The Neo Tyrant-Virus was an experiential line of the t-Virus created by Mylene Beardsley on Gaddywall Island. It is the virus featured in the novel BIO HAZARD The Bewitching Beast of the North Sea, which can be read here. While Mylene herself was not affected by the virus, she was still artificially altered on a genetic level, and so she is covered here as well for the sake of thoroughness.
Why must I have to work under these stupid humans? Using the monsters I developed here in Beardsley Castle, I'll stand at the pinnacle of Umbrella. Then I'll control this world!
Mylene Beardsley; BIO HAZARD The Bewitching Beast of the North Sea, page 167
The solitary Gaddywall Island in the middle of the Scandinavian Peninsula was owned by the noble Beardsley family, which had a history stretching back at least 500 years. They used to rule a prosperous kingdom from a large castle at the tip of the island. After conquering many nations on the mainland, their tyranny was opposed in the early 18th century by a popular uprising that devastated them. A parliamentary system was established and the power of the Beardsleys gradually waned until they were reduced to mere wealthy landlords. Despite this the Beardsleys were proud of their nobility and longed for a return to their former glory.
After the kingdom had already largely collapsed, the Beardsleys became involved in biochemical research involving genes, the physiology of the brain, and different kinds of germs. By the 20th century this research had prospered, with the Beardselys mastering their craft in ways no one else could. Their research was many years ahead that of the rest of the world and they had already made advancements in human research "by the time average researchers finally got around to tinkering with cattle and mice". This was in pursuit of the creation of evolved human beings that would bring new meaning to the concept of nobility.
The 16th head of the Beardesly family, in the latter half of the 20th century, advanced the family research in pursuit of the creation of “dominant” humans. Around this time another noble belonging to another aristocratic family, Earl Oswell E. Spencer, had discovered the Progenitor Virus, which was capable of causing spontaneous evolution in all forms of life. The head of the Beardeslys worked with Spencer and other aristocrats, providing the finances and research to help found Umbrella Pharmaceuticals, the head of the Umbrella Corporation. Everyone involved had the same goal in mind – to use the virus to create B.O.W.s (Bio Organic Weapons), which would fund further research into human evolution brought about via the Progenitor Virus. Because of their contributions the Beardesly’s were given a large part in Umbrella’s leadership. The research provided by the Beardsley family was instrumental in laying the groundwork for Umbrella’s research.
The Beardsley family conducted t-Virus (t-Virus was the general name for Umbrella-made, stabilized variants of the Progenitor Virus) research in an Umbrella lab built within a mansion on Gadywall Island. Around 1978, the same year James Marcus created the first stable strain of the t-Virus, Beardesly researchers also managed to create a t-Virus strain. Without any knowledge of how to deal with t-Virus mutants (Zombies) at the time, an accident happened on Gaddywall which led to possibly the first t-Virus-made Zombie outbreak of all time. Many of the native islanders were killed in the outbreak. The incident was covered up and the lab was closed, but rumors of what happened persisted with the locals, with them afraid to explore that part of the island. A new laboratory replaced the old one within the Beardsley castle itself.
Eventually the head of the Beardsley family passed away, and he was succeeded by his daughter Mylene. Mylene was artificially engineered by her father to be an evolved human. She became an Umbrella executive and had plans to take over the entire company and through it the world. Presumably in 1998, Mylene’s enhanced t-Virus research saw fruit in the creation of the Neo T-Virus.
Due to the actions of Norse Chirac, a former soldier in the Counter Revolutionary Warfare (CRW) wing of the SAS, and of Gilliam, the steward of Beardsley castle and undercover operative in Umbrella’s "Administrative Division Special Affairs Section Two", Beardsley castle was destroyed, Mylene was killed, and the Neo T-Virus along with its creations and research data was lost.
Due to the actions of Norse Chirac, a former soldier in the Counter Revolutionary Warfare (CRW) wing of the SAS, and of Gilliam, the steward of Beardsley castle and undercover operative in Umbrella’s "Administrative Division Special Affairs Section Two", Beardsley castle was destroyed, Mylene was killed, and the Neo T-Virus along with its creations and research data was lost.
Nature of Neo T
Foolish humans bereft of merit live worthless lives and die worthlessly regardless. Couldn't becoming a tool of mine, superior in everything from brain to visage, be a long-cherished desire?
Mylene Beardsley; BIO HAZARD The Bewitching Beast of the North Sea, page 169.
The Neo T-Virus was an enhanced t-Virus strain that Mylene hoped to use to gain the leverage needed to gain control of the Umbrella Corporation. It was created by incorporating various genetic samples into a t-Virus over an extended period of time, which was similar to the line of research taken by the Arklay team. Various humans and dogs were among the test subjects used to acquire these genetic samples, and genes from insects, great apes and felines may have also been included. It was meant to create even more powerful monsters than other t-Virus strains by “combining marvelous genes".
The Neo T-Virus was likely a direct descendant of the strain of the t-Virus that was in development at Gadywall Island in 1978. If Neo T was developed separately from the mainline t-Virus, that would mean that Neo T research was not related to the research conducted by William Birkin and Albert Wesker in the Arklay Mountains, which would further mean it was stabilized by Beardsley researchers through separate means.
By the time Neo T was finished, Birkin had already finished the first mass production t-Virus strain, which is probably why Mylene chose to give her virus the name “Neo” (New), as she hoped it would surpass and replace the now-official Arklay t-Virus strain.
By the time Neo T was finished, Birkin had already finished the first mass production t-Virus strain, which is probably why Mylene chose to give her virus the name “Neo” (New), as she hoped it would surpass and replace the now-official Arklay t-Virus strain.
The Neo T-Virus for the most part seemed to function in much the same way as the main t-Virus, in that it turned humans and dogs into Zombies. This is because the Zombie mutation is inherent to most strains derived from the Progenitor Virus.
Neo T Zombies were seemingly identical to the Zombies created by the mainline t-Virus. Particular notice was taken by Bruce that Neo Zombies were incredibly fragile. One Zombie was easily decapitated when Norse swung a stick at it. with its skull shattering when the head hit the ground. This could imply that Neo Zombies were actually weaker than typical ones. The reason for this could have been due to the modifications Birkin and Wesker made to the mainline strain – they envisioned the t-Virus as a means to exterminate populations with the Zombie mutation, and so tailored the virus with the Zombie symptom in mind. Mylene had no interest in Zombies, seeing them as failed byproducts of her research, and so she likely made no effort to weaponize or improve them. Neo T Zombies lacked the strength to break a car window and the intelligence to open doors. They did not need to breathe and were not harmed by a deadly nerve gas ("prototype nervous respiratory failure promoting gas VKG-III"). They hunted human prey by scent.
Neo T Zombies were seemingly identical to the Zombies created by the mainline t-Virus. Particular notice was taken by Bruce that Neo Zombies were incredibly fragile. One Zombie was easily decapitated when Norse swung a stick at it. with its skull shattering when the head hit the ground. This could imply that Neo Zombies were actually weaker than typical ones. The reason for this could have been due to the modifications Birkin and Wesker made to the mainline strain – they envisioned the t-Virus as a means to exterminate populations with the Zombie mutation, and so tailored the virus with the Zombie symptom in mind. Mylene had no interest in Zombies, seeing them as failed byproducts of her research, and so she likely made no effort to weaponize or improve them. Neo T Zombies lacked the strength to break a car window and the intelligence to open doors. They did not need to breathe and were not harmed by a deadly nerve gas ("prototype nervous respiratory failure promoting gas VKG-III"). They hunted human prey by scent.

Much like other t-Viruses, prior to Zombification a person would suffer from fever and rashes that caused intense inching. Then they would "die" (fall into a state of suspended animation) before awakening as a Zombie. This process did not seem to take very long, with humans attacked by Zombies transforming into Zombies themselves in mere minutes. While Zombies could transmit the virus to other humans by biting them, no infected insects were encountered despite insects being in the area.
During her research, Mylene created many Zombies using the island locals as test subjects, along with her own servants and researchers. She kept them in the centuries-old dungeon of her castle and would feed them with humans that crossed her. Due to Mylene's lack of concern over safety procedures the virus sometimes infected researchers involved in experiments, who then turned into Zombies while outside of the castle and roamed the forests of the island. Among these creatures were Zombie Dogs, which were either escaped test subjects ("genetic samples") or infected pets.
Mylena’s research was directed towards the advancement of superior genes in human beings. The true, intended offspring of the Neo T Virus were special B.O.W.s stored within Beardsley’s private lab. While Neo T was seemingly meant to be used to create powerful B.O.W.s, it may have been a new line of research into creating the “dominant humans” the Beardsley Family longed for.
As impressive as the monsters created by Neo T were, none of them seemed to have the durability of many other B.O.W.s. Both Neo T B.O.W.s and Mylenia could be killed by small-arms fire. This was the only known way in which the Neo T-Virus was inferior to the mass production t-Virus. These monsters compensated for this weakness by using the incredible speed and agility they all possessed, likely due to them inheriting animalistic traits from the genes incorporated into Neo T.
Neo T B.O.W.s
Yes, like myself, these humans are a new evolution through the artificial recombination of genes.
Mylene Beardsley; BIO HAZARD The Bewitching Beast of the North Sea, page 165
Mylene Beardsley used the Neo-T Virus to create many human-based B.O.W.s at the laboratory within her castle. Many of these creatures were frozen in culture fluid-filled “flasks” at the castle lab while others inhabited the concrete tunnels leading to the abandoned mansion on the island.
These Neo T B.O.W.s (no actual, official name is ever given for these creatures) were described as “a new evolution through the artificial recombination of genes”. As they were extremely similar in appearance to the Chimera B.O.W.s and had several animalistic traits (particularly those of mammals and arthropods), they were likely hybrid organisms. It may be that this was the result of the “marvelous genes” Mylene incorporated into the Neo T-Virus. These B.O.W.s may have been the typical result of infection with the Neo T. In this case, it would be easy to see why Neo T would have been considered superior to the mainline t-Virus – Neo T B.O.W.s were much more ferocious and deadly than Zombies. If this was the case, the Zombies on Gaddywall Island could have been hosts who were incompatible with the Neo T-Virus, or the result of unfinished prototype strains of Neo T.
It is also possible that Neo T B.O.W.s were created by fusing a human adult or human embryo with animal genes while using the Neo T-Virus as a vector, much like the processes used for Chimeras and Hunters. They may also have merely been prototypes for the ultimate creature created by the Neo-T Virus: Mylenia.
It is also possible that Neo T B.O.W.s were created by fusing a human adult or human embryo with animal genes while using the Neo T-Virus as a vector, much like the processes used for Chimeras and Hunters. They may also have merely been prototypes for the ultimate creature created by the Neo-T Virus: Mylenia.
Neo T B.O.W.s were bipedal like the humans they were based on. They were around two meters, or six and a half feet, tall. They were larger and more muscular than most humans, bearing a resemblance to gorillas. Their bodies were covered in reddish-brown hair, which could imply that these creatures were part orangutang. The faces of Neo T B.O.W.s were the only parts of their bodies that retained a human-like appearance. Some of these creatures had human teeth, while others had insect-like mandibles. One Neo T B.O.W. was stated to use fangs to attack Norse Chirac. These differences in appearance in different individuals implies that the creatures were not clones.
Each hand of a Neo T B.O.W. was dominated by a single hook-like claw, either as a result of the genes of clawed animals or due to a latent mutation tendency in the virus. The claws of each monster varied in size, with some of them being 30 centimeters/1 foot long. The claws created a distinctive slashing sound when the monsters walked.
They had circular, sharp-toothed mouths on their torsos, around where the ribs should have been, which were very similar to those on Chimeras and Man Spiders. Their navels were enlarged, possibly used to feed them by handlers. Their muscles were segmented and mishappen.
Each hand of a Neo T B.O.W. was dominated by a single hook-like claw, either as a result of the genes of clawed animals or due to a latent mutation tendency in the virus. The claws of each monster varied in size, with some of them being 30 centimeters/1 foot long. The claws created a distinctive slashing sound when the monsters walked.
They had circular, sharp-toothed mouths on their torsos, around where the ribs should have been, which were very similar to those on Chimeras and Man Spiders. Their navels were enlarged, possibly used to feed them by handlers. Their muscles were segmented and mishappen.
All of the Neo T B.O.W.s had masculine bodies (Norse called them “men”). It is unknown if women were not used in their creation or if there was just no sexual dimorphism in Neo T B.O.W.s. They often carried the “smell of decay”, particularly on their breath – either they suffered the effects of necrosis, like Zombies, or they often devoured rotting meat.
Neo T B.O.W.s used their claws when in combat, which were strong enough to quickly shred metal elevator doors. While they were very strong, they were not particularly hardy when compared to some other B.O.W.s - Norse killed one of them by shooting it in the chest and head with three bullets from his M1911 handgun, and another with a single shot of his Ithaca M37 shotgun to the chest.
Despite their appearance making them seem “slow and heavy”, the largest strength of Neo T B.O.W.s was mobility. They were difficult to shoot at due to their speed and agility and they typically charged at their prey with their claws. Like Hunters, they would attack while jumping into the air, giving them a vertical advantage against opponents on the ground.
Neo T B.O.W.s had animalistic intelligence and lacked a “human-like will”, which could be due to brain damage or to their animalistic traits. They displayed only ferocity. They made sharp and low roaring, screeching and growling sounds. They reacted to being harmed by bullets with screams, and one reacted to glass shards stabbed into its back, implying they felt pain.
Despite their appearance making them seem “slow and heavy”, the largest strength of Neo T B.O.W.s was mobility. They were difficult to shoot at due to their speed and agility and they typically charged at their prey with their claws. Like Hunters, they would attack while jumping into the air, giving them a vertical advantage against opponents on the ground.
Neo T B.O.W.s had animalistic intelligence and lacked a “human-like will”, which could be due to brain damage or to their animalistic traits. They displayed only ferocity. They made sharp and low roaring, screeching and growling sounds. They reacted to being harmed by bullets with screams, and one reacted to glass shards stabbed into its back, implying they felt pain.
The fact that these creatures were found in underground tunnels could imply that upon escaping confinement, they sought a dark location to nest in. It may also be that Mylene intentionally had the Neo T B.O.W.s placed there to defend the entrance to the castle grounds. The eyes of Neo T B.O.W.s shined in darkness, which could imply that they had a light-reflecting layer behind their eyes like some animals, such as wolves, giving them excellent night-vision.
Like many other monsters created by Umbrella, some Neo T B.O.W.s convulsed when they died.
Like many other monsters created by Umbrella, some Neo T B.O.W.s convulsed when they died.
I'm a new, superior human being, a masterpiece forged by the Beardsley family, with all knowledge and creativity at my fingertips! I can never be outdone by an antiquated Homo sapien. Not one!"
Mylene Beardsley; BIO HAZARD The Bewitching Beast of the North Sea, page 168
Mylene Beardsley was the seventeenth head of the Beardsley family and an "Umbrella First Research and Development Director". She was the crystallization of research conducted by her father to create “dominant", "next-generation humans” using genetic recombination. She was only 17 years old at the time of her death, and by that point had already made a prominent name for herself and had performed countless experiments with her own variant of the t-Virus, Neo T. Mylene’s plan was to gain more power in the Umbrella Corporation using her viral research, and to eventually take over the company and use that position to control the world.
Mylene was an “evolved human” specifically in regard to her brainpower. It is unknown if there were other modifications made to her body, although she had sliver hair (which is unusual for her age) and golden eyes (possibly amber). It is also unknown if Mylene’s father made these modifications to Mylene when she was a child, an infant, or during embryonic development (according to Norse, “His own daughter was the result of human experiments?”).
Mylene was an “evolved human” specifically in regard to her brainpower. It is unknown if there were other modifications made to her body, although she had sliver hair (which is unusual for her age) and golden eyes (possibly amber). It is also unknown if Mylene’s father made these modifications to Mylene when she was a child, an infant, or during embryonic development (according to Norse, “His own daughter was the result of human experiments?”).
Mylene’s father made improvements to her brain using “practical genetic engineering techniques”. There is an old myth that human brains only use a small percentage of their total functionality. While this is in reality a fallacy, it is believed to be true in the Resident Evil universe, according to Mylene herself and the likes of Yoko Suzuki. Some of the latent potential of the human brain was both “released” and “evolved” in Mylene via gene manipulation.
Specifically, Mylene's father “expanded the capacity of active cells by reducing electrical resistance between synapses in the brain, dramatically increasing the speed and amount of informational electric current”. The “active cells” in this case would be neurons. Synapses are passageways that allow neurons to exchange chemical and electrical information to other neurons. Synapses allow thoughts and memories to be formed in this way. Mylene’s synapses were made much more efficient so that she could think faster and form better memories than normal humans.
He also used “computers to replace it as the foundation” to raise “capacity and operational speed”. This either means that Mylene’s brain was improved using the same concepts used for computers, or that a computer was literally implanted into Mylene’s skull to process and store information that could be translated into the brain. It is also possible that Mylene was connected to a database outside of her body remotely. This elevated the capabilities of her brain by many times.
Specifically, Mylene's father “expanded the capacity of active cells by reducing electrical resistance between synapses in the brain, dramatically increasing the speed and amount of informational electric current”. The “active cells” in this case would be neurons. Synapses are passageways that allow neurons to exchange chemical and electrical information to other neurons. Synapses allow thoughts and memories to be formed in this way. Mylene’s synapses were made much more efficient so that she could think faster and form better memories than normal humans.
He also used “computers to replace it as the foundation” to raise “capacity and operational speed”. This either means that Mylene’s brain was improved using the same concepts used for computers, or that a computer was literally implanted into Mylene’s skull to process and store information that could be translated into the brain. It is also possible that Mylene was connected to a database outside of her body remotely. This elevated the capabilities of her brain by many times.
Later, Mylene conducted her own experiments on her own brain and expanded her capabilities further using “modern cyber techniques”. She “built a DNA genotype mutual rewriting program and fulfilled a link between [her own] brain and computers”. She was capable of linking her own mind (or the computer that augmented her mind) to other computers and networks remotely. This allowed her to hack into files and databases just by thinking it, and to use servers to hold and process information for her. This gave her “virtually infinite knowledge and networks”.
Mylene’s enhanced brainpower gave her the respect and awe of all those around her. She possessed an air of authority and dignity well beyond that of a normal human, let alone one her age. Her advice was sought by executives of Umbrella’s business partners despite her only being a teenager. Her comprehension of medicine and the associated jargon was greater than most people well beyond her age. Her shared ideas led to the creation of new medicines like painkillers. Her memory was also astonishing due to her expanded storage via computers.
Mylene was also able to learn almost anything she wished at any moment by remotely searching through databanks belonging to other organizations. She was able to search through military databanks to learn Norse’s “top-secret military past”. She also claimed to be capable of hijacking a major nation’s nuclear weapons and start an apocalyptic war if she so wished.
Mylene was also able to learn almost anything she wished at any moment by remotely searching through databanks belonging to other organizations. She was able to search through military databanks to learn Norse’s “top-secret military past”. She also claimed to be capable of hijacking a major nation’s nuclear weapons and start an apocalyptic war if she so wished.
Despite all of her mental abilities, Mylene was mentally unstable and extremely reckless. According to Gilliam, the tampering Mylene's father made to her brain distorted her personality, causing her to become "a cruel, vicious, selfish, and extremely unbalanced individual", making her a "failure" as a "perfect next generation human". Her experiments often lead to accidents that allowed Zombies to roam free on Gaddywall Island, and her arrogance and elitism led to her underestimating normal humans. She failed to anticipate her butler, Gilliam, being a spy for Umbrella’s board of directors, who had heard of her secret experiments, goals, and carelessness. Gilliam had employees working for him that studied and documented Mylene's brain development. They developed a "brain rewriting program"' based on Mylene's own "DNA genotyping program", which allowed them to copy and store information on Mylene's brain onto a disk, for the purpose of stealing all of her research into a computer-mediated genetic rewriting program. When her activities caused the death of corporate executives of important trading partners of Umbrella, Gilliam was ordered to dismiss Mylene from the company. She was afterwards killed by Norse. Once the disk was destroyed in a helicopter crash and with the death of Mylenia, Mylene's mind and research were lost.
It was like there wasn’t even a single cell unfit for battle within its agile muscle-covered body.
Norse's thoughts on Mylenia; BIO HAZARD The Bewitching Beast of the North Sea, page 178.
Mylenia was a hybrid B.O.W. (“warrior”) created using the DNA of Mylene Beardsley and the Neo T-Virus. It was superior to the Neo T B.O.W.s in every conceivable way and could be seen as the culmination of Neo T-Virus research.
Mylene called Mylenia “another me” and her “alter ego”, hence its name being similar to Mylene's own. As it had all of Mylene's defining physical characteristics, Mylenia was probably created using a clone of Mylene. Mylene, in her vanity, saw herself as being above other humans, and so, she thought, a weapon based on herself would be above any other. It may have been infected with the virus in the embryonic stage, or as an adult.
Mylene called Mylenia “another me” and her “alter ego”, hence its name being similar to Mylene's own. As it had all of Mylene's defining physical characteristics, Mylenia was probably created using a clone of Mylene. Mylene, in her vanity, saw herself as being above other humans, and so, she thought, a weapon based on herself would be above any other. It may have been infected with the virus in the embryonic stage, or as an adult.
Mylenia had many of the same symptoms as the inferior Neo B.O.W.s – it was large, covered in thin, silver hair (the same color as Mylena’s hair, which could imply the other monsters were covered in fur that was based on their natural hair color as well; this is unlikely, as all of the Neo T B.O.W.s had red fur), had claws, fangs, and a tail. Its claws were knife-like and roughly the same in size as those possessed by the Neo B.O.W.s (30 centimeters or 1 foot), but it had one on each of its fingers. Mylenia's tail was long, thin, and elastic, and it could fully control it.
Despite its beastly qualities, Mylenia had the shape and many of the features of a beautiful woman, and this combined with its silver body hair and pale skin gave it the appearance of a “bewitchingly” beautiful “apparition”. It was described as a “beast in the shape of a woman”, noble and ferocious in equal measure. It had Mylene’s long silver hair on its head and golden eyes. Its pupils were described as cat-like and shining, which would indicate that it had both slit pupils and reflective lenses like those on Neo B.O.W.s. This could have been due to feline genes or a latent mutation tendency in the virus. Curiously, viral adapters like Albert Wesker also had golden eyes with slit pupils.
Mylenia's depiction in the novel's art lacks the tail and body hair described in the story. In the art it is depicted as having many of the same features as the T-002 Tyrant, such as an exposed secondary heart, enlarged blood vessels, pale skin, and tumors on its leg. Mylenia was likely meant to be, in essence, a Neo-Tyrant. Its sharp canine teeth were similar looking to those on the Tyrant C. The text description for Mylenia does not necessarily have to exclude these qualities - it is possible that they were just never mentioned.
Despite its beastly qualities, Mylenia had the shape and many of the features of a beautiful woman, and this combined with its silver body hair and pale skin gave it the appearance of a “bewitchingly” beautiful “apparition”. It was described as a “beast in the shape of a woman”, noble and ferocious in equal measure. It had Mylene’s long silver hair on its head and golden eyes. Its pupils were described as cat-like and shining, which would indicate that it had both slit pupils and reflective lenses like those on Neo B.O.W.s. This could have been due to feline genes or a latent mutation tendency in the virus. Curiously, viral adapters like Albert Wesker also had golden eyes with slit pupils.
Mylenia's depiction in the novel's art lacks the tail and body hair described in the story. In the art it is depicted as having many of the same features as the T-002 Tyrant, such as an exposed secondary heart, enlarged blood vessels, pale skin, and tumors on its leg. Mylenia was likely meant to be, in essence, a Neo-Tyrant. Its sharp canine teeth were similar looking to those on the Tyrant C. The text description for Mylenia does not necessarily have to exclude these qualities - it is possible that they were just never mentioned.
Mylenia’s powerful muscles gave it incredible strength and mobility, which were complimented by its superpowered reflexes. It was capable of using its claws to rip Zombies to shreds or to bisect a human at the waist in an instant. Its jaw was strong enough and its teeth were sharp enough to bite a metal shotgun barrel in half. When Norse stabbed it in the left arm with his knife, it could push the knife out simply by flexing its muscles.
Mylenia could run and swim far faster and with more grace than a human being. It was able to leap high into the air and close the distance between itself and a target in an instant. It could spin multiple times in the air and ricochet off of surfaces. This made its arial attacks devastating. Most impressively, it had the speed and reaction time to dodge bullets and shotgun shells at point-blank range by twisting and flipping its body in a manner comparable to Albert Wesker. Mylenia’s senses were implied to be especially sharp as well.
Mylenia could run and swim far faster and with more grace than a human being. It was able to leap high into the air and close the distance between itself and a target in an instant. It could spin multiple times in the air and ricochet off of surfaces. This made its arial attacks devastating. Most impressively, it had the speed and reaction time to dodge bullets and shotgun shells at point-blank range by twisting and flipping its body in a manner comparable to Albert Wesker. Mylenia’s senses were implied to be especially sharp as well.
Mylenia was highly intelligent and had a “human-like will”. According to Mylene it “perfectly understands how I feel”. It carried itself like a human would, in clear contrast to the Neo B.O.W.s. This intelligence aided Mylenia in combat – while it had a beast-like savagery, it practiced caution and would utilize stealth and hit-and-run tactics. It would watch its prey and wait for the ideal opportunity to attack. It could even predict where Norse would aim with his shotgun and the timing needed to dodge it.
Despite its intelligence and human-like behavior, Mylenia expressed its emotions with animal-like vocalizations and would often roar and growl in battle. Its voice ranged from deep to high pitched. Mylenia's roaring was compared to a beautiful stringed instrument. This further demonstrates how Mylenia was the perfect fusion of a noble human and a savage beast.
While Mylenia was often stored in a flask similar to those used for Neo B.O.W.s (and released when Mylene typed the “M” key on a keyboard three times), it was sometimes allowed to roam the woods of Gaddywall Island at night. It often perched itself on a hilltop and howled at the moon. While howling at the moon is a behavior often associated with dogs and wolves, this is actually a misconception. Grief and sadness are one of the primary reasons canines howl alongside communication and announcing their territory to competitors and threats. Canines only seem to howl at the moon because they are nocturnal. Mylenia’s nighttime howls were noted by Norse to carry sadness, “as well as certain loftiness and pride”. Mylenia’s sense of pride and nobility could imply that Mylene’s memories affected the creature even when they were dormant (see below). The sadness it expressed could imply that it hated its condition, or even that it resented not having control over its own body.
While Mylenia was often stored in a flask similar to those used for Neo B.O.W.s (and released when Mylene typed the “M” key on a keyboard three times), it was sometimes allowed to roam the woods of Gaddywall Island at night. It often perched itself on a hilltop and howled at the moon. While howling at the moon is a behavior often associated with dogs and wolves, this is actually a misconception. Grief and sadness are one of the primary reasons canines howl alongside communication and announcing their territory to competitors and threats. Canines only seem to howl at the moon because they are nocturnal. Mylenia’s nighttime howls were noted by Norse to carry sadness, “as well as certain loftiness and pride”. Mylenia’s sense of pride and nobility could imply that Mylene’s memories affected the creature even when they were dormant (see below). The sadness it expressed could imply that it hated its condition, or even that it resented not having control over its own body.
Mylenia’s superiority over the other creations of the Neo T-Virus was largely owing to the “superior genes” of Mylene, although other modifications were likely made to it during its development. Most, if not all of the enhancements made to Mylene’s body were to her brain, which boosted her mental capacity – this is likely why Mylenia was mentally superior to other Neo T B.O.W.s. and how it could have resisted the brain damage symptoms common in t-Virus strains.
Mylenia had cybernetic attachments to its brain. These could have been, in some part, a replication of the same enhancements made to Mylene. However, these served several very important purposes unique to Mylenia: control and memory transfer.
Mylenia could be perfectly controlled remotely using a watch-shaped transmitter Myelene wore on her wrist. This technology could have been related to that used for the T-0400TP and T-A.L.O.S. Mylenia also responded to verbal commands from Mylene. When the transmitter was destroyed by Gilliam, a “deactivation command” was sent out. Mylenia stopped moving and growling “as if it had fallen asleep”. It remained standing and seemed to be aware of what transpired when it was dormant, so it is likely that it was still conscious in this state. This may have been a safety precaution to prevent Mylenia from going out of control if the transmitter was damaged.
Mylenia could be perfectly controlled remotely using a watch-shaped transmitter Myelene wore on her wrist. This technology could have been related to that used for the T-0400TP and T-A.L.O.S. Mylenia also responded to verbal commands from Mylene. When the transmitter was destroyed by Gilliam, a “deactivation command” was sent out. Mylenia stopped moving and growling “as if it had fallen asleep”. It remained standing and seemed to be aware of what transpired when it was dormant, so it is likely that it was still conscious in this state. This may have been a safety precaution to prevent Mylenia from going out of control if the transmitter was damaged.
When Mylene was killed by Norse, the secondary purpose of the cybernetic implants in Mylenia fulfilled their function. Mylene’s memories up to a certain point were copied and implanted into Myelnia at a previous time. When Mylene’s “primary brain” (the one located in her own skull) died, the memories implanted into Mylenia would “awaken”. This tranference was made possible by the computer-mediated, brain genetic rewriting program - information from Myelene's brain was rewritten as computer data and then translated again into information in Mylenia's brain. This is very similar to the technology used by Alex Wesker to clone her own mind and imprint it into Natalia Korda.
When Mylene’s “mind'' took over Mylenia, she was able to disarm the deactivation command herself, implying that the control mechanisms were no longer in effect in this state. When coming out of the deactivation state, Mylenia’s eyes “began to shine dully”.
While controlled by Mylene’s copied mind, Mylenia was capable of speaking. This not only showed that it had human vocal cords, but that its “voice and vocal tones were the same as Mylene’s.”
When Mylene’s “mind'' took over Mylenia, she was able to disarm the deactivation command herself, implying that the control mechanisms were no longer in effect in this state. When coming out of the deactivation state, Mylenia’s eyes “began to shine dully”.
While controlled by Mylene’s copied mind, Mylenia was capable of speaking. This not only showed that it had human vocal cords, but that its “voice and vocal tones were the same as Mylene’s.”
Despite its many strengths, Mylenia was not as durable as most Tyrants, a fact it normally compensated for with its ability to dodge gunfire. It also felt pain. When distracted by a boat’s engine, Norse fired all of the bullets remaining in Gilliam’s Colt King Cobra at Mylenia’s torso. The destructive force of the colt tore Mylenia’s body in two. Despite this, Mylenia proved itself to still have vitality far exceeding that of a human. The upper half of its body not only survived, but after falling into the sea it was able to swim up to a moving boat and climb up the stern of it, using its claws to dig into the hull. Norse slammed a mooring anchor into the brow of Mylenia as it climbed, seemingly killing the monster. Its upper half then dropped into the water and was consumed by a large whirlpool.