Project Umbrella Translation
It's a miracle! She chose me!
As a result of various examinations, I seem to have been found highly compatible with the C-Virus.
I'm finally able to discard this fragile body and be reborn as a B.O.W. with a powerful body and near immortal vitality.
Even though I may lose my sense of self, that's nothing to be afraid of. I'll crush all those that stand in her way, and if there's anything she desires, I will get it by any means necessary and present it to her...
I'll become such a knight. Oh, I feel so happy...
today she inject me with C-virus herself
such honor so happy
the moment her supple fingers touched me
so happy i couldnt stop crying shaking
she showed me her smile
her eyes so pretty
im hers
i do anything she wants
for her for her for her
oh how good feeling
feel good
so excited
It's a miracle! She chose me!
As a result of various examinations, I seem to have been found highly compatible with the C-Virus.
I'm finally able to discard this fragile body and be reborn as a B.O.W. with a powerful body and near immortal vitality.
Even though I may lose my sense of self, that's nothing to be afraid of. I'll crush all those that stand in her way, and if there's anything she desires, I will get it by any means necessary and present it to her...
I'll become such a knight. Oh, I feel so happy...
today she inject me with C-virus herself
such honor so happy
the moment her supple fingers touched me
so happy i couldnt stop crying shaking
she showed me her smile
her eyes so pretty
im hers
i do anything she wants
for her for her for her
oh how good feeling
feel good
so excited
Official Japanese Transcript
今日 あの方が自ら わたし にC-ウィルスを打って くださった
とても 名誉だ うれしい
あの方 の しなやかな指先が 私に触れ た 瞬間
私は 幸せの あまり 涙と 震え が 止まら な かった
私 だ けに 見せ てくださっ た あのえがお
うるわしい お声 いい におい
ああ なんて うつくし い 私の め がみ
わたし は あの方 の どれい
あの方の のぞむこ となら なんでも やる
あのかたの ために あのかたの ために
ああ なんだか
ああ なん だ か
すごく こうふ ん す る
今日 あの方が自ら わたし にC-ウィルスを打って くださった
とても 名誉だ うれしい
あの方 の しなやかな指先が 私に触れ た 瞬間
私は 幸せの あまり 涙と 震え が 止まら な かった
私 だ けに 見せ てくださっ た あのえがお
うるわしい お声 いい におい
ああ なんて うつくし い 私の め がみ
わたし は あの方 の どれい
あの方の のぞむこ となら なんでも やる
あのかたの ために あのかたの ために
ああ なんだか
ああ なん だ か
すごく こうふ ん す る
Official English Transcript
"Due to errors or changes in localization, the following may contain inconsistencies with the official Japanese text."
June 20, 2011
At last I've been chosen! The report came back that my body type is highly compatible with the C-Virus! No longer will I have this frail, crude body. I will be reborn as a powerful weapon! There's chance I will no longer retain my humanity, but it is a paltry sacrifice in light of the wonderful gains. This is what I've dreamed about all my life.
I will be reborn!
June 27, 2012
Sh e gave me the v irus ...hers elf
What an h onor I am... happy
He r touch made me c ry with hap piness
Could n't sto p shaking...
He r fing ers He r to uch Her s mile
...only for me
Her soo thing voice her good sm ell
She is b eaut iful
M y go ddes s
I a m h ers
I will do an ything for her
Anything Anything...
I fe el so... I feel s o... good
June 20, 2011
At last I've been chosen! The report came back that my body type is highly compatible with the C-Virus! No longer will I have this frail, crude body. I will be reborn as a powerful weapon! There's chance I will no longer retain my humanity, but it is a paltry sacrifice in light of the wonderful gains. This is what I've dreamed about all my life.
I will be reborn!
June 27, 2012
Sh e gave me the v irus ...hers elf
What an h onor I am... happy
He r touch made me c ry with hap piness
Could n't sto p shaking...
He r fing ers He r to uch Her s mile
...only for me
Her soo thing voice her good sm ell
She is b eaut iful
M y go ddes s
I a m h ers
I will do an ything for her
Anything Anything...
I fe el so... I feel s o... good