impossible to break or sever, and Parasite Zombies are generally less susceptible to damage.
Interestingly, the parasite’s body will also strengthen, showing the benefits it gains while hooked into a host. The additional nutrition could account for this, or perhaps the parasite, no longer needing to be nimble, will become rigid and harden its body. Despite becoming more resistant, NE-β still serves as a Parasite Zombie’s most vulnerable area, although it can only be fatally damaged from behind the Zombie, where its main body is.
NE-βs can safely detach themselves from Parasite Zombies and live, although this is obviously fatal to the Zombie host. The parasite will detach if the host is destroyed, or possibly whenever it is completely harvested of nutrition. After detachment the parasite will seek to find a new Zombie.
Zombies controlled by NE-β are simply called “Parasite Zombies”. It is likely humans could not operate as hosts, due to their lesser vitality, as well as lacking the infected cells the parasite needs to feed on.
Zombies move slowly and clumsily due to extensive brain damage. Parasite Zombies, having a fully functioning replacement “brain” are capable of running and maintaining a steady balance. Since NE-β doesn't utilize the original brain as well like NE-α does, Parasite Zombies are no smarter than the NE-β is.
In addition to being faster, Parasite Zombies also take advantage of NE-β’s blades and pheromones when attacking prey. It is possible NE-β uses the Zombie host to infect human prey with the virus, in order to make them a suitable source of food.
Like NE-α, NE-β’s tentacle secretes chemicals that enhance the Zombie host. The hosts bones become stronger, making their limbs almost impossible to break or sever, and Parasite Zombies are generally less susceptible to damage.
Interestingly, the parasite’s body will also strengthen, showing the benefits it gains while hooked into a host. The additional nutrition could account for this, or perhaps the parasite, no longer needing to be nimble, will become rigid and harden its body. Despite becoming more resistant, NE-β still serves as a Parasite Zombie’s most vulnerable area, although it can only be fatally damaged from behind the Zombie, where its main body is.
NE-βs can safely detach themselves from Parasite Zombies and live, although this is obviously fatal to the Zombie host. The parasite will detach if the host is destroyed, or possibly whenever it is completely harvested of nutrition. After detachment the parasite will seek to find a new Zombie.
Parasite Tyrant
In one instance, a large number of NE-βs managed to subdue a T-103 Tyrant long enough for one NE-β to penetrate the Tyrant’s upper back/lower neck. Once the parasite assumed control of the body, both it and the Tyrant experienced extreme physical changes, together becoming the “Parasite Super Tyrant”, or “Parasite Tyrant”. As the host is the same kind used for the Pursuer B.O.W., the Parasite Tyrant is essentially the NE-β equivalent of the Nemesis-T Type.
The NE-β did not remove the Tyrant’s head, keeping it alive. The reason for this may simply be because a Tyrant’s neck is harder to sever than a Zombie’s is. Like with Parasite Zombies, the NE-β remained on the Tyrant’s back, although it grew to the point that it would wrap around the whole Tyrant’s body. The reason for this growth could be that:
1. NE-β grows in proportion to its host, like the Malacoda parasite.
2. The parasite incorporated elements of the host. If this is the case, that could be the reason NE-β grow stronger when attached to Zombies.
3. The parasite has simply grown in response to devouring the excessive biomass in its host.
What looks like a second NE-β appears to have attached to the Tyrant’s right leg (as noted by Rodney).
The two organisms fused, similar to how the third form of the Pursuer was characterized by two organisms fighting for dominance on the cellular level. This battle for dominance extends to the intelligence of the Tyrant itself, it seems, as the parasite sometimes seems to strike the Tyrant.
While hacking into the Tyrant’s central nervous system, it seems its power limiter interpreted this as extensive damage, causing the limiter to deactivate and the Tyrant to transform into its Super form. Or the growing parasite simply ripped off its coat, along with its limiter. The Tyrant only developed a single claw, and its exposed heart was covered by the parasite, the top of which drooped over the Tyrant’s shoulder. This heard was exploited by the special forces who encountered the Parasite Tyrant, who forced a grenade through it that killed the monster.
The bladed limbs of the Parasite Tyrant’s NE-β were especially large, and the Parasite Tyrant used these to lift and move its whole body with ease and swiftness. This may be required due to the size of the parasite, or due to resistance from the Tyrant host. The bladed limbs were also proficient enough to dig underground, allowing the Parasite Tyrant to attack from below. This is extremely similar to the behavior of the U-3, which also used the gigantic parasite on its back to dig.
Unlike Parasite Zombies, the Parasite Tyrant’s enlarged NE-β was not a weak point, and both it and the Tyrant were extraordinarily resilient. However, the back of the Parasite Tyrant had glowing openings that were more susceptible to damage.
The NE-β did not remove the Tyrant’s head, keeping it alive. The reason for this may simply be because a Tyrant’s neck is harder to sever than a Zombie’s is. Like with Parasite Zombies, the NE-β remained on the Tyrant’s back, although it grew to the point that it would wrap around the whole Tyrant’s body. The reason for this growth could be that:
1. NE-β grows in proportion to its host, like the Malacoda parasite.
2. The parasite incorporated elements of the host. If this is the case, that could be the reason NE-β grow stronger when attached to Zombies.
3. The parasite has simply grown in response to devouring the excessive biomass in its host.
What looks like a second NE-β appears to have attached to the Tyrant’s right leg (as noted by Rodney).
The two organisms fused, similar to how the third form of the Pursuer was characterized by two organisms fighting for dominance on the cellular level. This battle for dominance extends to the intelligence of the Tyrant itself, it seems, as the parasite sometimes seems to strike the Tyrant.
While hacking into the Tyrant’s central nervous system, it seems its power limiter interpreted this as extensive damage, causing the limiter to deactivate and the Tyrant to transform into its Super form. Or the growing parasite simply ripped off its coat, along with its limiter. The Tyrant only developed a single claw, and its exposed heart was covered by the parasite, the top of which drooped over the Tyrant’s shoulder. This heard was exploited by the special forces who encountered the Parasite Tyrant, who forced a grenade through it that killed the monster.
The bladed limbs of the Parasite Tyrant’s NE-β were especially large, and the Parasite Tyrant used these to lift and move its whole body with ease and swiftness. This may be required due to the size of the parasite, or due to resistance from the Tyrant host. The bladed limbs were also proficient enough to dig underground, allowing the Parasite Tyrant to attack from below. This is extremely similar to the behavior of the U-3, which also used the gigantic parasite on its back to dig.
Unlike Parasite Zombies, the Parasite Tyrant’s enlarged NE-β was not a weak point, and both it and the Tyrant were extraordinarily resilient. However, the back of the Parasite Tyrant had glowing openings that were more susceptible to damage.
In a private conversation regarding the Parasite Tyrant between site staff initiated by myself. USSCommand suggested that the target clusters on it's back could be eggs. BSAArklay contacted the game's developer Andy Santos who had the following to say:
“The target clusters on its back are egg sacks. So it gives birth and shoots pheromones for help to attract zombies."
The pheromones mentioned are more abundant and potent than normal, attracting many hosts for the NE-β it creates. The egg sacks may be a weak point due to their relative softness, and while shooting them doesn't hurt the Parasite Tyrant, the bullets that pass through them and hit its insides do. Both the Parasite Tyrant’s heart and egg sacks glow orange, like the NE-α does in RE3R.
It may be that all NE-β can create eggs, and the many birthed by the Parasite Tyrant are just larger and more plentiful due to the size of the parasite. Or it could be the result of an irregular mutation, and normal NE-β may be incapable of reproducing. A “life finds a way” moment. The eggs could also support the theory NE-βs are parasitoids, with the larger host containing enough mass to house NE-β offspring.
With the quantity of eggs it produces, the Parasite Tyrant essentially functions as a Queen. The Nemesis-T Type in RE3R, being capable of producing offspring, could also be considered a Queen with this in mind. And with the RE3R connection to Las Plagas this possibility is all the stronger, as Plaga also possess Queens that produce large numbers of adult parasites.
It may be that all NE-β can create eggs, and the many birthed by the Parasite Tyrant are just larger and more plentiful due to the size of the parasite. Or it could be the result of an irregular mutation, and normal NE-β may be incapable of reproducing. A “life finds a way” moment. The eggs could also support the theory NE-βs are parasitoids, with the larger host containing enough mass to house NE-β offspring.
With the quantity of eggs it produces, the Parasite Tyrant essentially functions as a Queen. The Nemesis-T Type in RE3R, being capable of producing offspring, could also be considered a Queen with this in mind. And with the RE3R connection to Las Plagas this possibility is all the stronger, as Plaga also possess Queens that produce large numbers of adult parasites.