Project Umbrella Translation
The "Plaga" is a parasitic life-form that was sealed beneath a castle reigned over by an old European family, the Salazar family.
Once this Plaga parasitizes a human and assimilates the central nervous system, the person loses their sense of reason and begins attacking others at the command of another kind of Plaga known as the dominant species (or a human it has parasitized).
Although parasitized humans lose their rational mind, they don't lose their human intelligence and are still able to verbally communicate with each other.
In addition, they also have the cunning to use tools so they can corner enemies in groups.
Humans in such a state are referred to as "Ganados" in the Leon Report written by Leon S. Kennedy.
The presence of this Plaga has been confirmed in this operation as well.
How'd the Plaga discovered in Europe show up in Africa?
The shadowy involvement of bioweapons trafficker Ricardo Irving is suspected.
According to intel obtained by the BSAA Alpha Team at the risk of their lives, the Plaga here is an enhanced version of Plaga that was subjected to biological and genetic modifications after being recovered in Europe, making it a more refined weapon.
Related documents verify that this improved Plaga is named "Plaga Type 2" by its developers.
Type 2's distinctive feature is its method of parasitism.
The original Plaga discovered in Europe parasitizes humans in an egg state.
Upon hatching, it develops inside the body and takes control of the mind.
This Type 2, however, parasitizes humans in a mature state.
And the parasitism method is oral ingestion, namely shoved in through the mouth.
Although it's a savage method, Type 2's effects are immediate as a result, whereas the original took several hours or days between being parasitized to mental control.
Consequently, this point results in making it more convenient as a weapon.
In addition, this state of parasitism was witnessed by the BSAA personnel participating in this op.
Humans parasitized by Type 2 have their minds taken over, causing them to lose their sense of reason and start attacking people on command.
(Since they're intended for weapons applications, it's believed a person with the power to issue orders doesn't necessarily need to have the dominant species Plaga)
Their intelligence remains intact and their physical capablities rely on the abilities of the parasitized human, another trait inherited from the original species.
However, since the Plaga has been observed behaving aggressively parasitic in an apparent effort to increase its numbers, its pervasiveness as a weapon is also suspected to have been improved.
According to recovered documents, arms dealers appear to be referring to humans infected with this Type 2 as "Majini."
This is a local word meaning "jinns/evil spirits."
Additionally, the Type 2 codename suggests there could be third or fourth improved Plaga models, but as of yet their existence is unconfirmed.
The "Plaga" is a parasitic life-form that was sealed beneath a castle reigned over by an old European family, the Salazar family.
Once this Plaga parasitizes a human and assimilates the central nervous system, the person loses their sense of reason and begins attacking others at the command of another kind of Plaga known as the dominant species (or a human it has parasitized).
Although parasitized humans lose their rational mind, they don't lose their human intelligence and are still able to verbally communicate with each other.
In addition, they also have the cunning to use tools so they can corner enemies in groups.
Humans in such a state are referred to as "Ganados" in the Leon Report written by Leon S. Kennedy.
The presence of this Plaga has been confirmed in this operation as well.
How'd the Plaga discovered in Europe show up in Africa?
The shadowy involvement of bioweapons trafficker Ricardo Irving is suspected.
According to intel obtained by the BSAA Alpha Team at the risk of their lives, the Plaga here is an enhanced version of Plaga that was subjected to biological and genetic modifications after being recovered in Europe, making it a more refined weapon.
Related documents verify that this improved Plaga is named "Plaga Type 2" by its developers.
Type 2's distinctive feature is its method of parasitism.
The original Plaga discovered in Europe parasitizes humans in an egg state.
Upon hatching, it develops inside the body and takes control of the mind.
This Type 2, however, parasitizes humans in a mature state.
And the parasitism method is oral ingestion, namely shoved in through the mouth.
Although it's a savage method, Type 2's effects are immediate as a result, whereas the original took several hours or days between being parasitized to mental control.
Consequently, this point results in making it more convenient as a weapon.
In addition, this state of parasitism was witnessed by the BSAA personnel participating in this op.
Humans parasitized by Type 2 have their minds taken over, causing them to lose their sense of reason and start attacking people on command.
(Since they're intended for weapons applications, it's believed a person with the power to issue orders doesn't necessarily need to have the dominant species Plaga)
Their intelligence remains intact and their physical capablities rely on the abilities of the parasitized human, another trait inherited from the original species.
However, since the Plaga has been observed behaving aggressively parasitic in an apparent effort to increase its numbers, its pervasiveness as a weapon is also suspected to have been improved.
According to recovered documents, arms dealers appear to be referring to humans infected with this Type 2 as "Majini."
This is a local word meaning "jinns/evil spirits."
Additionally, the Type 2 codename suggests there could be third or fourth improved Plaga models, but as of yet their existence is unconfirmed.
Official Japanese Transcript
No. 03 マジニ
BSAAアルファチームがその命を賭して得た情報によると、このプラーガは欧州で回収された後、生物学的、遺伝学的な改造を施され、兵器としての純度が高められた改良型プラーガ であることが分かった。
BSAAアルファチームがその命を賭して得た情報によると、このプラーガは欧州で回収された後、生物学的、遺伝学的な改造を施され、兵器としての純度が高められた改良型プラーガ であることが分かった。
Official English Transcript
"Due to errors or changes in localization, the following may contain inconsistencies with the official Japanese text."
Listed below is what is currently known regarding the Las Plagas parasite:
Though only recently discovered, the parasite known as Las Plagas was sealed away under the family castle of castellan Ramon Salazar for many generations.
The parasite attaches itself to a human host and is assimilated by the central nervous system. Infected humans lose all rational thinking faculties and are wholly subject to control by another type of Plaga known as control Plaga (usually another infected human). Host may lack rational thought function, but they still retain human-level intelligence such as the ability to understand and communicate with each other. They can also use tools and are surprisingly crafty when working in groups
against an enemy.
Leon S. Kennedy documented his encounter with these infected humans in the Kennedy Report. In his report they were referred to as Ganados.
The presence of Las Plagas in this mission has been confirmed. It is currently unknown how the parasites, discovered in Europe, came to present in Africa. A known bioweapons smuggler, Ricardo Irving, is wanted for questioning regarding this matter.
This information was obtained by the BSAA's Alpha Team at great personal risk to themselves. Their report indicated that a Las Plagas sample was extracted from Europe and has undergone both biological and genetic modification, creating a more
effective and potentially dangerous biological weapon.
This modified Las Plagas has been classified by researchers as Type 2 Plagas. The presence of the Type 2 Plagas has been confirmed to be present in Africa by carious intel reports.
Type 2's initial infection characteristics vary from the original parasite's infection.
The Las Plagas discovered in Europe were infected into humans during the egg phase. They would then reach maturity within the host body at which point hey would assume control of the host's central nervous system.
With Type 2, infection occurs from a mature parasite. This requires it to enter the host orally, usually by being forced directly into the potential host's mouth.
The observed result of this type of infection method is one of extreme muscular convulsions and uncontrollable body spasms.
Also of note, whereas the original Las Plagas took anywhere from a few hours to a few days to assimilate a host, Type 2 requires almost zero maturation time. From this point alone, Type 2 is a much more efficient weapon.
Infections of this type have already been witnessed by BSAA operatives currently stationed in the area.
Type 2 takes over the central nervous system of infected humans, and incapacitates normal rational thought faculties. The infected hosts become willing subjects to the ones that control them. (However, to maximize their effectiveness as a weapon, the person(s) who command them do not need to possess a control Plaga to do so.)
Hosts retain their intelligence, and the abilities of the host are dependent on the abilities inherent in the human before infection. This is the same as with the original version of the Las Plagas parasite.
It has been speculated that to raise their proliferation as a weapon, the parasite has been altered so that its hosts will actively infect others in order to increase their numbers.
According to intel reports, Type 2 hosts are apparently known as Majini to weapons dealers. This word comes from the local language meaning "evil spirit".
Because the codename Type 2 exists, it is presumed that there are subsequent numbered types (e.g. Type 3 and Type 4). No confirmation of this, however, has been acquired at this time.
Listed below is what is currently known regarding the Las Plagas parasite:
Though only recently discovered, the parasite known as Las Plagas was sealed away under the family castle of castellan Ramon Salazar for many generations.
The parasite attaches itself to a human host and is assimilated by the central nervous system. Infected humans lose all rational thinking faculties and are wholly subject to control by another type of Plaga known as control Plaga (usually another infected human). Host may lack rational thought function, but they still retain human-level intelligence such as the ability to understand and communicate with each other. They can also use tools and are surprisingly crafty when working in groups
against an enemy.
Leon S. Kennedy documented his encounter with these infected humans in the Kennedy Report. In his report they were referred to as Ganados.
The presence of Las Plagas in this mission has been confirmed. It is currently unknown how the parasites, discovered in Europe, came to present in Africa. A known bioweapons smuggler, Ricardo Irving, is wanted for questioning regarding this matter.
This information was obtained by the BSAA's Alpha Team at great personal risk to themselves. Their report indicated that a Las Plagas sample was extracted from Europe and has undergone both biological and genetic modification, creating a more
effective and potentially dangerous biological weapon.
This modified Las Plagas has been classified by researchers as Type 2 Plagas. The presence of the Type 2 Plagas has been confirmed to be present in Africa by carious intel reports.
Type 2's initial infection characteristics vary from the original parasite's infection.
The Las Plagas discovered in Europe were infected into humans during the egg phase. They would then reach maturity within the host body at which point hey would assume control of the host's central nervous system.
With Type 2, infection occurs from a mature parasite. This requires it to enter the host orally, usually by being forced directly into the potential host's mouth.
The observed result of this type of infection method is one of extreme muscular convulsions and uncontrollable body spasms.
Also of note, whereas the original Las Plagas took anywhere from a few hours to a few days to assimilate a host, Type 2 requires almost zero maturation time. From this point alone, Type 2 is a much more efficient weapon.
Infections of this type have already been witnessed by BSAA operatives currently stationed in the area.
Type 2 takes over the central nervous system of infected humans, and incapacitates normal rational thought faculties. The infected hosts become willing subjects to the ones that control them. (However, to maximize their effectiveness as a weapon, the person(s) who command them do not need to possess a control Plaga to do so.)
Hosts retain their intelligence, and the abilities of the host are dependent on the abilities inherent in the human before infection. This is the same as with the original version of the Las Plagas parasite.
It has been speculated that to raise their proliferation as a weapon, the parasite has been altered so that its hosts will actively infect others in order to increase their numbers.
According to intel reports, Type 2 hosts are apparently known as Majini to weapons dealers. This word comes from the local language meaning "evil spirit".
Because the codename Type 2 exists, it is presumed that there are subsequent numbered types (e.g. Type 3 and Type 4). No confirmation of this, however, has been acquired at this time.