Project Umbrella Translation
Observation of Embryo Growth Process In Vivo (Subject No.449)
Immediately after a "G" embryo was implanted in the test subject, a 50cm incision was made from the chest to the abdomen. Began visual observation.
With our medical team's assistance, the subject's level of consciousness was maintained at a constant 0 (lucid) to I-2.
Further observation deemed pointless once the subject's level of consciousness declined. Subject disposed of.
Reproductive Rate Observation (Subject No.501)
Administered G-Virus to Subject 501.
501 turned into a G-Creature and was introduced to a group of 30 subjects.
After 2 hours and 36 minutes, all but one subject were confirmed to have been implanted with embryos. All subjects disposed of.
(One subject lost their mental equilibria and committed suicide during the experiment)
t-Virus Resistance Experiment (Subject No.628, No.639)
Administered G-Virus to Subject 628 who exhibited a marginal resistance to the t-Virus.
Introduced 639, a subject with whom they had a close friendship.
Although 628 displayed some resistance, they implanted an embryo after 24 minutes. Resistance to the t-Virus does not appear to prevent deterioration of intelligence caused by the G-Virus.
Observation of Embryo Growth Process In Vivo (Subject No.449)
Immediately after a "G" embryo was implanted in the test subject, a 50cm incision was made from the chest to the abdomen. Began visual observation.
With our medical team's assistance, the subject's level of consciousness was maintained at a constant 0 (lucid) to I-2.
Further observation deemed pointless once the subject's level of consciousness declined. Subject disposed of.
Reproductive Rate Observation (Subject No.501)
Administered G-Virus to Subject 501.
501 turned into a G-Creature and was introduced to a group of 30 subjects.
After 2 hours and 36 minutes, all but one subject were confirmed to have been implanted with embryos. All subjects disposed of.
(One subject lost their mental equilibria and committed suicide during the experiment)
t-Virus Resistance Experiment (Subject No.628, No.639)
Administered G-Virus to Subject 628 who exhibited a marginal resistance to the t-Virus.
Introduced 639, a subject with whom they had a close friendship.
Although 628 displayed some resistance, they implanted an embryo after 24 minutes. Resistance to the t-Virus does not appear to prevent deterioration of intelligence caused by the G-Virus.