The G-Virus will make us the leaders in modern warfare and present a benchmark in scientific discovery that will be more significant than the polio vaccine or the atomic bomb. That is because the G-Virus will put natural evolution in the palm of our hands. Together with your help we will have the power to harness the full potential of humankind.
A presentation to Umbrella employees, from Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, Echo Six Expansion Pack 2
The crowning achievement of William Birkin, and the second most iconic virus in the series. The Golgotha Virus, or simply the G-Virus or G, was the first artificial virus to tap into the true potential of Progenitor, while the t-Virus merely scratched the surface. In a sense, while the t-Virus Project aimed to weaken Progenitor, the G-Virus Project aimed to evolve it.
Lisa Trevor

The young Lisa Trevor was able to partially bond with the strain of the Progenitor Virus she was injected with. Ancient adapters to the virus gained amazing abilities of strength, regeneration, and intellect, but modern humans cannot survive its powerful mutations - not even Albert Wesker could survive vanilla Progenitor. While Lisa's strain had been weakened, the fact she survived, let alone developed abilities, marked her as special. While she suffered necrosis and brain cell rejection, her vitality became so strong that she could be considered immortal. Given her unique nature, Oswell E. Spencer (CEO, President, and Co-Founder of the Umbrella Corporation) obviously saw value in her in reaching his goals of forced human evolution. She became the primary test subject at the Arklay Labs, but replicating or improving her status in other hosts proved impossible. She eventually became more of a curiosity than a vital step towards evolving humanity, and she was carelessly experimented on. She was injected with every strain of the t-Virus developed by the lab over the decades, yet her outward appearance and biological state remained the same. No one could figure out why.
Lisa developed an enlarged eye growth on her back, a common mutation tendency in G mutants, and a trait possibly originating from Progenitor itself (many enemies with eye growths from the version of Resident Evil 4 that became Devil May Cry are attributed to G or Progenitor, with some confusion over what virus is involved with each. Other mutants unrelated to G also develop eye growths, like Mutant Pedro).
Lisa developed an enlarged eye growth on her back, a common mutation tendency in G mutants, and a trait possibly originating from Progenitor itself (many enemies with eye growths from the version of Resident Evil 4 that became Devil May Cry are attributed to G or Progenitor, with some confusion over what virus is involved with each. Other mutants unrelated to G also develop eye growths, like Mutant Pedro).
Nemesis is a parasitic brain created with the t-Virus with elongated tentacles that spread throughout the body and emerge in certain spots, particularly from the hand (this is relevant to G). They tend to grow further as the host is damaged, secreting chemicals that can speed up the activity of the t-Virus to aid in T-host healing. In early experiments, no host, be it human or B.O.W., could survive infection with Nemesis. See Nemesis Analysis for more information on this parasite.
After executive researcher Albert Wesker convinced his partner William Birkin to acquire a sample and inject it into Lisa, the parasite disappeared. Birkin, intrigued, examined Lisa with new a perspective, and discovered that Lisa had absorbed the parasite into her body. This resulted in her developing tentacles that emerged from her back, particularly when she healed from damage.
After executive researcher Albert Wesker convinced his partner William Birkin to acquire a sample and inject it into Lisa, the parasite disappeared. Birkin, intrigued, examined Lisa with new a perspective, and discovered that Lisa had absorbed the parasite into her body. This resulted in her developing tentacles that emerged from her back, particularly when she healed from damage.

It was realized with this discovery that Lisa's body absorbed and integrated every virus she was infected with. Due to her amazing vitality from Progenitor, her body adapted in accordance to whatever damage was inflicted, or whatever mutagen invaded her body, regardless of how lethal it was. Birkin extracted the virus from her, which due to constant recombination with other viruses in her body had become something entirely unique. Birkin, aimless with the Tyrant research going nowhere and realizing this new potential, petitioned for the approval of a new virus project based on this strain. With all prior strains, including t-Veronica, falling under the t-Virus Project, this new line of research was a bold move. To Wesker's astonishment, and despite the impractical and expensive avenues this project called for, Spencer approved, as this marked a huge step forward in his ultimate goals. Thus began the G-Virus Project, and this strain from Lisa was used to create the G-Virus.
Birkin’s Ambition
The ability to breed and constantly self-evolve are the traits Birkin sought for in a G B.O.W., as t-Virus B.O.W.s are infertile. But the G-Virus failed to eliminate brain cell rejection, and G mutations were entirely unpredictable. As such, G in its current state is not the optimal bioweapon for creating obedient super soldiers.
However, Birkin discovered another application for G. Like Progenitor, G had the potential to create super humans. Birkin, dissatisfied with Umbrella and the state of the world, envisioned a new world utopia built with the G-Virus, like Spencer envisioned long before. However, his death prior to the completion of the virus put a halt to those plans. Since G is incomplete, the creation of true G-Humans is impossible, and remains so as no one else knew the workings of G well enough to finish it.
However, Birkin discovered another application for G. Like Progenitor, G had the potential to create super humans. Birkin, dissatisfied with Umbrella and the state of the world, envisioned a new world utopia built with the G-Virus, like Spencer envisioned long before. However, his death prior to the completion of the virus put a halt to those plans. Since G is incomplete, the creation of true G-Humans is impossible, and remains so as no one else knew the workings of G well enough to finish it.
DEVIL and Sherry

Birkin also developed a vaccine called DEVIL as a countermeasure. If injected early on during infection, the virus would be destroyed without harming the host. It has been said DEVIL was also designed to help guide infection: DEVIL does not destroy the actual G-Cells, just the virus, meaning it can prevent excessive growth and mutation while allowing G-Cells to develop in a safe manner.
After infection with the G-Virus was halted using the DEVIL vaccine in William's daughter Sherry, she gained some G-Human traits from her newly constructed G tissue. Her ageing was either slowed or stopped, and she gained considerable regenerative powers. Before she was administered DEVIL, the skin around one of Sherry’s eyes became severely inflamed.
After infection with the G-Virus was halted using the DEVIL vaccine in William's daughter Sherry, she gained some G-Human traits from her newly constructed G tissue. Her ageing was either slowed or stopped, and she gained considerable regenerative powers. Before she was administered DEVIL, the skin around one of Sherry’s eyes became severely inflamed.
Artificial Animals
Rather than simply altering the host, G is unique in that it causes a new lifeform to develop inside of the host. After the virus has spread throughout the entire body, it begins to gradually create G-Cells from the host’s biomass. These new cells are based on the genes of both the host and the virus. The virus causes the G-Cells to rapidly reproduce and spread like a cancer, consuming the host from the inside out until no original cells remain.
Birkin designed G so that emerging G cells will attempt to perfectly replicate the host’s cells, allowing them to retain their human form. The resulting “G-Human" would be made up entirely of G-Cells, but would retain the memories and personality of the old brain, perhaps due to genetic memories. Unlike super humans created by Progenitor or the t-Virus, the host’s genetics were irrelevant.
Birkin designed G so that emerging G cells will attempt to perfectly replicate the host’s cells, allowing them to retain their human form. The resulting “G-Human" would be made up entirely of G-Cells, but would retain the memories and personality of the old brain, perhaps due to genetic memories. Unlike super humans created by Progenitor or the t-Virus, the host’s genetics were irrelevant.
Animals perfectly replicated by G would be called G – whatever species they originally were (for example, G-Dog or G-Cat).
G-Humans and G-Animals are capable of reproduction, but only with other G-Humans and G-Animals, classifying them as new species. This demonstrates Progenitor’s true ability – to create life. Whether or not ancient Progenitor actually caused the host to be devoured by new cells, or whether it simply caused genetic changes leading to the development of new animals over multiple generations is unknown (Progenitor did cause the first cells to form a nucleus). It's possible the G-Virus actually created this aspect with Progenitor's raw capacity, excessive recombination, and Nemesis genes.
G cells do not age, and unlike t-Virus mutants they can continually evolve over time. G-Humans and G-Animals would essentially be immortal.
G-Humans and G-Animals are capable of reproduction, but only with other G-Humans and G-Animals, classifying them as new species. This demonstrates Progenitor’s true ability – to create life. Whether or not ancient Progenitor actually caused the host to be devoured by new cells, or whether it simply caused genetic changes leading to the development of new animals over multiple generations is unknown (Progenitor did cause the first cells to form a nucleus). It's possible the G-Virus actually created this aspect with Progenitor's raw capacity, excessive recombination, and Nemesis genes.
G cells do not age, and unlike t-Virus mutants they can continually evolve over time. G-Humans and G-Animals would essentially be immortal.
While Birkin designed G to attempt to perfectly replicate the host, the imperfect nature of the virus causes faults to arise during development. G-Cells will begin to mutate and acquire new traits, resulting in deviations during imitation. This leads to the creation of a G-Mutant. Unless G is ever finished, all live hosts become G-Mutants.
The resulting G-Mutants are usually referred to as Golgothas, or Gs, similar to how t-Virus mutants are called Tyrants. While a far cry from what Birkin envisioned with G-Humans, Gs are still stronger than t-Virus mutants and near immortal. They are close to what Umbrella wanted from the G-Virus Project, and so in that sense the virus could be seen as near complete.
The only thing holding Gs back from being sold as B.O.W.s is their lack of higher intelligence, making control difficult or outright impossible.
Each G created from injection into a human becomes a different animal that develops its own traits, but there are some consistent results between hosts. The most obvious is the development of fully functioning eyeballs of various sizes on various spots throughout the body (particularly on the shoulder in humans). While possibly a natural effect of Progenitor, these eyes are more common in G due to being derived from Lisa, who also developed an eyeball growth on her back.
The resulting G-Mutants are usually referred to as Golgothas, or Gs, similar to how t-Virus mutants are called Tyrants. While a far cry from what Birkin envisioned with G-Humans, Gs are still stronger than t-Virus mutants and near immortal. They are close to what Umbrella wanted from the G-Virus Project, and so in that sense the virus could be seen as near complete.
The only thing holding Gs back from being sold as B.O.W.s is their lack of higher intelligence, making control difficult or outright impossible.
Each G created from injection into a human becomes a different animal that develops its own traits, but there are some consistent results between hosts. The most obvious is the development of fully functioning eyeballs of various sizes on various spots throughout the body (particularly on the shoulder in humans). While possibly a natural effect of Progenitor, these eyes are more common in G due to being derived from Lisa, who also developed an eyeball growth on her back.
Another common G-Mutant trait is the development of tentacles due to Nemesis genes, a mouth similar to those seen on lamprey eels, claws, and dark, extremely strong skin.
V-ACT in G-Mutants
Virus Activation is a natural process in Progenitor-based viruses. It is the result of the host undergoing extreme damage or even death, which leads to repairs and new mutations. An example of this process would be a Zombie transforming into a Crimson Head.
In t-Virus hosts, V-ACT only occurs once, or not at all. However, G can undergo V-ACT indefinitely. Each time a G is hurt, it heals and mutates. Each time it mutates, it develops or loses traits in response to the damage inflicted.
Exactly how long it takes for G-Cells to completely replace the host is unknown, but the excessive viral activity caused by V-ACT will speed up this process, leading to sometimes instantaneous mutations. The speed of this development will lead to faults in the resulting form.
Once a host is entirely converted into a complete G creature, further V-ACT mutations tend to compromise its efficiency, as it has already reached a sort of perfection and stability.
In t-Virus hosts, V-ACT only occurs once, or not at all. However, G can undergo V-ACT indefinitely. Each time a G is hurt, it heals and mutates. Each time it mutates, it develops or loses traits in response to the damage inflicted.
Exactly how long it takes for G-Cells to completely replace the host is unknown, but the excessive viral activity caused by V-ACT will speed up this process, leading to sometimes instantaneous mutations. The speed of this development will lead to faults in the resulting form.
Once a host is entirely converted into a complete G creature, further V-ACT mutations tend to compromise its efficiency, as it has already reached a sort of perfection and stability.
G Reproduction
G-Mutants are driven by instinct to reproduce. But due to their imperfect development, reproduction is flawed. G will seek to implant embryos for new G creatures into human hosts. Embryos are implanted using tentacles emerging from the Gs body, into the unlucky human’s mouth. This is extremely similar to the behavior of Nemesis-T Type in Resident Evil 3 Reimagined (2020).
If the new host has genes similar to the host the original G is based on, the embryo will fuse with the host and develop into another, more stable G also capable of reproduction. Gs will seek out former blood relatives for reproduction for this reason. The parasitic nature of reproduction along with its delivery system is likely due to Nemesis genes.
It is unknown what a stable, second generation G would be like, as none have ever been created. Sherry Birkin, being implanted by a G based on her father, would have turned into a true second generation G-Mutant, if she had not been administered DEVIL. During her infection, one of her eyes became inflamed.
If the new host lacks the correct genes, the developing embryo, in its larval state, will reject the host and rip itself free, Alien style. The larva will quickly mature and grow into a G-Adult Body. This was seen with Brian Irons and Monica.
If the new host has genes similar to the host the original G is based on, the embryo will fuse with the host and develop into another, more stable G also capable of reproduction. Gs will seek out former blood relatives for reproduction for this reason. The parasitic nature of reproduction along with its delivery system is likely due to Nemesis genes.
It is unknown what a stable, second generation G would be like, as none have ever been created. Sherry Birkin, being implanted by a G based on her father, would have turned into a true second generation G-Mutant, if she had not been administered DEVIL. During her infection, one of her eyes became inflamed.
If the new host lacks the correct genes, the developing embryo, in its larval state, will reject the host and rip itself free, Alien style. The larva will quickly mature and grow into a G-Adult Body. This was seen with Brian Irons and Monica.
(G-Adult textures from The Darkside Chronicles)
These rejected Gs are defective, lacking the impressive regeneration and V-ACT of stable Gs, but are not lacking in strength and aggressiveness. Their forms are disproportionate and misshapen, and they inherit traits from both the original G and the rejected host. G-Adults tend to develop an eye growth, and In Resident Evil 2 Reimagined (2019) they sometimes develop a fatty growth over the eye. G-Adults without this growth may be younger. Destroying this eye is fatal, suggesting it is placed over vital organs. In some depictions G-Adults have no skull surrounding the top of the brain, and this in conjunction with translucent forehead skin causes the brain to become visible outside of the head.
G-Adults continually birth new larvae, called G-Young Bodies, from the mouth. In RE2R, G-Adults birth their young from a tentacle/tongue-like tube which extends from the mouth. The entire head of a G-Adult will peel back like a blooming flower to make room for this tube.
These defective G-Young lack the capacity to breed. They are, however, capable of locomotion and primitive attacks on potential sources of food. Their appearance somewhat resembles sperm.
In RE2R, G-Young possess around 7 eyes and a human mouth on their undersides. Like the Torpedo kid mutant, they will rapidly swim towards prey, then burst, covering targets in chemicals. According to a loading screen, the chemicals released by G-Young and vomited by G-Adults are bile. This bile is poisonous.
These defective G-Young lack the capacity to breed. They are, however, capable of locomotion and primitive attacks on potential sources of food. Their appearance somewhat resembles sperm.
In RE2R, G-Young possess around 7 eyes and a human mouth on their undersides. Like the Torpedo kid mutant, they will rapidly swim towards prey, then burst, covering targets in chemicals. According to a loading screen, the chemicals released by G-Young and vomited by G-Adults are bile. This bile is poisonous.
(G-Young textures from Resident Evil 2 Reimagined 2019)
In RE2R, G-Adults appear to dwell in a sort of "G hive" in the Raccoon City sewer system. The purpose of this hive is open to interpretation, but it could be to protect developing Gs or related to reproduction somehow. The “meat” making up this hive could even be G-Adults that degenerate into blobs over time.

Injecting the G-Virus into corpses creates G-Zombies. This trait may come from one of the many t-Virus' assimilated into G, or from Progenitor itself. Dead cells lack the necessary ATP to reproduce and mutate, and so only basic reanimation is possible (however, in Resident Evil 1.5, injecting G into corpses simply created inferior G-Mutants).
While no one has been able to complete G, it has been used to create four different viruses: t+G (t-Virus + G-Virus), the C-Virus (t-02 + G), Uroboros (G and t-Veronica were used as a reference), and the Basilisk Virus (G + snake genes).
Like T, the G-Virus can infect any organism, but the only examples are from scrapped content from Outbreak and RE3.5. The effects of G in animals appears to be very similar to the effects of T (with an increase in size and aggression being the most notable developments), aside from dogs, which develop new limbs and heads. This may imply most non-mammalian (and some mammals) hosts of the G-Virus are not replaced by G-Cells, probably because G research was aimed at humans.
Having a natural resistance to the t-Virus does not protect from G, so the 10% of hosts immune to the early t-Virus are not safe from G.
While no one has been able to complete G, it has been used to create four different viruses: t+G (t-Virus + G-Virus), the C-Virus (t-02 + G), Uroboros (G and t-Veronica were used as a reference), and the Basilisk Virus (G + snake genes).
Like T, the G-Virus can infect any organism, but the only examples are from scrapped content from Outbreak and RE3.5. The effects of G in animals appears to be very similar to the effects of T (with an increase in size and aggression being the most notable developments), aside from dogs, which develop new limbs and heads. This may imply most non-mammalian (and some mammals) hosts of the G-Virus are not replaced by G-Cells, probably because G research was aimed at humans.
Having a natural resistance to the t-Virus does not protect from G, so the 10% of hosts immune to the early t-Virus are not safe from G.
William Birkin, after being fatally shot by Umbrella Secret Service (USS), injected himself with the G-Virus to preserve his life. Prior to his transformation, Birkin's blood vessels in the eyes burst, turning them red. This is a common symptom of Progenitor-based viruses. G-Birkin went through five stages in its lifespan, each named by number.
As G-1, its intelligence and memories remained comparatively intact, as it pursued the USS, devoured the liberated G-Virus samples to keep them "safe", called out Sherry's name, and used a metal pipe as a weapon. In the original game and in Outbreak, it developed claws at this stage only to appear later without them. They were apparently retractable.
G-1 remained mostly human looking, with G-Cells mostly consuming his right arm. This arm grew considerably, and ripped open at three points to reveal a giant eye with three sided eyelids. The iris of this eye is sometimes depicted as a reptilian-like slit, similar to adapters of the Progenitor Virus. A tentacle like that seen on the Nemesis T-Type extended from the hand for implanting embryos, due to Nemesis genes in the virus.
As G-1, its intelligence and memories remained comparatively intact, as it pursued the USS, devoured the liberated G-Virus samples to keep them "safe", called out Sherry's name, and used a metal pipe as a weapon. In the original game and in Outbreak, it developed claws at this stage only to appear later without them. They were apparently retractable.
G-1 remained mostly human looking, with G-Cells mostly consuming his right arm. This arm grew considerably, and ripped open at three points to reveal a giant eye with three sided eyelids. The iris of this eye is sometimes depicted as a reptilian-like slit, similar to adapters of the Progenitor Virus. A tentacle like that seen on the Nemesis T-Type extended from the hand for implanting embryos, due to Nemesis genes in the virus.
(G-1 textures from The Darkside Chronicles)
In Resident Evil 2 Reimagined (2019), G-1's shoulder eye growth was capable of receding into his body. When it emerges, Birkin went into a frenzy as a result of the G-Cells taking more full control (his voice also changed in this state). In this depiction G-1 implanted both humans and Zombies with embryos.
G-1 rarely left the sewers, and only did so on several occasions to pursue Sherry Birkin. Genetic memories inherited from Birkin as well as whatever remained of Birkin’s mind likely served as G-1's instincts, allowing it to identify Sherry and causing it to remain in areas familiar to Birkin. A real theory exists that states that genetic memories inherited from ancestors are responsible for all natural instincts.
G-1 rarely left the sewers, and only did so on several occasions to pursue Sherry Birkin. Genetic memories inherited from Birkin as well as whatever remained of Birkin’s mind likely served as G-1's instincts, allowing it to identify Sherry and causing it to remain in areas familiar to Birkin. A real theory exists that states that genetic memories inherited from ancestors are responsible for all natural instincts.
(G-1 textures from Resident Evil 2 Reimagined 2019)
After V-ACT, G-1 became G-2. Its right arm grew even larger. Its eye gained a more rounded shape, and its massive claws returned. These claws resembled those seen on Super Tyrants, and their presence is seen in other V-ACT hosts such as the Crimson Head and Licker, possibly making this a common virus mutation tendency. Aside from the arm, the rest of G-2's body also became altered by the G-Virus. Its left arm grew, and a third arm began to develop. A small lamprey eel mouth began development in the center of its chest. Another eye began to develop as well.
(G-2 textures from The Darkside Chronicles)
G-2's most distinguishing feature was the head: Birkin's original skull had been destroyed, with the face and scalp melding into its torso. In its place grew a new skull, with a single eye and small teeth. Its overall shape was uneven, and whether or not the original brain was fully gone is open to debate, as in TDC he shrieks Sherry's name as late as G-5
(G-2 textures from Resident Evil 2 Reimagined 2019)
G-3 contained almost no trace of human. At this point, G-Birkin was an entirely new animal, and it was a stable organism with optimal abilities and a well-proportioned body. It's strength, speed, agility, and durability rivaled a Super Tyrant. This stage is what Birkin envisioned as a G B.O.W. - a perfect new organism.
(G-3 textures from The Darkside Chronicles)
G-3's third arm was fully formed and joined by a fourth, and both sported large claws. The original arms were then identical to each other (except for the eye), and raised towards the back of its shoulders like wings, giving its silhouette the appearance of a fallen angel. The lamprey mouth grew, and Birkin's original face was gone. Another eye growth developed, and the new head was fully formed. Its height increased so that it towered over Tyrants.
G-3's internal anatomy was also completely altered, with new organs and an enlarged heart capable of supporting its massive body. Its speed and agility were raised to incredible levels.
Birkin's original face was still present as a patch of skin, despite his transformation into a full G creature being complete. Over time even this patch was replaced with G skin.
Inside his lamprey eel mouth was a bundle of eye growths which were especially vulnerable to damage, perhaps due to their close proximity to vital organs such as the heart. All eye growths could no longer blink, but could be regrown if they were destroyed.
G-3's internal anatomy was also completely altered, with new organs and an enlarged heart capable of supporting its massive body. Its speed and agility were raised to incredible levels.
Birkin's original face was still present as a patch of skin, despite his transformation into a full G creature being complete. Over time even this patch was replaced with G skin.
Inside his lamprey eel mouth was a bundle of eye growths which were especially vulnerable to damage, perhaps due to their close proximity to vital organs such as the heart. All eye growths could no longer blink, but could be regrown if they were destroyed.
(G-3 textures from Resident Evil 2 Reimagined 2019)
Despite reaching the ideal form in G-3, excessive damage triggered V-ACT again. Since G-3 was already a fully formed stable organism, further developments diminished its efficiency. G-4's upper body expanded and grew, with its sheer weight forcing it into a quadrupedal stance. The legs bent accordingly, and the original pair of arms grew into feet. The lamprey mouth grew immensely, and enveloped the top of the torso, with the head fused at its top. The fangs expanded outward to act as a battering ram or a goring weapon. Its metabolism spiked to such a degree that its breeding instinct was replaced with constant hunger, like Zombies, and G-4 began consuming many Zombies and Lickers.
(G-4 texture from The Darkside Chronicles)
In RE2R, G-4’s appearance was heavily altered. The extra set of arms were either lost, or fused with the original arms to create larger limbs. While still relying on quadrupedal movements due to the size of his upper body, Birkin could still stand on two legs. His lamprey mouth still sported a lump of eye growths, although the rest of his body was devoid of them. Several limbs could be seen extending from his body due to devouring zombies, and large tentacles or intestines drooped from his maw.
(G-4 textures from Resident Evil 2 Reimagined 2019)
Even further mutations caused G-4 to expand uncontrollably and lose its stable shape. G-5 was a massive blob of flesh with an even larger mouth that dominated its front side. Most recognizable features were lost, and the limbs of Zombies and such could be seen extending from its sides, still being digested. The remaining pair of arms turned into tentacles like those used in breeding as G-1, but tipped with three-pronged claws in TDC. Many secondary tentacles and limbs extended from its body, which it uses to pull its massive body forward very slowly.
(G-5 textures from The Darkside Chronicles)
In RE2R, G-5 possessed a single gigantic eye in its mouth. This establishes a link to Simmons' T-Rex form, which was due to the C-Virus (which contains G). No further mutations were achieved, as G-5 was totally incinerated.
(G-5 textures from Resident Evil 2 Reimagined 2019)
In The Darkside Chronicles, G-5 could vomit up “living” Zombies to attack prey. These Zombies have unique features, including a G-like eyeball, and their game texture identifies them as “GZ”. These Zombies were likely consumed by G-5, then ejected mid-digestion. Being partially digested resulted in a lack of feet and heavily damaged bodies.
These Zombies were either uninfected corpses revived by the G-Virus, making them G-Zombies, or they were regular T-Zombies also infected with G.
These Zombies were either uninfected corpses revived by the G-Virus, making them G-Zombies, or they were regular T-Zombies also infected with G.
Curtis Miller infected himself with a sample of the G-Virus taken from Fredrick Downing, a scientist who formerly worked under Birkin. The former wanted to be a martyr in the quest to uncover the truth of the Raccoon City Destruction Incident, while the latter wanted a combat demonstration for the G-Virus to entice buyers.
G-Curtis only went through two stages before it was completely obliterated. However, its development into a full G creature was faster than with G-Birkin. While G’s random mutations resulted in features unique to G-Curtis, many traits very similar to G-Birkin surfaced.
It's first form, like Birkin's G-1 form, was characterized by the development of extra muscle mass, claws on one arm, and a large eye growth on the shoulder (although of a different shape and color). Its other arm extended in length as well, but not width.
G-Curtis only went through two stages before it was completely obliterated. However, its development into a full G creature was faster than with G-Birkin. While G’s random mutations resulted in features unique to G-Curtis, many traits very similar to G-Birkin surfaced.
It's first form, like Birkin's G-1 form, was characterized by the development of extra muscle mass, claws on one arm, and a large eye growth on the shoulder (although of a different shape and color). Its other arm extended in length as well, but not width.
The second form of G-Curtis was actually the equivalent of G-3, as the G cells already took over his body and turned it into a full G creature. It was destroyed in this form, but it can be assumed further mutations would be detrimental.
In this form, like G-Birkin, it grew in height, became symmetrical, and had impressive powers of strength and agility. Its head was also replaced with a new one which sprouted from underneath and destroyed the original. The similarities to G-Birkin mostly end here, however, as the G-Virus turns hosts of injection into separate species.
While G-Birkin's skin darkened somewhat, G-Curtis turned jet black. It lacked an extra set of arms, another claw, or a lamprey eel mouth, but had a tail-like tentacle that could be manipulated with great dexterity. Its waist was extremely thin, and its face possessed jowls. It retained enough memory to talk and resist hurting Angela, so like G-Birkin, the status of the original brain is unknown, although this could be the result of genetic memories.
The TRICELL corporation recovered a sample of its corpse, which later aided in Uroboros development.
While G-Birkin's skin darkened somewhat, G-Curtis turned jet black. It lacked an extra set of arms, another claw, or a lamprey eel mouth, but had a tail-like tentacle that could be manipulated with great dexterity. Its waist was extremely thin, and its face possessed jowls. It retained enough memory to talk and resist hurting Angela, so like G-Birkin, the status of the original brain is unknown, although this could be the result of genetic memories.
The TRICELL corporation recovered a sample of its corpse, which later aided in Uroboros development.
The build of Resident Evil 4 that became Devil May Cry featured numerous G mutants. Several unique human-based G B.O.W.s existed:
Animals infected with G would tend to become Zombie-like or grow. This could mean they were injected as corpses, failed to develop G-Cells, or are imperfect replications. Among these animals were crows, cats, bats, fish, snakes and leeches. A G-Cat would have been called "Witch".
G-Dogs were created, yet unlike other animals developed several new limbs and eyeballs, like human hosts (and similar to the scrapped, multi-headed G-Dog from Outbreak). This could mean dogs are more compatible with G than other animals, or perhaps these extra parts were grafted on (see below). Going by the name “Undead Dogs”, they were probably injected as corpses.
Marionettes were G-Zombies created by stitching together body parts then injecting them with G. The resulting creatures would move like their namesake. This concept was reused for Revenants in Revelations 2.
Hunters created from scratch using the G-Virus instead of the t-Virus were also present, and were most likely more powerful than their t-Virus counterparts. They were called "Blades".
Nobody were people from an ancient civilization (these became the Ndipaya in RE5) whose bodies were sealed beneath the Spencer Castle then revived with G. These creatures lost their identity, and are called Nobody.
Nobody were formerly warriors, and all that remains is their fighting instincts. They were quadrupeds with claws, like Lickers, and extra limbs like Laura from The Evil Within. They also had eye growths. Their tribal tattoos and attire are still visible.
Nobody were formerly warriors, and all that remains is their fighting instincts. They were quadrupeds with claws, like Lickers, and extra limbs like Laura from The Evil Within. They also had eye growths. Their tribal tattoos and attire are still visible.
Spencer in this version was a Progenitor Human, and after also infecting himself with the G-Virus transformed into a form resembling the third form of G-Birkin.